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Posts posted by Redlynne

  1. 11 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    you put out respectable damage with your own Beast Attacks that falls right in between a Single Wolf and a Single Lioness.

    Ever wanted to have a 7th Pet in your primary?

    Well now you can!

    Just pick and slot your 3 primary personal attacks and YOU can be your 7th (Tier 1 or 2) Pet!  Absolutely FREE like you would expect!


    Now how much would you pay?

    Don't answer, because you also ge-



    RADIOOOOOOO! Free Opportunity!




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    • Thanks 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    decided to look at Beasts first for attack chains and had each pet try out ~100 attacks to see what we're looking at.

    EXCELLENT work.

    This kind of analysis is the kind of thing that allows you to start getting a handle on how the primary powerset(s) perform AND integrate between Mastermind and Pets.  I would point out that Beasts are even more layered/complicated than you analysis is showing here due to Pack Mentality and how use of personal attacks will stack Pack Mentality deeper/faster than simply letting the Pets do all the work for you on stacking up Pet Mentality.  So there's even another layer of possibilities above and beyond this, with the way Pack Mentality promotes critical hits by your Pets.




    Now to do the same thing for all the other primary powersets, so as to get a "sense of the contours" of how each primary powerset fits together (better or not), what skipping the personal attacks might "cost you" in terms of damage potential, and what sort of "shapes" those contours make from which additional theorycrafting can be generated on the relative "value" of personal attack powers to each primary (and why).

    • Like 1
  3. Oh dear ...  💫




    So ever since I settled on the Tri-form Warshade Symbiosis build I posted this past weekend, I've been wondering how applying the same principles would apply that I learned from that experience (caused by the Peacebringer build you can see above) and have been wondering if there was any possible way to increase the global recharge in a Peacebringer build even further than I already have(!)?  In the last couple of days, I've spent something like more than 6 hours messing around with the build planner, checking the enhancement sets to see if they'd be at all useful ... etc. ... and it was only in the past couple of hours that I noticed something and made a breakthrough, by doing something I hadn't even considered at the outset ...


    ... switching from Melee/Ranged/PBAoE/Target AoE Damage sets to Knockback sets for increased global recharge potential overall.




    In the end, I was able to increase global damage by about +6% and global recharge by another +7.5% over and above the previously posted Peacebringer build.  Doing this, however, cost a bit of damage potential in some attacks, since Knockback sets yield lower enhancement values for accuracy/damage/endurance/recharge than straight damage sets.  The problem was ... I was SO CLOSE to not needing Force Feedback procs AT ALL in order to achieve perma Light Form and perma Essence Boost WITHOUT Hasten, and I just needed to squeeze (and squeeze and SQUEEZE!!!!) a little bit more global recharge into the build and I'd be able to dispense with the Force Feedback procs entirely(!!).


    In order to accomplish that, I needed to do this or better:

    On 4/11/2020 at 7:12 PM, Redlynne said:

    Light Form is a 300s recharge on a 90s duration.

    300 / 90 = 3.3334 = +233.34% recharge buffing from all sources to perma.

    With +94.56% recharge enhancement slotted into Light Form, that meant I needed a global recharge of +138.78% (or higher!) in order to have Light Form recharge in 90s (or less) so as to not need ANY Force Feedback procs to enable a perma Light Form.


    That goal has now been achieved.  🗯️


    The Peacebringer build I've been working on wound up weighing in at an almost unthinkable +140% global recharge(!) and +31.5% global damage buffing (so almost on par with the Warshade on global damage buffing!) ... without Hasten and without Incarnate slotting.  It also wound up losing a bunch of damage procs in the process, but the final result not only doesn't have any Force Feedback procs left in it, it also doesn't NEED them either.  The build is also one of the most Exemplar friendly I've ever made, since with Attuned enhancements you'll basically have all of your set bonuses from Levels 22-50(!) because the sets have the following Level ranges:






    Spoiler alert ... the 25-40 set is Decimation, which ultimately gets replaced with Apocalypse in the final Superior/Purple 50 iteration.


