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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Looking at Pneumatic Paladin (Dark / Ice Defender) for this. Thx for coming up with the Theme, Rich!
  2. It sounds reasonably german, although I don't know any place called Wolferborn 🙂 But hey, are we talking realism in things like this? If it sounds good to you, you are not off. And I like the Goethe reference!
  3. I have made Psy-Beast, a Psi / Electric Brute. I always wanted to try out Psi Melee and figured this was as good a time as any. Plan to be there in time, but can't promise right now.
  4. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends on the other side of the pond. Enjoy food 🍗, family 👨‍👨‍👧, football 🏈, or whatever you consider a delightful pastime. Or just get down heroing/villaining, I guess that counts, too.
  5. Whisky 🥃... Martini 🍸... looks like we got a little side-theme going here Maybe I should just stick Gin Toxic into an appropriatly whacky Monstercostume... 🤔
  6. Oh, gotta think about this... Don't have one that fits off-the-shelf with enough whackiness. Maybe I will actually make a new toon again this time for a change. Just need to see if I can get to 30 in time...
  7. Well, I would totally second the notion of Indom being the Theme Teaming server! 😎
  8. Planning to be there, but need to decide on a character to bring... And how to dress up for that. But that should not be a big problem! Natural choice would be Electric Air Raider, but I think he had done this before and I think I would rather bring a new toon. EDIT: Going with Meg Quatermain, Kin / Beam Rifle Defender. She got a little steam-punky ray gun and jetpack with her. They Fly - I Fly!
  9. Thanks @FrauleinMentaland @Midnyte for posting the pics. Now we even got proof of our awesomeness 😎 I am very glad that we actually got this going. 2 times even. And were absolutely killing it both times! This can be one of the most fun trials, if everyone knows what they are doing. This could also have gone all horribly wrong, I had a couple of those as well in the past. So, happy that it worked out fine, everybody was enjoying themselves and got some nice loot and badges out of it! I will be travelling the rest of the week, therefore not gonna make it to any action this saturday. Good hunting, with whatever theme you are going to go with...
  10. Agree. So let's plan to get at least a few more from "outside". If we don't get more people to join, we can just go for a LR or ML, if you like... For now we got 7: Droidica MK2 - Arrows / TA Blaster (Bananiac) Saxum - Stone / Fire Tank (Burnt Umber) Eternal Winter - Ice / Rad Sentinel (Midnyte) Devil's Workshop - Arachnos Soldier Crab (TraumaTrain) Cryomania - Ice / Ice Blaster (Fräulein Mental) Radiation Base - Bots / Rad MM (Web Chambers) Jaxon Brand - Spines / Bio Stalker (JaxxMan100) Looks like we will be able to field a decent team after all. Let's see how it goes later...
  11. How about making this theme "Robots against Hydras"? Show up with your best Robo-Outfit, Automaton, Mecha, Robotics Mastermind or with Robos Lore Pets! That should be easy enough to implement on this short notice. I will be there tomorrow with Droidica MK2, my All-Arrows-Blaster, and see who shows up 🙂
  12. No worries! Take care of your school things, that always should have priority for sure. Good hunting for grades! 👏
  13. Looking ahead, we don't have a new schedule for November Theme Teams yet. Sure hope everybody is doing well and everything has been working out fine for you so far @TrixieKixx @FrauleinMental @TygerDarkstorm! This week the Abandoned Sewer Trial is the WST. I know that this is not as easy as just running one of the regular TFs, but it is also one of my favorite actions of the game, and provides a real challenge to a team. So what do you think about giving this one a try again? Don't know who will be able to show up and what kind of theme could be nice for it, I think I will make up my mind about that and post something later. But whatever we decide, we should probably plan to make this an open team to get a large enough group with players from the outside, if needed. I am of course also open for other ideas, so just let me know what you think!
