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Mr. Vee

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Posts posted by Mr. Vee

  1. I've had all 4, tank and broot on live, scrap and stalker on HC. Stalker is far and away the best. I'd rate them Stalker>Tanker>Scrapper>Brute. Stalker's the only one you won't be ineffectually chipping away at bosses after everything that was pumping up AAO is dead.

    As to the effectiveness of AAO on stalker, it's fine. Obviously it's not as noticeable as it is on a shield tank vs a non-shield but it's still extra damage for you and less for them.

    Also I'd recommend you try skipping thunderstrike. It's just so slow.

  2. If possible I'd switch sets to cap ranged and take some from aoe. Most aoe attacks are also marked ranged or melee so there'd be less effect from being short of softcap there. And pure aoe attacks would also be more likely to come when you're in phalanx/maneuvers range of teammates. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Neutrio said:


    NOTE:  You will lose the Flames of Prometheus (FoP) power once you do this (it stays active even after you reach Level 50).

    The icon stays active but if you check your power attributes you'll see the buffs are no longer active past 50.

  4. there's probably something you could do with loading bind files but that's a pretty long rabbit trail to go down just to avoid a second press. to me it was the targeting in the fray that was the biggest issue. Once you have them targeted for venge it's just another keypress or click to hit them with something else too.

  5. I see your point on the lethal. I built that a while ago and i think my logic at the time was that I was already doing plenty of both lethal and psi, so ppms and damage amounts being equal (pve) i went with the cheaper option. I do wish the devs would switch damage types in either GW or neuronic shutdown - seems strange to have 2 of the same type damage in the same category, but obviously not a high priority fix.

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  6. I'd move the apoc proc to dominate too but it hits way too hard for me to agree with tidge's slotting - hold duration's immaterial on a corpse and it's up so fast from high global recharge that you're stacking the hold on hard targets anyway. The entombed proc works against you since it has recharge built in to it. My dominate has the two purple procs, glad jav proc, ghost widow proc and 2 +5 damage. ❤️ it, prolly one of my favorite powers in the game. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, TheSpiritFox said:

    Take super speed on MMs. Do it. Take it, put celerity stealth in it, use it.

    better to put celerity or unbounded + stealth in sprint or whatever prestige sprint you use. Leaves the base slot in superspeed for BotZ -kb or winter's gift slow resist.

  8. Yes but it's an aura. You don't need to modify duration because they're getting hit with it constantly. But if you weren't going to slot the purple set then yeah, you're probably best served using the slots elsewhere. 

  9. Still worth the 6 slot because of the 5% ranged defense and 10% recharge in the purple confuse set. It doesn't really need the confuse/fear adjusted because it's an aura. Those IOs only adjust for duration, not magnitude.

  10. 1 hour ago, Camel said:

    Has anyone noticed that Catalysts drop almost 100% of the time when you first log in? Is there an automatic drop, one daily? This has happened to me FAR too many times when I initially log in. I will log in, join a TF, mission team , etc.. And I swear, I ALWAYS get a Catalyst drop immediately. And then I never get one again until I repeat this process. Anyone else notice this too?

    They're one per toon per day, so if you're trying for more you'll need to alt.

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