    So basically, the build has "double Hasten ALWAYS ON" just standing around (or dancing in Pocket D) and has "evolved beyond the need" for Force Feedback procs to "close the perma gap" on Light Form and Essence Boost.  Ironically, making this major structural shift wound up creating a big boost to survivability (more Max HP and Max Endurance!) and enabled a couple of other structural changes as well.  As for the "lost damage" that resulted from this change, since Knockback sets don't "saturate" for damage quite the same way that Damage sets do ... the individual powers with Knockback sets did lose some damage on those specific powers, but the increase in global damage buffing "compensated" some for that loss.  In the end, the overall damage of the build is slightly lowered, but the ... distribution ... of damage within the build wound up being skewed in such a way that much of the loss is made up for in other parts of the attack chain due to the higher global damage bonus and higher recharge making attack chains even tighter so as to maximize use of heavy hitting attacks as fast as possible while relying on fewer "filler" attacks.  So on balance, the overall build weighs in somewhat close to "par" on its damage production (there is a slight loss, but it's only slight) while reaping in exchange a VERY RELIABLE and completely self-contained way to achieve perma recharge status on Light Form (under 90s), Essence Boost (under 120s), and very very nearly perma recharge status on Inner Light (30.72s on a 30s duration buff!).




    Hopefully I'll have everything sorted and be ready to post by some point this weekend.

    Watch this forum (space).

  4. 7 hours ago, diefree said:

    Hello just hit 50 and working in incarnate stuff. What slots would you recommend for the main build? I am thinking musculature, vigor, intuition, or agility for alpha slot but don't really need more recharge. Thanks for any advice.

    Two points.


    This build has been superseded by This Post.


    As for Incarnate slotting advice ... go with whatever makes you happy.  No seriously.  It's your character, not mine.  Slot in whatever makes you happy.

  5. 5 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    Is Boggle as useless as it looks?  Does it have some kind of interaction with the Insight dynamc that makes it worthwhile?

    Dunno.  I've never built nor played either Psionic Melee nor Willpower, so I'll have to defer to others for an answer to that one.

  6. 12 hours ago, Hopestar said:

    putting it to 99% could make low KB numbers turn into 0 knockback if the system rounds under 5 to 0 so 90% might be intentional. iirc the new Knockback system is supposed to fix these problems by just making it turn into knockdown regardless the number.

    Apparently it's too difficult to use a Clamp parameter in the math ...

  7. 19 minutes ago, MaHaBone said:

    What is the source on that?

    Probably a typo in the "off by one" category.





    You know how it goes.  Probably the easiest thing to fix the problem would be to edit the IO in the Overwhelming Force set to do -99% instead of -90% Knockback reduction.  Of course, it would take a Dev like @Captain Powerhouse to do something like that, but I figure changing a 90 to a 99 is within the sphere of what he's capable of doing.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Dixa said:

    another server has fixed mm end costs and brought them in line with other at's and while it's noticeable, it didn't make them suddenly overpowered. not even a little bit. but because it was done on that other server if it was to be done here now the usual politics would jump into play so it's unlikely to happen here. 

    What?  It was successfully done somewhere else?  Well then that OBVIOUSLY means it can't be done here!



    • Haha 1
  9. 1 minute ago, War_L0ck said:

    isn't Grant Invisibility cast 1 at a time though? So you'd need to cast it 5 times (for the pets) before pulling, right?

    6 Pets ... but the duration is 120s, so you won't need to refresh it before every fight.  You'd really just want to be using it to set up a Fulcrum Shift drain that will buff all of your Pets (and your Controller duo partner) for being able to take your time to get into the exact position you want to be in to use Fulcrum Shift to maximum effect.

  10. If you're duoing with a Plant/Storm Controller, I would recommend either:

    Kind of depends on you whether or not Mastermind would be something you'd want to play, but Beasts/Kinetics paired with a Plant/Storm Controller would just be a wrecking ball combination so long as you take Stealth AND Grant Invisibility on your Mastermind (so as to Stealth yourself AND your Pets and Plant/Storm partner and their Pet!) for getting into the middle of spawn groups before they're hit by Seeds of Confusion and then using Fulcrum Shift on them as they self-destruct around you(!) and then turning your Beasts loose onto them from within.  I'm thinking that Plant/Storm paired with Beasts/Kinetics would just be ... Ebil™ Incarnate ...

  11. To give you a sense of my reaction to the thought processes involved here, I'll just annotate the quotes to provide what I was thinking while reading through the OP.

    8 hours ago, Nanolathe said:

    Pre-Fight Prep powers are just what you think they are. You'd use them before, or just as a fight begins.

    At which point I was thinking ... "so, something you toggle on in advance that has a minimal upkeep cost until it gets triggered by a threshold condition during combat, at which point the REAL boost takes effect?"


    In other words, a toggle power that functions as a "fire and forget" kind of contingency that you PRESET before the battle which will activate IF needed by defined conditionals.


    It was at that point that I started thinking in terms of "if you take a damage hit that exceeds X% of your Current/Max HP then the conditional triggers the T9 power's effects in response to taking that hard of a hit" and wondered if it was even possible to code such a conditional trigger into a toggle like that ... kind of like how "Scourge" functions such as the Preventative Medicine Absorb proc and the like are encoded.  That way, the T9 effect doesn't "start" until you need it to as a "counter" to what is happening during combat.  The T9 becomes a "reactive thing" which doesn't require Player input to command happen "now" to save you from defeat.  It literally becomes a Contingency that you prep ahead of time and then automatically make use of when the situation calls for it.


