@klokwerkaos Congratulations on being an asshat to a total stranger in TWO different systems. :) It's pretty obvious that you DIDN'T really read my entire question -- you just jumped in, spouted off briefly, and then moved on to your own stuff. I mentioned using the controls right there in my text, so it's obvious I've read the stickies and understand. You just skipped over that part. I was asking specifically about alignment best practices and asset selection to get me to where I was trying to go... which you either missed, or simply ignored.
Which honestly, is cool. You're not obligated to answer my question. But how about just skipping past next time and not spending time being a jerk to someone who's honestly just asking for help?
@Raevyn_Darke I appreciate your help. :) I'm just trying to build a platform upon which to place my SG table, so yeah, making sure it's the right height so folks don't have to jump up to get to it, is (hopefully) my plan. I've been using tech containers (the bigger ones) for this purpose on a smaller scale (and then turning off clipping and sinking them into the ground), but trying to create something bigger is leaving me wondering what assets to use to get there. Hence the "filling in the sides", i.e. if I use a floor tile, then it's essentially 2-dimensional, so that space between the tile's edge and the floor needs to be covered, otherwise it's just floating there in space. :)