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Mr. Vee

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Posts posted by Mr. Vee

  1. How about this. OP send me a pm and we'll set up a time. I'll transfer a character to whatever server you want and we'll go to the market. I'll sit there on a team with you and you can look for whatever you're wanting on the AH. When you come across something you can't find you tell me and I'll get it for you and tell you exactly what i did to get it. We can repeat this process until you're satisfied you can get the stuff on your own.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  2. It's pretty clear to me now that the OP is not actually reading the responses or is doing so with such an intense preconceived idea of what horrible people we all are that confirmation bias is turning all the responses into youtube comment vitriol. The conspiracy theory stuff leans me toward the latter.

    • Like 5
  3. Honestly, throw out what you have. Start over. Go look at the farm fresh builds thread or any of the other spine/fire threads in the brute section for guidance. Someone's bound to have a budget build somewhere on these forums that'd work for you. 

  4. My bad, i saw the 60% resist effect in danger sense and thought it applied to both the perception and defense debuffs. Should've looked at totals before gasbagging. So even with ageless radial's added ddr it'd be an issue, and that wouldn't apply to the OP's question anyway.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    Im old and my memory may be failing me, but i seem to remember this WAS possible live as long as all members had seen the cutscene before and all agreed to skip it. then again its been a long long time.

    think that was just for itrials, which were coded much later. mother mayhem over and over as many times as we had to run BAF on live was just brutal.

  6. I should have mentioned above when talking about searching for crafted instead of recipes that a good trick is to set your level parameters in the AH for 1-1 before you search. that'll limit your results to attuned enhancements (just make sure you don't buy attuned purples).

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, TheLastEmirate said:

    I'm kind of reaching the point with this where I'm beginning to wonder what the point to talking to or suggesting anything to anyone is.  It's always the same 'well, we've always done it this way' and that seems good enough.  If that's good enough, I guess I'll shut up and not mention it anymore.  Evidently I occur in a vacuum and there are no issues and everything is perfect.


    I don't think anyone's saying anything like that. In fact we couldn't really say that we've always done it this way because it's never been so easy. The issue you're having is more about the way you're going about things than the way the game works. If you're going to only bid on recipes and not consider buying crafted IOs, converting IOs or using merits, then yes, you'll run into problems. If you're willing to be flexible, you'll find that it's incredibly easy to get everything you want on HC for a fraction of the cost it would've been on live. 

    • Like 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    I have over 25 fully specced lvl 50 characters and have never experienced the level of difficulty you seem to be facing however; certain low level recipes such as rectified reticle cannot be purchased via merits and therefore takes much much longer to acquire.

    Sure it can, it's 20 for the to-hit, 50 for the other two. you might just need to use your level slider?

    • Like 1
  9. this got me curious so i went to check my build. I had 81.9 melee lol. 66.7 ranged/aoe which seems more reasonable. but it's not as if i really tried to build for melee - just a consequence of perma mind link, double maneuvers for the team values (giving 40+ defense all to anyone who sticks near me and catches mind link is probably overkill but makes me smile), the auto power being melee and one of the ATO sets having melee. that said with my kamikaze build being mainly melee with essentially no resists, some cushion's probably for the best.


    and of course like every time i open a build i've not looked at in a few weeks i noticed 3 things i'd change that'd require a respec.

  10. Seems to be a widespread problem that people are so used to buying recipes and crafting from the old game that they don't even bother to look for the crafted IO, even when you can get the (usually) better attuned version for the same price if you go that route. I'm constantly baffled by recipes that are more expensive than their crafted version. For a while there I was making 8-10 million on LotG recipes while the crafteds were only 4-7. It's evened out a bit of late but it's still usually not worth crafting if you get a drop.


    And as far as things not being for sale? That's hardly an issue with converters. You'll come up against 0 enhancements for sale here and there, usually in ATO or winter sets, sometimes in sets that are high demand but had their prices fall off so much that convert-and-sell folks went off of them and forgot to check back. But in those cases you either buy something else in the set and convert or convert from something cheaper. Worst case scenario you just use merits.

    • Like 1
  11. Been toying with making an ice control character as I never had one on live either so reading this has been great for info but a sad for those plans. Looking at mids I see ice slick is a location targeted AOE. Have folks tried using it from out of line of sight to mitigate the alphas? That works quite well on blaster's bonfire, so well that I've been taking it on every blaster. Someone mentioned that ice slick's not as good as bonfire now so wondering if that strategy's not workable with ice.

  12. I gave it a long break and just recently tier 4'd it. I still think it's really fun but it's pretty well retired with the rest of my tier 4's - side effect of my skinner box style is that there's really no reason for me to play my characters past tier 4's. unlike live where I needed moar merits, here i have so much cash that i only touch the merits i got as i leveled for whatever boosters the character needs. i'm unfortunately not a play just to play person when there are more food pellets out there to be had, so my 'finished' toons get neglected for new alts getting leveled/finished.


    That said, it was never really an attack chain maxing kind of toon for me. I just grabbed savage to throw birds and bees and I pay absolutely no attention to the blood frenzy mechanic. My typical approach is to drop creepers and seeds of confusion then use whatever powers because nothing's going to be standing long after that. It is really too many powers - I barely remember I have soul drain and the heal and if i were going for the best chain i'm sure half of my stuff could go because my recharge is so high. My bread and butter is pretty much to get in an unkindness before all the lieuts are dead then hold and hawk a boss, feral charge in, vicious slash. maybe the aoe if other things are around. maybe some bees. jump back for more ravens and repeat. It's tough to say really since unless i'm on 4/8/bosses or the av part of a tf the creepers/confuse/flytrap combo melts things too fast to bother getting into too much of a pattern. And with perma-dom it's so safe I can pretty much do whatever feels fun at the particular moment. You probably need to find yourself a pylon person to really answer your questions.

  13. The old version is preferable for a couple reasons - it includes Siege so you don't have to go talk to her in person and abandon like crazy to get him (though he's in Tin Mage too, so not so bad), and it's 60 merits for a pretty quick run. Just don't forget to kill Blackstar in the rescue the prisoner mish as it's not a mish requirement. New version's fine though - it's zippier and some 'helpers' ranging from serpent drummer and penny yin who'll basically pl you while you ghost to objectives to ms. liberty and manti who will die on the first or second mob.


    You'll still need to get anti-matter from Keyes or from someone who has him saved or from flashing back Tina's arc (last resort as both versions have a really awful huge map where's waldo) if you didn't get him on the way up (next toon stop for the arc, it's worth it just to be able to auto-complete the waldo mish). And of course you still need the plaques, shrouded from the nightstar standalone and multidimensional from the hydra dimension fb (just running into the mish and back out will grant it).

    • Thanks 1
  14. 4 hours ago, PeterDutcherJr said:

    It's great for set bonuses and the Kismet Accuracy bonus. I six slot it and get all the bonuses I can, since on stalkers it is the first defensive power.

    that's hide. this is about the pool stealth.

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