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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. I had a blast all 3 times and felt invincibler each time! 😁 I suspect it may have to do more with some insane team buffs rather than my genius in building my toons... I absolutely am looking forward to taking Terra Volta Tours around The Isles next week. Great fun! Thx for the idea.
  2. This looks smashing, Midnyte! I wondered what the song was about, cause I don't know it. But when I googled, there were quite a few different songs on offer. Which one would I have to look for?
  3. Great Line-Up, some of my favorites amongst your many creations πŸ‘ @TraumaTrain Sunday is looking good so far. I will do the same and have a few deserving toons ready and parked in standby for this: Le Savant, Amber Elfling, and then I will decide spontaneously if I will go again with Electric Air Raider or take Betty Bondagebunny on a spin.
  4. @TrixieKixx We have made some plans for tomorrow and most likely will be out, so I am signing off for this week. Just in case something unforeseen happens and I would be able to join the RedBlueAndWhite Theme anyway, I would be bringing Kestrel Dawn, a FF/Illusions Controller. But don't save a spot for me. Good Hunting, folks!
  5. So, I have a questions about how these things work. I noticed somebody bying up lots of one of the Gaussians this week. Which is fine with me, as I am selling these at or above the market value (which as far as I can say is around 4-5Mil). I assume these are not for personal use, but I fail to understand how this is supposed to make him a meaningful profit. Is it to eliminate supply, then serve demand at a higher going price? And would such behavior qualify as Market Manipulation? This seems to be kinda risky approach, cause people like me are just easily creating new ones and push them into the Market at our own rate. What am I missing here?
  6. Yes, it felt great running in a scarcely-played toon! Enjoyed the smashing tremendously! I usually don't tank a lot, so it's also a great way of learning how to do it! Thanks a lot for showing up on Reunion, WB!
  7. Absolutely! It felt like I got at least 2 badges from every mission! And what a very nice collection that is, especially Bone Collector πŸ™‚ Also, from the final leg of the run:
  8. Recap Time! I promise it will be short this time! But first things first: Thank you @Midnyteand @FrauleinMental for the comprehensive documentation of what FrΓ€ulein also appropriately and very creatively named "The Burnination Squad"! No need to change that! πŸ‘πŸ˜ Also, what a great Squad it was! Very diverse and great-looking line-up (with my toon adding a tiny little bit of male diversity into the mix)! Adding to that: I also don't always have one, but people! We need to bring more Bios to these events! Short ones will do, but I really enjoy what can be found on your toons so much! I want more! Other Bananobservations: Apologies for the times we just ran ahead without waiting for somebody getting left behind. That should not be the way we operate (unless somebody checks out with a "You guys go! Save yourself, I will try to keep them as long as I can! Tell my husband/wife I love him/her!"-note....) Speaking of which: I got chased down by some bloody Skiff in the final leg of the Duray hunt and totally missed the fight to take him down, because you people apparently took him down in absolute record time? I guess that's what fire-stacked-on-fire-stacked-on-fire-... will do for you πŸ™‚ And I was sooo planning to show him my (ahem... award-winning πŸ˜‡...ahem ) real Pumkin Face! I had another highlight, however: The moment when Rich turned to chase Freaks in his most lethal form of a monkey-farting Monkey! πŸ˜„ Right on, don't let anything stop ya, buddy! Whoever did the service plan for those Crey Protectors will have to answer a few questions by those Protectors! Oh, wait... Happy Birthday, Mr Trixie! It was so nice of you to allow your dear wife to take off for this! Much Theme Team Appreciation! πŸŽ–οΈ A few more pics for variety: Random shot from somewhere somewhen Clairevoyant Mr O'Hallows The Deed is Done! And a special Bonus Pic that I think captures the magic of the moment nicely. Unfortunately it doesn't embed, so you have to click the link. http://i.imgur.com/LLqNZ5S.gifv Thanks all for the fun!
  9. Planning to show up again with Le Savant. Those badges will make nice decorations!
  10. Hope to be there this time. Can't guarantee though. Will check in channel when I arrive.
  11. I just now took a few minutes time to read through this. @Midnyte, you did a fantastic job of recapping this, thank you for taking the effort. It's great to see that this is continued, I like to think of of it as becoming part of Theme Team Tradition 😁 Also, Cheetos seemed to be a dominant Topic. Reading through Rich's List of Obscure Facts about Cheetos makes me wonder what kind of Superadine-flavored-Cheetos he is taking.... πŸ˜‰
  12. That is basically the most illustrated and comprehensive way I have ever seen somebody explain this shit! Because this is so counterintuitive to anything that you believe to know about auction houses. Thanks a lot! Now, with this knowledge, how this would help my marketeering I still have to find out. As everybody who is dealing with The Market knows, the Art Of Rightpricing is not an easy one to master...
