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Andreah last won the day on October 9 2024

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About Andreah

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Both sites work and look fine to me now. Thanks!
  2. The FBSA wiki is similarly down: https://fbsa.wiki/wiki/Main_Page
  3. There are unlockable contacts in Steel Canyon and Port Oakes that will give you any bank safeguard/mayhem mission on demand. In general, I don't find much story content to be compelling, and so I don't consider them to be really that much better than random radio missions, if at all. One advantage for leveling from radio missions is you can rapid chain them together; reducing the down/travel time between missions can significantly increase your leveling per session.
  4. I like kill-alls too, in principle. What annoys me is when they turn into "can't-kill-alls".
  5. Wouldn't it be great if there was a checkbox on your contact's window listing you could check to automatically stop you from out-leveling that specific contact? And that it would auto-uncheck if you dropped them or finished?
  6. I really don't like gimmicky mechanics. I'd rather they used their existing abilities and environments tactically smarter rather than adding arcade tricks.
  7. The new Victory server could use a forums section. ^_^
  8. Also, good luck to anyone who wants to buy those recipes at 3.5million -- that's, imo, a mass purchaser's patient price, and if you try to penny or nickle over them, they'd probably respond fast.
  9. Shhh. >.> If a player is getting them from a farmer, the first instinct is probably to craft them as they drop, which as you note is a bad deal. Lowering the level via a AH transaction might help with this, but it's also more time spent finagling stuff and trading a 10% transaction fee on it. It wouldn't save enough for me to be worth it.
  10. I decided to look at the Gladiator's Javelin Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge today. Here's the IO: It's selling at about 7 million. Looks reasonable to me. Here's the recipe: It's selling at just over half the IO price. Price gouging? I was able to bid-creep up from 7 million to 8 million, where I found one for sale: I don't think this is bad, either from the 7 million or the 8 million price. The 8 million price is a thin markup from the 7 million price if a flipper is working this market. They'd be buying at 7 million, selling at 8 million, and making at least 300,000 profit for each. People are willing to pay 8 million for this IO, if they get it right now. It's a good price point for IO's of this utility. Now, if someone else is crafting them from recipes, it requires : This list of salvage and 490400 Inf to craft. The salvage has a value of about one million inf (these days you can sell the rare for over 900k and each of the uncommons for 25-50k if you are patient). So you are looking at a crafting cost of about a million and a half. So, round that down to be generous and call it five million. Now, the crafter had to spend the time getting the recipes and salvage, and also time spent doing the crafting itself. Most mass producers aren't making these by farming, or even by directly crafting them, but by converting other, less in-demand PvP IO's and recipes. So you'll be adding in some converter costs as well as time. We value our time. The spread between the costs of materials and the value of the final item sold has to cover that time and leave a modest profit for the crafter. In fact, if that value per minute of effort isn't comparable to other game activities, they wouldn't do it. If a player is are concerned about the price spread between a recipe and the final IO, they should try crafting ten of them to sell. See how much time goes into it, and ask what a return on that would be to make it worth doing. A million or two isn't unreasonable. And if we "un-nerf" farming, that spread will grow, because farming increases the supply of the input materials, lowering their value, increases the demand for the final IO's produced (more people will make new farmer toons), injects more cash into the economy, making people more willing to spend on pricey IO's, AND then the return on time spent crafting has to compete with more lucrative farming. Why would I spend an hour crafting if I can earn more money farming? All things considered, I think we're in a good spot. And those who hate all this with passion can buy with merits. That's still there, every bit as easy as it always has been.
  11. So, what is your point? Are you angry that recipes are priced too high, or not high enough? Are you upset that prices generally are too high? Do you think farmers get too much for what they sell? Do you think they get too little? All I get is some vague sense you're upset about something-something. Also, we have an entire forums section to discuss the market -- you might find a lot more discussion there instead of here in General Discussion.
  12. PPD can teleport player-villains to the jail during mayhem missions. It's a stretch, but it would make sense they could do this to defeated npc villains in some cases. In my RP, I usually assume defeated enemies inside a mission will be taken into custody by a PPD team that comes in after my mission team has pacified the mission area. I do sometimes see people tagging defeated enemies for teleport to jails though. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
  13. Should be easy to test by selling four stacks of ten salvage. That's forty items but only four listings.
  14. I think this message and the timeout is just automatic when there's more than about 30 items sold to claim inf on. You could be the only player on all the servers and it would still tell you that.
  15. I sometimes buy Superpacks 1,000 at a time, and never had an issue with the auction getting behind on it.
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