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El Furioso

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Everything posted by El Furioso

  1. I'm seeing lots of Z-creep issues on the TOP of the map as well. I'm working on an asteroid base that's sitting far above the map, and nearly every time I log back in, something has wiggled out of place. I especially see it when I'm adjusting the height of objects with the grid turned off, although just this morning I had some crates sitting on the 1/4 grid that had jumped up a teeensy bit and were now intersecting the balcony floor tiles sitting on top of them. Odd new behavior. 🤪
  2. If bases are irrelevant, then WOW I'm spending too much time on the wrong thing! 😛
  3. I'm still seeing a big case of "Z-creep" with the new alphabets, especially when they're placed with the grid disabled (which is pretty much required for good spacing on the tiny versions). I'll set the text, then when I log out and back in, it looks like someone has come along and given my base a good shake -- everything is back out of alignment. Great letters, but frustrating so far.
  4. Character name: El FuriosoGlobal: @El FuriosoBase or SG Name: Think TanksShard: EverlastingPasscode: TANKS-1414Item Count: 1839Category for Contest: Utility Center Under 7KOther associated contributors: NoneAdditional Info / Must-See Areas of Note: Cross-faction SG base for the Tanks & Brutes of Repeat Offenders, a coalition of crazy COHers since 2005. Built for utility, but with (hopefully) some style and fun to explore. Don't miss the hydroponics lab, the secret submarine bay, and the Jeffries Tube passageway!
  5. Since we're talking Coalition, can I also ask for the ability to add a "self-coalition" type of option like we did with /altinvite? If you have two characters, where each holds sufficient permissions in their respective SGs, maybe a /coalition_altinvite CHARACTERNAME could create a coalition between the two SGs? Sometimes it's hard to get two big-star holders on at the same time, so this would make joining up bigger groups by yourself a LOT easier. :)
  6. That looks fantastic!
  7. Big thanks, Bob! Herostats was a staple back on Live, and even with the extra numbers added, it's a great add-on. :)
  8. Everything works great on my PC laptop when running on my wi-fi network at home, or at Starbucks, or off my phone when I have it set up as a personal hotspot. But I've found some open networks (like in a hotel) will freak out. I can log in, select a server, select a character, but the game hangs after character selection and eventually returns me back to login. Any ideas? Is there something I can adjust on my laptop to compensate for what I'm running into with some of these networks? Or is it solely on the network's side, and am I out of luck?
  9. @klokwerkaos Congratulations on being an asshat to a total stranger in TWO different systems. :) It's pretty obvious that you DIDN'T really read my entire question -- you just jumped in, spouted off briefly, and then moved on to your own stuff. I mentioned using the controls right there in my text, so it's obvious I've read the stickies and understand. You just skipped over that part. I was asking specifically about alignment best practices and asset selection to get me to where I was trying to go... which you either missed, or simply ignored. Which honestly, is cool. You're not obligated to answer my question. But how about just skipping past next time and not spending time being a jerk to someone who's honestly just asking for help? @Raevyn_Darke I appreciate your help. :) I'm just trying to build a platform upon which to place my SG table, so yeah, making sure it's the right height so folks don't have to jump up to get to it, is (hopefully) my plan. I've been using tech containers (the bigger ones) for this purpose on a smaller scale (and then turning off clipping and sinking them into the ground), but trying to create something bigger is leaving me wondering what assets to use to get there. Hence the "filling in the sides", i.e. if I use a floor tile, then it's essentially 2-dimensional, so that space between the tile's edge and the floor needs to be covered, otherwise it's just floating there in space. :)
  10. Hi all, Tried asking this on Discord and just got blown off, so I thought I'd try here. I think I've got the basics down of placing stuff, but as I'm trying to grow into item clipping and building up and outside, I'm just trying to get my head around some next steps. So can someone walk me through the right way to just build a platform? And what I mean by a platform is like a stage or dais -- a raised area of the floor that you can place stuff on, that's solid, and that isn't so high that it needs a stair, i.e. you can just walk right onto it. So it isn't a different level of floor (high vs. middle, vs. low). Like this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/gf3cplwkdbcngko/platform.jpg?dl=0 So you can take a Floor surface, drop it on the floor, then use Shift to raise it up in the air, right? But how do you fill in the sides so it's solid? And can you change the surface texture? I couldn't find any placeable versions of the Room Style floor textures, so can it be changed? Baby steps, I figure LOL. :)
  11. I'm trying to recreate the look you see in Pocket D, where you can either see through the glass floor to open sky, or even just open areas of sky in the ground. There doesn't seem to be any sky textures to apply to the floors, and the "Open Sky" style option only applies to ceilings. Any ideas on how to create this? :)
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