  13. Oh man, I have so many fiery sleeper-toons that I would like to play more, this was a really hard decision! @TrixieKixx: I think this is a good time to show Mr O'Hallows some love again (going back to the roots with a Plant/Fire Controller... Or could be Fire/Plant, not sure right now πŸ€”)
  14. Making it short: won't be there today. Good Hunting, folks!
  15. Oh yes, those bids of course went instantly. I should have put the 20 things (don't even remember what it was) on a shelf somewhere! πŸ™‚
  16. Did I hear Zombies? It looks like sunday I will be good to go this time. Signing Up with Le Savant, my Voodoo Zombi Master. The Tarikoss SF is also one of my favorites redsiders (although I don't really know too many yet..)
  17. So this happens to me again... Just bidding 6000 on 10x some uncommon salvage, twice, only to see that the price still kept the 250 I spent on some commons before, for a total of 6.000.250 Inf EACH for 20pcs πŸ₯³ There goes 120mil of my (thanks to Reading Up here easily earned) money... πŸ˜‘
  18. @TrixieKixx Hi Trix, I am not sure if I will take part this saturday, I have plans for some family time. It still is kinda unclear what we are going to do, so I am not completely out yet. But don't count on me this time. Just in case, you can sign me up with Captain Future ( Pistols/Willpower Sentinel). The Nerd Part may need some explanation to make sense, I don't think you guys in the US are familiar with the Anime. But it will be a good one. πŸ™‚
  19. Nice pics again from yesterday, @FrauleinMental and @Midnyte. Good action shots, and I always like the close-ups of everybody. It makes it much easier to appreciate the works of art that you come up with every week. After struggling myself a little bit with making something fit to this theme, I was very much surprised that you guys apparently had a lot less trouble finding those special looks! πŸ‘ It seemed to be a kinda Off-Week for a few of us, so therefore I came up with this brilliant title for my (short, really....) recap. I still enjoyed myself running this, even though we may remember it as the "Too Much Sugar Hurts Your Brain"-Theme Team. Now, what do I recall, apart from decision making if this is supposed to be a speed run or not... - The City of Hereos Strike Force Mantra: In case of doubt, follow the Tank! (I tried to do that most of the time, until I lost sight of him hiding on top of that ruined Atlas Globe... it didn't occur to me that I needed to look up! That's where confusion kicked in πŸ™‚) - Yes. We found a room full of doors again. All empty... even before we smashed'em. Funny thing is, one of the doors apparently struck back at an unsuspecting Demonling! - It was a nice haul of rewards, but there are definitely easier ways than this Strike Force. Especially when you are not as familiar with running these as, say, an Imperious... - Cookie Doughs pet names were killer! Awesome idea! πŸ† Here are a few more pics from my collection: Yummy Line-Up. I feel the need... the need to eat! See, Umber? I got your little back detail and that cute tin-crown-that-wasn't-a-cherry nicely on film! πŸ˜‰ Going in... Now about those doors... I couldn't help but... Bababaluba Barap Bap Bap! Getting prepped for the 1st wave of heroes Just how The Captain likes it! Rounding up for the final mission: Everybody still looking good! Finish Line. The Bananaplant and Spirit Tree standing in for Cookie and Apple... Lessons were learned... Bonus Pic this time goes out to @TygerDarkstorm Enjoy Real Life next week!
  20. I was in the exact same situation like you and felt the same way. Luckily this time I just made it back into the mission at the last moment to be there when it finished. But I also don't worry if I miss out on some bagde or other reward if that happens.
  21. @TrixieKixx I put something together which I think will work, so let's sign up Captain Creme BrΓ»leΓ© for a trip to the Spider-Man (he's a Plant/Rad Controller) Edit: And following up on my suggestion for a "Favorite Musician/Band"-Theme, let me also pitch in a "Favorite Song"-Theme...
  22. Well, I can only speak for my toon, of course. Savant is a Voodoo-themed Necro/Dark Mastermind, with the french name telling about his background. To quote from the Bio: "The eternal figure in black, Ghede is controlling the eternal crossroads at which everyone must someday cross over. His symbol is the cross upon a tomb. Known as the spirit of death, other spirits fear him and try to avoid him. Le Savant D'Ombre is his ardent disciple. He operates under the direction of Baron Samedi, who represents the death side of Ghede. He is the power behind the magic that kills. He controls the souls of those who have met death as a result of magic." It is not a character built to the likeness of anybody, just what I thought a Voodoo-powered villain could look like.
  23. Thank you for the honor! I appreciate this greatly! Edit: ...and good job everyone making the Finals, those concepts look impressive!
  24. Wait, what? Edit: Well, I be damned! I apologize in advance for now outbragging anybody else in the forseeable future! πŸ˜‡
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