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Subject 22J2

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Everything posted by Subject 22J2

  1. I had really been enjoying the Hami and MSRs. Seeing 70 people all take off in unison to go handle something is a stand out memory and has been awesome. The way it had been was nice. I would get home from work and run some missions while waiting for the raid, then scurry over to the Hive when it was nearing start time and join up. They way it is now is less nice. I get home from work, scurry over to the Hive and sit there doing nothing for an hour to make sure that I do not lose my spot. The only real plus has been that since we have generally had way less than the 200+ people that other servers seem to have had doing this content we have not had trouble dealing with Hami. We just do it the way we have done it most nights. I have not even seen an MSR since this change as the zone is capped by the time I even get home from work.
  2. I might be 1.5 unicorns. My Fire/Plant blaster hit 50 on Friday. There are 33 listed. My Katana/Bio Brute is nearing 50. There are 11 listed.
  3. So far all of my experience has been below level 50 with no dips into or understanding of how IO sets work or how to slot them with any effectiveness. I have taken a few stabs at trying to do a build in Pines and it rapidly becomes clear that I have no idea what I am doing. So what should I do for a Katana/Bio build? Where should slots go with sets in mind? What sets should be in mind even? I solo a lot with some grouping for TFs. I would like a build that can continue this trend and is able to do well both soloing (TFs ideally) and grouping... Mostly I am at a loss.
  4. Which 3 are the missable ones? I am about to leave Praetoria and would rather not leave them behind. Paragon Wiki was not giving up it's secrets to me.
  5. For me at least the point of reducing xp and increasing inf is to be able to run more of the story arcs without outleveling them and to be able to slot up my character while traveling through the story without farming or trying to PL a different toon just to fund and farm for them.
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