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Troo last won the day on June 22 2024

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About Troo

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Glad folks are excited to take on Slot Machine's random character generation challenge.
  2. Thanks for the update. I spoke to em on the phone a while back when he asked for help, so this is appreciated. @Hyperstrike send a private message anytime.
  3. Gotta lean into power sets rather than fight against them.
  4. Yeah, it's the larger HP pool that makes the regen potentially stronger on a Tanker. The resistance numbers would naturally better as well (guessing +30% for powers compared to a Brute. ~20-25% overall). Plus the better ATOs (+18.7% S/L, +12.7% everything else). That could mean the potential for at least capped S/L with F/C close enough for Scaling Resist to the cap them. So here is an existing EM/Regen Brute at baseline operation before any big buffs like Rune of Protection, Moment of Glory, Instant Healing, Demonic Aura, Incarnates, etc. I'm guessing @Spaghetti Betty may have even better numbers on theirs.
  5. Nah, this Spring was the plan and likely still the plan. I posted just one day into Spring pretending to be super impatient.
  6. That's fair.
  7. So you're okay with that getting ported just to Tanks as is?
  8. Folks get to have an opinion. Thank you for voicing your concern.
  9. ..maybe in next year's fictitious tom foolery topic.
  10. excellent and it made me smile big.
  11. absolutely, though one doesn't have to be a duck about it. The term above is used for emphasis and is in no way labeling anyone or their behavior. edited to correct obvious misspelling . . .
  12. Accepting responsibility for what one writes or how they address another in civil discourse is a pretty low bar (just my opinion). We agreed to adhere to several agreements when we signed up. "Do not abuse or harass others" -Code of Conduct "Enforcement of these rules is based on intent." -Code of Conduct "Anything an Administrator or Game Master says overrides anything else in this document" -Code of Conduct When using tongue-n-cheek, sarcasm, or 'banter' a poster risks moderation.
  13. Yep, you read that correctly. Tanks could be getting Regeneration Scrappers and Stalkers could be getting Super Strength Stay tuned! More details will follow on the first Tuesday of next month..
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