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Marine X

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About Marine X

  • Birthday 02/24/1964

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  1. I really feel the love when a Crey Juggernaut Taunts me, throws up his force field, then runs out of targeting range, What was that?
  2. I actually play without sound a lot. My workaround is to plug in headphones and then set them off the side of my desk, only putting them on when I need to find a glowie or want to hear something. Makes it easier for me to keep track of the Boss ( our dog Sheila ) and make sure her needs are being met ( and that she is not in the trash or running through the house with underwear in her mouth, not kidding ).
  3. But they work great going up. If you slot an Attuned Enhancement at level 30, that has say a minimum level of 21, and a range from 21 to 40. It will improve with you as you level till it hits it's maximum boost level at 40, but will provide the level 40 benefits indefinitely.
  4. If you can't even get in game I would try setting up a continuous ping to see if there are any interruptions in your connections. At a Command Prompt type the line within the quotation marks " ping -t " and let it run a while. Mine comes back between 40 - 43ms. If you see a huge variation in the response times there is an issue somewhere between your PC and Homecoming, but let's just start there. Also try connecting to Reunion since it is a completely different server using different access. If it connects and is good that shows it is something on the Hop Path to Homecomings NA server. Let us know what you find.
  5. In looking through the Wiki I came upon this information regarding Crafted Temp powers. Seems it already exists in a fashion, but could be expanded upon to add more items. Specific Inventions Main Article: Invention Origin Enhancements The core of the Invention System is the creation of Invention Origin Enhancements. Costume Pieces Main Article: Invention Made Costumes A number of animated costume pieces can be created with the system, including various kinds of wings and special boots. Temporary Powers Main Article: Invention Temporary Powers There are a number of temporary powers craftable with the inventions system from recipes. Temporary powers may also be crafted from Empowerment Stations in bases. Inspirations There are currently no Inspirations that can be crafted. Base Items Main Article: Crafted Base Items As of Issue 13, crafted base items require Invention Salvage to create, rather than components made from base salvage. Base salvage no longer drops, but can be converted into invention salvage via brain storms.
  6. Another approach might be to keep it as easy to implement as possible. How about as part of the character creation process or in the Personal Information for each Character, you can set an existing Villain Group to be your Nemesis/Arch Enemies. They may then spawn as an ambush outside missions, or be more hostile to you in missions as a result. No special Assets would need to be created and just a spawn methodology set up. That would teach you to go AFK a lot less out in the wide open, lol.
  7. Going this route may allow Homecoming to use an already available chunk of programming, Base Salvage, which is currently disabled, but it could be repurposed for the Salvage Kit. The Tabs and graphics are all still in the code, and all it would require is to work out the award process and recipes.
  8. Would it help to remove NPC Chat from your main Chat Tab, then you would have to be looking at them or they would need to be in your view to even be aware they said anything.
  9. Just thinking it might be a neat Power Pool to be able to take Tech from Enemy Groups or even Allies, and rework it to serve you. Such things, off the top of my head include: Rikti Drones Longbow Web grenade Longbow EMP Grenade Sky Raider Sheild Generators Clockwork Tesla Knights Nemesis Triage Crey Medic Hypo Circle of Thorns Crystals Praetorian Clockwork Repair Bot Wouldn't want to get too carried away on Offensive pets but more on the Buff or Heal type gear. Mostly tech that could be reprogrammed or repurposed to serve you, much like Lore Pets but not as powerful. It would be similar to Gadgetry but Salvaged Tech rather than created. Any Thoughts?
  10. I've always wondered why there is no Purple Resist or Defense Sets available, since for Tanks that is their primary power set. I realize you can cap them without a Purple Set but it would be nice to get those levels of bonuses out of your Primary Power Set that all other ATs can.
  11. The recharge is a big part of it's popularity, but the set bonuses provide some pretty good Bang for your Buck considering it's moderate cost. Two enhancements improves your Regeneration by 10%. Three enhancements increases maximum Health by 1.125%. Four enhancements improves the Accuracy of all your powers by 9%. Five enhancements increases Smashing and Lethal Resistance by 3.75%, reduces the duration of Immobilize effects on you by 6.25%, reduces the duration of Hold effects on you by 6.25%, reduces the duration of Stun effects on you by 6.25%, reduces the duration of Sleep effects on you by 6.25%, reduces the duration of Fear effects on you by 6.25%, and reduces the duration of Confuse effects on you by 6.25%. Six enhancements increases Toxic and Psionic Resistance by 4.5%, reduces the duration of Immobilize effects on you by 7.5%, reduces the duration of Hold effects on you by 7.5%., reduces the duration of Stun effects on you by 7.5%, reduces the duration of Sleep effects on you by 7.5%, reduces the duration of Fear effects on you by 7.5%, and reduces the duration of Confuse effects on you by 7.5%. I use a lot of Sciroccos' Dervish for the same reason. At between 1 and 2 million an enhancement it gives some great bonuses. Two enhancements improves your Regeneration by 10%. Three enhancements increases Energy and Negative Energy Resistance by 2.25%. Three enhancements reduces the duration of Immobilize effects on you by 3.75%, reduces the duration of Hold effects on you by 3.75%, reduces the duration of Stun effects on you by 3.75%, reduces the duration of Sleep effects on you by 3.75%, reduces the duration of Fear effects on you by 3.75%, and reduces the duration of Confuse effects on you by 3.75%. Four enhancements improves the Accuracy of all your powers by 9%. Five enhancements increases Area Effect Defense by 3.125%, and increases Fire and Cold Defense by 1.5625%. Six enhancements increases Psionic Defense by 3.125
  12. I thought they were all named for TV Detectives, these 2 for Barney Miller and Detective Fish ( Abe Vigota ) from Barney Miller, but works either way.
  13. The Inspiration Tray moving to the center of the screen has been a known bug for a long, long time. It seems to mostly happen on content introduced since Going Rogue.
  14. Entered Final room of Anton Sampson Mission " Defeat Squad Leader, his men ", and there was a Male and a Female Automoton in the room, suddenly the Female disappeared as I approached. After defeating the Male I began looking for the Female and strangely found her in the wall, or so I thought. After a bit of searching I located her in the corner of the lower hallway, directly in front of my toon arrow on the Mini Map, there must be a crack in the Map large enough for her to fall through or something else happened. She was located just under the stairs to the Mezzanine before she vanished ( just behind my toon arrow in the Mini Map ) When I found her she was stuck behind the potted plant in the corner.
  15. Exactly, Depending on what origin your Character is and the Backstory you create, anyone can be anything. No real need to limit it one Origin, Comics never did.
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