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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. We did? Woah! I hadn't checked, but great job, sexy babes! 😎* What I learned today: A) The blue stuff did a bad job avoiding me B) /emote getsome Great fun again! Edit: *reffering to badges. There were some nice ones to be had! Edit#2: Hmmm... I seem to be missing the "Arms Length" badge...
  2. Yes I have MIDS. Thanks a lot, I will check it out later! 😘
  3. So, I got Nightingale alpha slotted and basic IOed, ready to go wreak havoc on TinPax. And along the way something very unusual happened: She's a real blast to play and I enjoy every minute. So much so that my other Alts start feeling neglected a little bit! 😲 I decided I am going all in on her, and need a Build now. Anybody familiar with this kind of thing has some sugegstions? She's EMP/DualPistol Defender, and I honestly like her brutal Buffs'nHeals as well as the awesomeness that is Dual Pistols! I know this is not supposed to be a killing machine, but boy do the guns in her hands look and feel incredibly gorgeous! I took Fly/Hover and the Controller mastery, what was it... Mental or something don`t remember right now. But I would like to keep it because I am always a sucker for controls powers. Also too Teleport Target, just because I like it for being helpful, and it fits noicely with the concept. I am sure I need some more protections, and definitiely some more recharge, and then probably will have an endurance problem. Any suggestions? I got about 100mil to spend from the costume contest that can be put to good use here...
  4. I think this was one of the easiests killings of the simulacra that I have done so far! We were ripping through those fake bunnies like nothing! The Doctor, too. Didn't have a shot against concentrated Bunny Might on Easter Weekend! On an unrelated note: Positron seems to be a Bunny Magnet 😎😁 Also, one of the few moments on film with Sinnocence still upright on her feet! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡
  5. Part 2, team shots Beautiful assortment of giant mutant power bunnies! Always great to see where these theme teams take us! πŸ™‚
  6. Dug through my screens and can add a few more impressions from what I will call now the Bositively Bowerful Bunny Bositron Berfomance last saturday. Yes, my alliterative powers are feared all across the city and the isles. This is Part 1, preparing the team...
  7. I would surely give it a try, if we are up for it. Just don't count on any major contribution from my part. I only did this TF once before, with Dark Anasthaethist before he turned 50. So my memories revolve around a lot of time being spent face down on the ground. And I seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time for most of the fights... I will need detailed instructions on What to do When! And most likely also on How! πŸ™‚
  8. For the record, I will be bringing Flying Nightingale again, Emp/DP Defender and fresh off the press to 50. The 3rd now of my little incarnate gang... Give me a week to unlock the Alpha and stick something usefull into the slot.
  9. You missed a darn fun and a little edgy team, Soc! We just ripped through the missions like a stroke. Hope to see you soon again in this place. Its always more enjoyable with the full team!
  10. I made one of those, too. "The Gamekeeper", inspired by a certain character from books about a certain magical academy. Probably need to move him from Reunion to keep him safe... But never played seriously beyond lvl10, I think. So I have basically no idea about this powerset combo. MMs are tricky for me in any case, feel like there is too much management for somebody like me who earns his money mainly by TAB targeting πŸ˜‡
  11. Looks like you've been busy, Soc! Single AT Teams are always special and lots of fun. Did an all-Rad/Fire Controller DFB 2 weeks ago, very entertaining. And fast! @TrixieKixx maybe we can also plan something like a single-powerset Theme Team again some day?
  12. The Line-Up for next week sounds already terrific πŸ˜„
  13. Talking about taking Bunny themes too far... I would like to register Betty Bondagebunny, Plant/Pain Conroller, for this team. @TrixieKixx, this may be bending the rules a bit, as she wont be anything resembling the animal kind of bunny, as you may remember... πŸ˜‡ Couldn't run her with the Fairie theme, but she still got her Valentines Day costume that suits this nicely. I will add the bunny tail part to her outfit, though πŸ˜‰
  14. I am sorry that I missed this. Daylight Saving Time is all a Nemesis Plot! πŸ™‚ But just so that it feels like having been part of it, I am posting my toon anyways. Thanks Trix for running it again with me, was still fun to run through! See you all next week for the Easter Event!
  15. Well, at least it is for a good cause. Hope you have fun and enjoy yourself. You will be missed here and we hope to have you back next week!
  16. @TrixieKixx I am not 100% sure yet if I will be able to make it this saturday. Just in case, when I show up it will be with PANZER-FAUST (which translates to something like "Tank-Buster"), a Shield/Superstrength Tank. Bringing you the best secret Nazi Technology you can find anywhere in the 21st century! πŸ₯³ Although, to be honest, he started out as member of a blue side retro-team, and I only created a red side version of him for this run.
  17. So, this is what happened yesterday... I had this brilliant idea for a concept for next week. It's kind of a crossover from Masters of the Universe to the Marvel Cosmos, a giant tank called HE-HULK. Ran him in through a few levels in Atlas Park, there even was some romance in the air(!) 😍 .... And then, while setting up a DFB to kick him off into the teens, I got shot down again with the Generizizer! Finished DFB and threw the toon away again. Can't tell you how annoying that felt. Seriously. Blast Reunion.😑 ...
  18. How interesting... I never thought that this kind of sentiment existed amongst female players. Actually, I never thought about this at all really. πŸ˜„ I, for my part, run a statistically well balanced stable of toons across all 3 genders (Male/Female/Huge) πŸ˜‰
  19. What a drag! Seriously? People... And all this while you could have been doing something REALLY important! πŸ€ͺ
  20. I see another trend evolving, this so far being an all-female team it appears... πŸ˜‰
  21. Ha, I love this one. I actually did create my own "Gemstone Team" a while ago with 5 characters all representing a different gem flavour (Zapphire Ray, Emerald Firefly, Ruby of Spades, Amber Siren, Doctor Diamond). None of those being a stalker, though πŸ˜† Guess I will just go and "repurpose" one of them to a new stalker for this event... The other themes look really promising as well, giving me tons of new ideas for stuff! Looking forward to it already!
  22. Hi @TrixieKixx, When we are talking about Transcendence, is that some kind of characteristic or ability you need to bring to qualify? For next week, I would like to bring Sister of Mercy, Dark/Pain Corruptor and lvl13 right now. She originated redside (so comes with Demonic Flair😈), but I have made her a blueside version as well in Angel's Attire πŸ˜‡, which is quite nice. So I will basically switch as needed to bring cosmic balance to The Team! All presuming that this is transcended enough πŸ™‚
  23. No objection. We commence as planned.
  24. @TrixieKixx I have dug out Gin Toxic for some uplevelling and noticed that I lied: He's a Poison/PsyBlast Defender. Just for the record. On that note: This weeks team seems to be going heavy CTRL/DEF... Which probably makes it a fun run on its own. But we may need some more time than usual actually killing stuff. πŸ₯³ I could opt into Emerald Arrowmage (lvl 37 Arrows/Plant Blaster) for some more fire support, if that would be considered helpfull. Although he plays kinda supporty as well, not the usual prime damamge force often expected from a blaster... As the name implies, he is green by design πŸ™‚
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