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Posts posted by Skyhawke

  1. A lot of great advice in there. I'll add by saying don't overthink it when starting out. Best way to learn is getting faceplanted, figuring out what works and doesn't work and reworking your character. Respecs come at every 10 levels, can be gotten over and over with the respec trials. Eventually, you'll get a build you like, a playstyle you like and a year later look at your build think "What was I drinking?" and redo the whole thing. Just did that for my main. It's all part of the process. Just have fun, that's the most important part.

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  2. 47 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    We farm the first mission for Fake Nems because it allows you to quit and reform. Set for 8, you average about 25 fake Nems per run, so you'll often have unveiler by four runs if you start at zero. It does require you to be at least lvl 40, and have access to Steel Canyon.


    A pro-tip, of you are on a toon that can solo a group of Nemesis without worry, you can set the no bosses option on the notoriety settings and the Fake Nems spawn as Lieutenants so they are easier to kill and still count towards the badge.


    That said the whole arc is still great and worth the occasional run.


    Ooops, yep, my bad. 

  3. Depends on the character. I have some that are solo projects for me that I want to take through as many story arcs as possible with no double xp. Then there’s some that I solo, but do double xp and don’t mind taking the most expedient route to 50 with. Then there’s my teaming only characters who always get double xp.


    My solo, full journey characters will do all the Atlas Park contacts as well as Twinshot. From there, it’s on to either Kings Row or The Hollows. This will depend on my mood and/or the character concept. Street level heroes to KR, magicky ones go to the Hollows and other types are at my whims. From there, it’s on to Skyway or Steel until I get high enough level to go to Faultline. Done it up so many times, but I love Faultline. Finish Faultline and it’s off to Striga. From Striga to Croatoa and there we go, into the 30s.


    Solo, double xp characters follow a similar route, but end up missing a bunch of arcs.


    Team only characters hop into a DFB and never look back. From there it’s Posi 1 & 2, Synapse, Yin and bouncing around wherever I can find a spot.


    Villain side is fairly similar, solo characters run the arcs (doing a villain tank now and really digging doing things I haven’t seen in years) and team characters get on whatever they can.


    Goldside is no double xp, turn it off to stay within the full arcs and then off to First Ward and then Night Ward.

  4. My two cents in easy to read bullet points:


    *Create a character, don't do Going Rogue as your first few characters


    *Do the Galaxy City tutorial


    *At the trainer in the tutorial is a woman in black...take everything she has for free except the double xp...don't zoom through on your first go(read descriptions on some to choose what best suits you)


    *In Altas, go to Matthew Ashby and do his arc...AVOID getting on a DFB for your first character or three...great for vets that want to zip past Atlas, but will only teach a new player zerging


    *When given a choice of new contacts, the cop one has the harder enemies, fyi


    *When training up to level 5, you'll get a pop up for a new contact. This is Twinshot. Do her arcs at level 5, 10 and 15. They give you basic training while telling a fun story.


    *If you do end up on a Positron 1 or 2 task force LISTEN to anyone calling ambushes or saying to not approach a door. Your team will thank you.


    *It's incredibly tempting to powerlevel through the game to get to the juicier stuff. Dont. Enjoy the ride. 


    • Like 4
  5. 18 minutes ago, MoonSheep said:


    or they may offer to PvP you for the name, leading to a comic book style endeavour to get your old self back


    Ooooooh, bring the Arenas back into use! Two walk in, one walks out genericed!

    • Haha 6
  6. 21 minutes ago, Luminara said:

    No-one bothered to check the video maker's Youtube channel?  None of you noticed that this guy's played just about every MMO that exists and can't be as incompetent as he acts in that video?  That the whole thing is deliberately skewed to portray Co* in a bad light because that's how this guy makes his living?



    I watched 'em zip through character creation and stopped watching. I was definitely not digging further on their channel. Good on you for doing it, though. 


    That being said, there are a handful of things (already illustrated several times) that could use a tweak to at least give a "Hey, we warned ya".

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  7. I've been avoiding posting in this one because I can see both sides of it. Yes, COH Homecoming has been a playground for vets since it came out and new people won't know not to take an epic archetype or not hit Going Rogue before trying their hand at the regular content. On the other hand, you don't just hop behind the wheel of a Lamborghini with zero driving experience and then blame the dealership when you crash. It's on those of us that have been here for years to give advice and help as we can. It's on the new and returning people to do more than install and go. There's a wealth of information on these boards as well as the wiki.


    Do I think this is going to turn off some people? Sure. Modern MMOs handhold like crazy and the modern MMO audience is used to that. Should it turn them off? No. The tutorials are there for a reason. Twinshot/Dr Graves are there for a reason. If anything, I'd question how much trouble it would be to add a pop up when someone chooses Going Rogue that lets people know it's made to be a bit harder than regular content (it is, you know it is, please don't epeen waggle at that comment) and that taking a Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Soldier or Widow is meant for players who have a good understanding of the game.


    There's a couple pitfalls for sure, but it's also on the player to not go in blind. Do so and you're gonna have a bad time. Like the person in that video. Zip, zip, zip and off you go. What were they expecting? 🤷‍♂️

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