    And the only way to do THAT would be to switch from Clicks to Toggles.

    9 hours ago, Nanolathe said:

    Make the Pre-Fight Prep T9s… toggles. No, I’m serious. Make Them Toggles. Toggles, so that the player has control over when they can start them up and when they can wind them down. Give the player control over when they want to slug it out for just a few more seconds or when they want to back off on the gas pedal because they’re tapped.

    Oh ... so we're thinking the same thing here.  Change the paradigm from Click to Toggle.  Okay.


    I would also point out that switching from a Click to a Toggle can have some VERY interesting implications for how a power functions in actual gameplay, particularly if it's a Toggle which isn't meant to be a "full time" use case.  The example I would pull out for this is both Hibernate in Ice Armor, which you can "terminate" on command by toggling it off, but also Dimension Shift in the Gravity Control powerset, which originally was a Click power.  However, the Click version of Dimension Shift meant that it was not possible for the Controller who cast Dimension Shift to "terminate on command" because the duration was baked into the power itself and therefore immutable while it was a Click.


    Here's the important thing to think about with the example of Dimension Shift though.

    Dimension Shift is a toggle that has a maximum duration of 20s, but has a recharge time of 60s ... that doesn't begin to recharge until the power is toggled off ... meaning there is simply no way to perma Dimension Shift.  You can build for enough recharge to get close to a 50% uptime (20s duration followed by a 20s recharge before recasting), but you're NEVER going to get up to 100% uptime like you can with a Click power (such as Hasten or Chrono Shift or ... you get the idea).


    And that then makes for a useful alternative framing of what might be a good idea to do for T9 Armor toggles.




    Specifically ... I'm thinking in terms of a shorter duration (180s is just stupidly long) and a shorter recharge (1000s is just stupidly long!).

    Using the precedent of Dimension Shift, something akin to a 3:1 ratio (hmmm, where has that come up before?) of duration to recharge sounds about right to me for an Armor T9 Toggle guideline.






    So here's a theoretical framework to start thinking about this notion in.


    Use of an Armor T9 Toggle would have "phases" of increasing cost for keeping the toggle on.  In this case, I'm thinking of simply leveraging the mechanic that makes global endurance reduction work in set bonuses and powers like Victory Rush and so on.


    All you have to do is give the Armor T9 Toggle a 20s activation which will do all of its buffing (just like now) but which will not stack from the same caster.  That way you get full buffs upon Toggle On and they don't change until Toggle Off.  But then you add another parameter that will add +X% Global Endurance Cost penalty which WILL stack(!) every 20s(!).  Mind you, that's an increase to ALL ENDURANCE COSTS OF ALL POWERS (!!!) ... not just the endurance cost of paying for the Armor T9 Toggle.  That would make EVERYTHING that you're doing more expensive to sustain.  You then need to code a way to "expire immediately" all of the Global Endurance Cost mods upon Toggle Off of the Armor T9 Toggle, no matter how many of them have been stacked up onto the character ... so that when you Toggle Off you can begin to "recover" from the strain of trying to sustain it for as long as you did.


    Of course, if you're a Tanker who is doing nothing besides casting Taunt (which has a 0 endurance cost), it's possible to come up with builds that might be able to sustain that kind of global endurance penalty for substantial periods of time (Hamidon raids anyone?) ... but you wouldn't be much good for anything else, because at that point you'd be operating purely as an aggro magnet in a purely protective mode.


    So the "crash" would be something that "grows" on you over time, as continuing use of the Armor T9 Toggle becomes increasingly "exhausting" to sustain.  But then once you drop the toggle, the increased cost expires and you're back in business.

    9 hours ago, Nanolathe said:

    I’m imagining a “critical hit” style notification on your hud that tells you you’re now on borrowed time and your endurance is about to flow a lot less freely in about 10 seconds.

    This is my thought at well.  Something that is popping up into your view the "Exhaustion" penalty amount that you're now in would give you everything you need to know about what continuing to use the Armor T9 Toggle is (now) costing you, so there are no surprises.  So using my above Fibonacci-ish numbering sequence for the endurance penalty you'd have "Exhaustion +10%" showing up on your screen, just like when you get a salvage drop or a recipe drop or whatever, TELLING you which segment of the increasing endurance cost you're getting yourself into.  It's then up to the Player to decide how long they think they can hold out for ... bearing in mind that chomping Blue Skittles could help sustain you just that little bit longer that you need IF you need to.


