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Everything posted by Videra

  1. Oh boy, a new Ultimo thread! I'm sure everyone is being respectful and . . .
  2. Update Log: Removed some personal biases, factually incorrect information and updated the formatting. Added one Bane Spider example build.
  3. Reported in live, beta, and closed beta numerous times. WAI, they say. Arsenal Control is the gift that keeps on giving.
  4. If I played a Changeling kheldian in-front of Captain D, here? His brain would instantly explode. You cannot change my mind.
  5. Bro's just arguing to argue at this point, there's a metric ton of objective data that's easily accessible which proves his point shrimply wrong. There's also no such thing as 'An AOE-Focused Set', besides. Nor am I sure why you would even want that, given that everyone can get Judgements and make a proposed AOE Set's ST handicap meaningless.
  6. Have you heard of: Super Strength, Savage Melee, Claws Melee, Axe, Dual Blades and Katana? What about Titan Weapons? Why does Spines have to have direly subpar ST damage in exchange for . . . still realistically not that high AOE damage that is equal to or slightly above some other sets at best?
  7. Shh. They consider Battle Axe a 'failure' on account of being 'too strong', don't remind them!
  8. Good luck convincing the guys at the wheel of that. That was the point of what I posted. (They have no good reason, but Spines will remain doodoo, c'est la vie.)
  9. Well, you see, we can't buff spines because that would incidentally buff farmers. Sorry gamer, Spines will never be buffed - it would be bad for the game! (I am (mostly) not being ironic, there have been walls upon walls of discussion about this, it ain't happening.)
  10. . . . I like it. Let's make this a thing.
  11. Let bro cook. GP clearly has good ideas!
  12. This may literally be the first time I've agreed with you, but this would be baller. Send it; fellas.
  13. Based. Spit your shit indeed, Shin. I pray one day MMs will be a real person AT.
  14. While I wouldn't be opposed to new MM primaries, the AT itself has a litany of issues that need to be resolved and which *should* take priority over the creation of new powersets that would in-and-of-themselves be difficult to differentiate outside appearance. Let's fix the fact that MM pets are slugs in a modestly well-paced team, or that they still have Down-level shifts outside of Incarnate Content before we consider adding more fluff.
  15. Posted December 14 Alright so, it's been a week and a half. This is a contentious topic with nothing left to discuss. Hey, Googs, can we get this locked so we can go back to Being Excellent To Eachother over less dour topics?
  16. You felt the need to bump this week old topic, which has already been resolved, why? Necromancers these days, I swear.
  17. Which is unfortunate. I liked Kitsulot a great deal, but that's one more lost from this Great Community.
  18. I too agree with the GMs about everything. Be Excellent To Each Other!
  19. Can we please, please just remove group fly and make MM pets inherit flight by default? The tech exists, use it to free us from this never-ending firestorm of Group Fly threads! Cast it into the fire!
  20. Ayo I've been out for awhile and just tabbed back in to check on the forums. Y'all okay over here?
  21. You used Phantasm, so clearly this invalidates your solo. 😇
  22. No. Learn the easy game's systems and how to actually interact with them; it is NOT at all difficult to deal with the things you're complaining about.
  23. Some grade A gooftonium in here.
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