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Burnt Toast

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Burnt Toast last won the day on March 9 2020

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About Burnt Toast

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Apparently I am just too stupid to do this. I used to have vidiotmaps, but then got a new PC and when trying to reinstall... I just get errors. I give up. I wish it was like old vidiotmaps where you just downloaded and installed. Does anyone know of an easier way to get this program installed? The mod program can't even find my cityofheroes.exe or recognize my HC launcher. Sigh. Beyond frustrated at this point.
  2. I really like Seismic Blast... Have a Seismic/Rad Corruptor but would love it as a Seismic/Rad Sentinel instead.
  3. I can't seem to find anything on the forums or any type of official word on this - Is Seismic blast coming to Sentinels?? Any info out there on this?
  4. I played from launch to start and have been here since HC started. Literally there is no content I have not done. I have all the badges I want (1300-ish) and frankly I just want a hero to 50 to enhance them up and feel...powerful. My friends and I enjoy making builds and then PLing to 50. It is not rocket science on how to play each AT/powerset. Most people who are here I would venture have played this game hundreds if not thousands of hours - so the term "AE babies" is a bit silly. Back on live "AE Babies" were more of a thing, but hey they paid their money so who am I to say what they should or should not do. If HC got rid of xp in the AE I think it would be a disaster for the already small population. I for one would probably stop playing altogether if I had to do the same old missions/TFs to get to 50. I don't have that much time to do something which I consider tedious after 11 years combined playing the game.
  5. Burnt Toast wasn't the name 🙂 And no one has the name currently.
  6. Thanks I did that. logged in just now to see if it had "reset" so it would allow me, but still won't.
  7. Was hoping for a serious reply.... but thanks.
  8. I deleted a character because I no longer play it, but I wanted to use the name again. I have deleted characters before and re-used their names, but now I am getting the message that it is not a suitable name??? Uhhh it's my global name and I have had the character name since HC launched. Is this some weird glitch?
  9. I learned a long time ago not to let strangers on the internet affect me... that will help you in the long run. If they are not violating the rules and just being a jerk - ignore them. If they violate the rules... report and ignore. Tada.
  10. Thankfully HC has stated they will not do this in the past. I swear all the requests for "I win" in this forum have gotten to the point of stupidity. I miss the days when people actually played the game instead of asking for easy mode/insta-wins. This is my last post in this forum... its to the point where the whining for an easy mode...to an already easy game... has made me hate the CoX community on here. I can only imagine what the devs at Paragon would think about this community now - trying to shred apart a game they worked so hard on. Reply if you want... just don't expect me to reply back. I am done with this "community" that is hell-bent on changing this game into something unrecognizable from it's Live days. Gross.
  11. Yes that is exactly right.... guess what this is a game and (gasp) sometimes you lose. I would immediately quit if the to-hit cap was changed ... why... because what is the fun or challenge in never missing? I build my characters to be the best they can, but I also know there is a chance that a battle could not go my way because of all the mechanics... and THAT is what makes this game exciting after playing it since launch. Thankfully this idea; which has come up before a few times... is not even something being considered by HC. So tired of people wanting things to be even easier than they already are.....
  12. Oh look another "I win" button thread. