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Mr. Vee

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Posts posted by Mr. Vee

  1. They're all bucketed together now, so there's no difference as far as the auction house is concerned whether you're bidding on a luck charm or a hydraulic piston. Orange prices fluctuate, usually more on the weekends but you can usually buy it nao for 500-600k. If you're that worried about a couple hundred thousand you can always put in bids at 400k and wait a bit. But the fact that they're all in the same pot also means you don't have to hoard what drops to you. Sell it all and buy what you need when you need it. You'll come out ahead.

  2. I've been filling a storage bin with Ultimates and grabbing some to pass out to teammates for tfs when the team makeup looks suspect. I like to pop them myself for the end of rsf/stf. When they're gone i just refill it, it's not like my afk farmer doesn't have the threads. Now if we were able to transfer threads and components he wouldn't, because the only reason i use him now is to get incarnate levels for alts.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Mr.Sinister said:

    Making the AI better doesn’t diminish you and what you’re capable of.  There are so many ways to deal with the flee.  Break line of sight, use knockdown, take an epic aoe immob, take quicksand.  You are far from needing a reroll.  

    Remember this is a temporary bug, not an AI change. I agree there's no need to reroll but there's no need to respec either. Have faith that it'll get worked out soon. Look how quick the first bug fix patch came.

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  4. My /electric brute is fine on him, mainly because i taunt him from the air with my jetpack and he keeps running up the pole trying to get at me. Once it's time to actually fight him and I land he'll occasionally get a kb past my defense and all the debuffs and 20+ points but it's generally just once and hardly an issue. 

  5. Seems to me your issue is the same as a lot of folks - you're still approaching crafting like you did on the live servers. Bucketing of salvage has completely eliminated any need to save salvage in your base. Just vendor the white/yellow and auction the orange. Then when you need it just buy it. You'll come out ahead influence-wise every time, even with ah fees. Similarly with bucketed enhancements and recipes there's no real need to hang onto recipes either. Just sell what sells well (weekends for best prices), craft what you want to boost or converts well and dump the rest. When it comes time to buy them you can just buy attuned for the same price you sell a regular for or if you want to boost just convert where needed.


    Doing that frees you up to replace those full salvage racks with more enhancement storage in base. 

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  6. Defensive amplifier. 20 million for 8 hours at 50. 4 points mez protect all, even terrorize and confuse which some melee sets don't have protection from. not to mention an extra 5% defense all and 7.5 resist all. Also sg base buffs are a cheap way to add extra mez resist 1.5 hours at a time.

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  7. As far as I can tell it's any aura or DoT patch and who knows what else. Maybe any DoTs as it's pretty constant. Sometimes they seem to run off just for the hell of it. Happens even when taunted by punchvokes or tank attacks or actual taunt. Kinda amounts to a nerf for some things like my poison fendur, for example, who's suddenly having to watch his health bar. But it's pretty annoying to almost everything. It's like the whole game suddenly turned into apex.

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  8. Very nice guide!

    For Gangbuster try starting the Ring of Peebles in ouro - first mish is a barge full of them. I usually run it x5 or more but should get most x3 and possibly all x4. If not there are more in one of the following missions (you wanna finish it for wedding band temp, right?). If you just want to hunt for them the Marconeville area of Port Oakes should get it in 3 or 4 minutes.


    For Hordelings my favorite is the top right small neighborhood (yellow part) of king's row. The rooftops there have more than the rest of the zone and there's also an area on the ground with lots. Perez and the area of steel just north of the Perez entrance get honorable mention. All three are better than the traditional Cap run from the pre-going Rogue Demonic accolade days.


    For Spidersmasher if you don't mind being red aligned for a bit the Midas touched arc in the 10-14 range has tons. First two mishes are almost all wolf spiders with the second mish being a huge kill all map. I usually run it x4 for those mishes then ghost the last for my merit icing. If you just want to hunt the area around the sparky badge is chock full.

  9. '(The amplifiers)... are only really worth it at level 1' bit is only true for new broke folks. Once your money situation is fixed they're worth it for every toon, especially defensive amp.


    Great guide though. A command that might be worth adding is /leaveteam. I see tons of folks in help asking how to reset a mission and it's much easier than finding the exit, getting another mission, setting it, etc. Doesn't work for ouro/tf/ae without killing the arc but great for solo mishes.

  10. I can confirm it can happen entering normally as well. It doesn't happen too often but when it does it's definitely annoying as exiting and re-entering will just put you back in the same boat. As far as a resolution - you can self destruct to get to your base's hospital, or if you have editing permission you can click on edit base, run to a different room, then exit the editor. The funny thing about doing the latter is a couple of times I've done it the portal tried to pull me back as i was moving around the other room in edit mode.

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  11. 57 minutes ago, GM_Tahquitz said:

    Ouroboros and Dark Astoria are good rally points for iTrial assembly with LFG -- it cuts down on traffic in crowded places like Atlas Park and keeps high-level expectations away from the beginning of the game.



    Eww please don't suggest ouro for this. we finally got them back to pocket d on indomitable enough that you don't have 700 mastermind pets blocking the ouro portal making growly and bubbly noises every time someone's forming a trial. But yeah I've yet to figure out why DA isn't standard for them since you can street sweep for exp/threads while the forming's going on.

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  12. Ouro's hardly obsolete - there are all those ms. liberty and azuria drop-offs to contend with plus the enter transport missions that aren't market crash. And the base exit to sharkhead is only situationally useful. That said i use it maybe max 5% of its live usage. The lfg porter and base macro are just so much better in most instances, not to mention how often you can team teleport on a full team.

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  13. yeah i personally just use them for whatever boosters a toon needs and they've usually acquired enough by 50 to buy their own. if you come up with something really good to use them on let us know as i've got >9000 sitting around on alts doing nothing because you have to swim clear to the other side of the uncle scrooge inf pool to get to my merit station.

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