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About Belazarius

  • Birthday 03/29/1980

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  1. CoT maps EURK. And like you said the usual bugued (or seemingly bugued but where you have a really well hidden area in a map) map.
  2. Asheron's Call ? o_O
  3. Ask someone to record you when you sneeze and...voilà o/
  4. Because you expect every player to play the way you intend them to do.
  5. Giving heroes doing their missions in the same zone where the patrolling heroes logged off an option to chose from : get 3 random heroes in the list of all disconnected heroes - choose one. You get this hero as a teamup npc during your mission. This would be a dream come true.
  6. Ncsoft sent an e-mail. Something about US EU migrating accounts and korea...
  7. Oooh the time when a tank went agroing the WHOLE mission map and came back with 50-100 enemies (what a letdown when my tank on my next mmo had trouble with more than 1 mob of his level...). I left the game just after the crafting system and Praetoria I think and did not invest time into learning the inventions/sets so I discovered them whith homecoming. I just remember tanks agro being nerfed to being able to keep it on a max number of mobs. There are different stages of difficulty in the game and I think they appear at the right time when you can start equiping yourself to surpass them : sets and incarnates will allow that. You end up being an unkillable killing machine even with an "half" full build like I did with my first main.
  8. Does the old rule still apply ? As in when being exemplared down allows to reimburse the debt quicker ? Also when I played on live we did not get xp in this case but now we can ? (in lower level task force for instance).
  9. Yes, you changed my mind. Katana is the best choice. And they're two handed. I don't know why in my mind Broad Sword meant : bigger = two handed but no. Also Titan Weapons are too big in my opinion in this case 😛
  10. Yesterday it started by someone reacting to an announcement and others reacted to the reaction etc...to the point that it looked like some famous twitch stream chat (exagerated). I could not keep an eye on the lfg/help anymore. I just clicked my 'help' tab which only listed the lfg/help/tells discussions : problem solved and then had a good end of the day.
  11. Elric would not be Elric without Stormbringer so either Broad Sword or Titan Weapons.
  12. Hi every time I try to check the events (to see the weekly strike force for instance) I get this error : oops something went wrong. The link I'm clicking : https://forums.homecomingservers.com/events/
  13. It reminds me of another game where some players get to max level before others can even get in game because they are in queue. Every expansion o_O
  14. I've stopped reading after a while but something poped in my mind yesterday : voice acting. I usually play video games in english both with text or voices (except when japanese is available for the voices) rather than my language. I must say wow did a really good job on voice acting both in english AND my own language. I loved hearing famous actors I was sued to when watching my tv series too :P
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