  14. I absolutely love seeing you getting into the jet, @Midnyte! 😄 I should have thought of that! The Crab Backpack looks a bit cumbersome, though! Don't think you wanna pilot that plane with that thing on your back... 😉 @TraumaTrain Thx Rich for taking the time and effort to take part in this event! It was fun exploring the base and also thx for the treats! And it was great meeting you fellow themers there @Jaxman100 & @BurntUmber! I had a blast the last couple of days doing Halloween stuff with my toons. And I am always happy to dig out Mr O'Hallows at this time of the year, who finally made it to 50, got a boatload of new badges and now also has the fun Build that he deserves. 🎃 Good Times!
  15. Hey Team, who is planning to go see this? I will definitely be looking around on Everlasting tomorrow. But plan to be on Indom tonite, even though this will be late for my timezone. DST is helping a bit, as we turned back the clock last night and now the time shift is only 5h until you Us girls and boys follow suit…
  16. For completeness purposes, here a short wrap-up of the 2 Posis we did yesterday with the "New Power Generation"-Theme. I really missed on the secondary powersets, so please feel free to add what is missing Supercontinent (Seismic/??? Sentinel) - Rich Heavy Assault Poet (Symphonic/Syvage Dominator) - Bananiac Nuntius (Symphonic/??? Controller) - Burnt Umber Sham (Ill/??? Dominator) - A part time runner with us, but I totally missed to take down the Global 😌 Shoutout to you, Sham, if you come here reading up on it! It was great having you along with us! Pretty much rolled through the 2 TFs and took down bosses in no time. Seems those powers are killing it just fine 😎 We were missing you, @Midnyte! Hope everything is well!
  17. Will be showing up as well... don't know yet which toon
  18. Hi folks, you may wanna plan for this one here, easily overlooked in the forum: Anybody interested in going there together in Theme?
  19. A few brief impressions from last saturdays Trick-or-Treat-Minitheme in Khalisti: All familiar names, albeit in unusual attire 🙂
  20. I am busy with friends again next saturday, so not gaming at the usual TT time. But will definitely come on later that night and see who’s there. Lookin forward to Halloween event very much! Will it be rolling next weekend already?
  21. Short heads up on our Mini-Theme-Team yesterday. It was just @BurntUmber and me. Tried briefly to get a few more for Posi, but no interest from outside, so we decided to head out just the 2 of us, and went for the Eagle Eye Arc in Kings. @Burnt Umber Nuntius - Symphonic/Thermal Controller @Bananiac Disco Infernale - Symphonic/Fire Dominator And here we were bringing the heat undercover 😎 Fun action, singing our songs to those who would listen!
  22. Yes, that would be the plan: 6pm Eastern. Have seen a few vids from the Hurricane, looked furious! Glad it didn't affect you guys too much in the Tampa area...
  23. @Midnyte Holy Cow! I hope your home makes it through that unscathed und you stay save wherever you are hiding now. I am planning to game with my Symphonic / Fire Dom Disco Infernale anyways and will reach out in channel. Let's see who's there. @TrixieKixx Enjoy your break and the wine! @TygerDarkstorm Good luck with your efforts. Priorities, priorities! 🙂 Hoping to see you ladies again in a couple of weeks.
  24. I have thought about schedule a bit for October and, more specifically, this saturday. As I have said, my sister is in town, so we will be busy at the usual Theme-Team-Time. But I may be up later that day, at like closer to midnight CET / 6pm eastern to run a Positron 1 WST with Theme, if you guys want to give it a go. With Posi being entry level, I thought we can do an All-Controller/Dominator Symphonic Team. Should be easy enough to get one into the level range if you ain't got one yet. And depending how fast we go we could just follow up with Posi 2 (if I am still up on my feet by then, but I am quite a night person anyway). So what do you think? Who would be up for this?
  25. And here it is, better late then never... Reporting for Supernatural Medics Weekly! The summary of our very successfull hunt for the "Volcanic" badge... Who needs the merits anyway 🙂 The Lineup this week... short team, but colorfull! Shiny Blinky Blasty Stuff... But Alas! The final push for the door was too much for our brave Superscrubs... Getting overrun by the mobs and a dozen or so waves of ambushers, so we decided to abort the whole thing. But the Pumicite Boss Farming was not all in vain: A Good Hunt Nonetheless! 😎
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