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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. The first time in quite a while that I have made a new character for Theme Team, but it just felt so fitting. I am signing up with Li-Chun Xiang (MA/SR Scrapper). There IS, however, the next match of the german soccer team on saturday at 9pm CET (3h after theme team) and I may be meeting with friends for some public viewing, which may require me to head out early. If I stay at home for watching, timing shouldn't be an issue, tho...
  2. Signing up with Khal Drogo, the great Dothraki Horselord of the eastern plains. (Katana/Regen Scrapper, for the record).
  3. Sunday would also in general work for me, the time is EU friendly, so appreciate that 🙂 I will keep doing this case by case, depending on the badges at hand. Not a completionist here...
  4. Agent Caustic is seriously giving me the creeps 😆
  5. I will be there with Glissade (Ice/Kin Controller). EDIT: I just remembered while looking for a suitable toon that we had something similar a while ago on a Respec Trial: @TygerDarkstorm: You chance to go again 😉
  6. More pics also here...
  7. Still busy with Dr Aeon, I am afraid
  8. Hi Glacier, I like to come with Mr O'Hallows (Fire/Nature Controller). That Poltergeist badge is just too good to pass up on 🙂 We will be running the 1-Star Dr Aeon before, so hope that we will be finished by then...
  9. I think I will be able to make it in time, but will again keep you posted here. Signing up my Fire3 Blasteresse Forlorne, serving as heavy artillery for the team. Alternatively, if more support would be deemed more helpful, or somebody else would like to take the Blaster slot, I have Meg Quatermain on standby (Kin/Beam Rifle Defender).
  10. Congratulations to all the winners! Pieces of art! And there were so many other price-worthy costumes and concepts there. I hope people took more pictures and post them here! Shame on me for not taking some myself. It's worthwile coming to these contest just to see what is out there. Also, it was such a mindblowing experience seeing the members from the original dev team hanging out there and taking part. This is a remarkable game with a remarkable story and a fantastic community, it is just good to see that is so alive and kicking, 20 years later! And thank you again for doing this. I feel very honoured to have been selected with my toon. Needless to say I had so much fun! 👏👏👏
  11. Hey @TrixieKixx, if I make it home in time on saturday, I will get Psy-Beast ready for this (Psi Melee /Elec Brute). EDIT: sorry, not gonna make it today I time. Good hunting and see ya maybe later for the badge run with GlacierPeak.
  12. Yeah, that's what I thought. It wouldn't work out for everybody, I guess... So, forget about it for Theme Team. We got lot's of other great bases to cover.
  13. Hey @Glacier Peak, this sounds fun and I think this could work for me timewise. I try to be there next saturday for the 1-star Lady Grey with Bananiac (Plant/Rad Controller).
  14. Wasn't really a serious proposal 😇 Just a shameless selfplug after the CC on Reunion last night. But of course I would be happy to do this. Calling it the Theme Team Hall of Fame, if we bring together enough champions? Idk... I know we have a few members that took home some trophies. Would be a fun event for sure, if we could make it work?
  15. Wonderful! I just chatted with him in game for a moment! Good to see you guys doing well!
  16. In light of recent events: New idea for Theme Team Theme: Bring your Costume Contest Winners and Finalists. Ahhh, so many choices! 😇
  17. I plan to bring SPECOP 01 to the dear Admiral, Beam Rifle / Atomic Blasteroid.
  18. I'd love to run the Goldmember Theme Team Dr Aeon. Just not sure if I can make it, its my father's birthday, we have program scheduled for that. Still, it will be a great Theme Team event. Hope that it fits my schedule. The other themes look great, too. Looking forward to June 🙂
  19. I will be there with Thorn Priestess - Spines / Fiery Aura Scrapperette
  20. @Midnyte: still need my pic fix... How is it going with that? 😉 🙏
  21. Feel My Steel! Behold the courageous Scarlet Sonja, wielding her mighty double-handed Axe "Orc-Wallopper", protected by the blessings of the Lords of Ice and Snow! (TW / Ice Armor Brute, for the record). And I just now decided to make this part of her bio...
  22. Yeah. Even though I am not gonna make it today, I thought that would be a good operation for Theme Team, too. Did a few toons in PI that got the full haul after like 3-4 rounds, i think. But it is always more fun to do things like that with a team...
  23. Will not be about this saturday. Enjoy the ride.
  24. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/mmo/celebrating-the-20th-birthday-of-city-of-heroes-an-mmo-resurrected-by-the-people-who-loved-it-enough-to-bring-the-game-back-for-good/#comment-jump Just thought I share this here. Fantastic article on the legacy of this game.
  25. Hi @TrixieKixx, I will join with Wylde Winter Witch, Cold / Ice Defender.
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