    Point being though that the Armor T9 Toggles would turn into something you'd actually want to use MORE THAN ONCE per mission.  Ideally speaking I'm thinking in terms of a recharge time of no more than 240s (4 minutes) which could be enhanced ... however, under the circumstances, going with 180s might be a better choice.  I say that because with +200% recharge, you'd be looking at around 60s worth of downtime between uses of your Armor T9 Toggle ... which is "fast enough" to be something you'd be inclined to use rather than (permanently) save as a Panic Button, while also ensuring that there are periods of downtime during which you won't have your Armor T9 Toggle up ... creating an "ups and downs" dynamic that would be far more controllable than what we currently have.

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  12. 2 hours ago, massivemoo said:

    Gorillas, rhinos, alligators, a horde of penguins, a giant crab .... they could've gotten creative with the animals to include, but they settle for generic wolves. (no offense to people who actually like wolves).

    So ... you're volunteering to create the necessary rigging, skeleton and animations that would be needed for all of those ADDITIONAL body types?

    • Like 1
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  13. 2 hours ago, MaHaBone said:

    I am still getting tons of KB from it.

    Can you be more ... specific ...?


    This is akin to saying "I can't fish!" ... which could mean anything from not having a fishing rod to using a brick for bait.

    Are you "golfing" affected $Targets across the map or something?




    What does "tons of KB" quantify as?

    Does it happen to ALL $Targets simultaneously, or just a few (as in, 20% of those getting hit by Quasar)?

  14. Scrapperlock

    • A state of mind where the player (most commonly a Scrapper or Brute) dashes from foe to foe without regard to surroundings. Similar to berserkers, players in Scrapperlock may fail to notice damage being taken by themselves or their teammates.
    • It should be noted it's considered bad form to wipe out the 8-man spawn that killed everybody else on the team.
    • Common symptoms include going the other way than the team, surviving going the other way than the team, and the words "You guys go ahead, I'm waiting for my rez to recharge."


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, 11Troy11 said:

    Does time keep them alive sufficiently to protect against a huge dps drop?

    Yes ... but it isn't a single factor that enables that, but it's a confluence of factors that makes Ninja/Time work really really well.

    LINK 1

    LINK 2

    LINK 3


    If you actually read through the WALLS OF TEXT that I've written on this topic, so you can get a sense of HOW (and WHY) my thinking on this topic has evolved over time, you'll start to get a sense of where I started and then where I ended up ... and what I learned along the way (and it's the LEARNING that's the important thing!).


    The really big insight I've learned playing Ninjas/Time is that tactical positioning relative to $Targets (the "configuration" of who is where when) is EXTREMELY important to learn and develop Player Skill in situational awareness so as to be where YOU need to be relative to everything happening around you.  There's also a "triple range" sense to what's going on in terms of PBAoE out to 25ft (Temporal Mending and Time's Juncture radius) and then another range from 25ft to 40ft (Fistful of Arrows radius) and then another range from 40ft to 80ft (Snap Shot and Aimed Shot range), and you need to know what is which range band when (and where you are in relation to them all).  Moving into position to line up Fistful of Arrows, or delaying long enough to catch multiple incoming $Targets in the Cone, all become "challenges" to your situational awareness which help whittle down $Targets faster when you're "doing it right."


    On top of that is that the ideal time to use Temporal Mending is NOT at the beginning of a fight ... it's at the end, after a spawn has been defeated before moving on to the next spawn group ... or if needed, DURING a fight to help a Pet withstand "more than their fair share" of incoming damage.  So even the TIMING of when to use powers can have a big impact on how the powerset(s) play(s) in actual practice.  Some of it will even be counter-intuitive ... things like taking the personal attacks so as to reduce the amount of healing "demanded" by your Ninjas to keep them alive, in part thanks to the difference in positioning and "how" you engage $Targets tactically that is enabled by taking the personal attacks.


    Or to put it another way ... it's all a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey ... stuff ...


    So to put it simply, Ninja/Time enables a "layered protection" scheme that isn't relying on a single mitigating factor ... but rather on a confluence of multiple factors ... to help keep your Ninjas alive (and kicking the crap out of $Targets).

  16. 2 hours ago, golstat2003 said:

    But Stygian Circle pretty much means I don't have to worry about end.

    Only if there are corpses to drain.  There are some enemy groups that feature mobs that leave no corpses (either they explode or simply fade away) ... to say nothing of needing to fight an AV after clearing the entire map so there's nothing else to draw upon for Stygian Circle.  There are going to be times when you can't rely on Stygian Circle to carry you through.  Best to have a backup plan for those occasions.

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