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  1. We are still on torch for the most part. Glad you found the game again, Welcome home! I'm still using @gristlebone and @gristlebone2. https://discord.gg/svPMfhcP
  2. Members 56 32 posts All Villain! ALL STALKER! yes thats right ALL STALKER! HAMIDON 8 man Done on 09/12/21 The Clandestine 2 -hami 8 of Inherent Chaos on Torchbearer Took down hamidon in the Abyss. We cleared 2 sets of mitos and then took hami down the rest of the way. THis must be the 2nd time Ever! lol 1.Dm/Dark Stalker "Nazgul" @gristlebone(gris) 2.Stj/Invul Stalker "Uppercuts" @battering-ram(Ram) 3.Psi/Dark Stalker "Reddy Death" @Reddy(Red) 4.Ice/Ice Stalker "Tedgar" @An ArmoredAssassin 5.Ice/ICe Stalker "Actionlope" @Action Figure (Fraaaaynk!) 6.Psi/Bio Stalker "PsioniXxX" @PixXxi Fire 7.Psi/Nin Stalker "Cherry Delight" @ Bambi from Victory 8.Nrgy/SR Stalker "I copied this build" @ Erik The Viking Viddy is in Action Figure's Post above. I think from spawning hami to finishing off Hami it took just under an hour. so there ya go BlazeX.
  3. Didn't record. we did it and have recorded some of the other 8 man hamidon runs we have done. We are gonna do it again and record it this time. Sorry you don't believe it, IDK why anyone would make up something like this but hey we will just do it again.
  4. All Villain! ALL STALKER! yes thats right ALL STALKER! HAMIDON 8 man Done on 08/07/21 The Clandestine-hami 8 of Inherent Chaos on Torchbearer Took down hamidon in the Abyss. We cleared 2 sets of mitos and then took hami down the rest of the way. THis must be a first Ever! 1.Dm/Dark Stalker "Nazgul" @gristlebone(gris) 2.Stj/Invul Stalker "Uppercuts" @battering-ram(Ram) 3.Psi/Dark Stalker "Reddy Death" @Reddy(Red) 4.Ice/Ice Stalker "Tedgar" @An ArmoredAssassin 5.Ice/ICe Stalker "Actionlope" @Action Figure (Fraaaaynk!) 6.Psi/Bio Stalker "PsioniXxX" @PixXxi Fire 7.Psi/Nin Stalker "Cherry Delight" @ Bambi from Victory 8.Sav/Bio Stalker "Cyber-Wolf" @Coffeh
  5. I checked my dark armour tank and Rad Armour . Murky Cloud has end drain res and it appears in recovery resistance in combat attributes. Shows up for rad armour on a brute as well.
  6. ok it appears to be working. I used a sapper to Test it. i still wish it showed up in combat attributes. 🙂
  7. yeah I will test before for sure . I just made toon and slotted it. i have another Bio stalker same problem, but that toon doesn't have to have it . I am wondering if this occurs with other ATs.
  8. you are right it doesn't have an end drain resistance in combat attributes, It does have recov resistance which if you get the end drain resistance buff from bases it shows up in Recovery resistance. If its working then great, but if it is not this stalker will get drained when tanking hamidon. I would have just went with regen if it is not working, i would atleast know the toon doesn't have any end drain resistance. IDK hopefully it is working. thx the reply.
  9. My issue with the power BOUNDLESS ENERGY (auto) is that the end drain resistance from it doesn't seem to register in combat attributes. It is either working and not showing in combat attributes or is just bugged and The End resistance is not working. The recharge time resistance for same power is working in combat attributes.
  10. We are working on that , an we did in fact try that the week before this one. We failed that one, but we have plans to try it again.
  11. thanks man
  12. oops my bad Fire/ Mental Blaster that will teach me to not cut and paste
  13. yes we used nukes.
  14. On Feb. 27th 2021 The Inglorious-hami 8 of Inherent Chaos of Torchbearer Took down hamidon in the Abyss. We cleared 1 set of mitos and then took hami down the rest of the way. 1.DM/Bio tanker "10 ply" @battering-ram(Ram) 2.Fire/Mental blaster "Never say Never." @gristlebone(gris) 3.Dark/martial Blapper"tolchak" @Reddy(Red) 4.fire/Nin blaster "ballroom blietzkrieg" @erik the Viking 5.Grav/Dark Troller "Fraynk" @action Figure (Fraaaaynk!) 6.fire/fire Blaster "Chiara" @ pixXxi Fire 7.Psi/Nrgy Stalker "No U" @ jakil 8.Ice/atomic Blapper "plain staint jane" @ Fire Itch
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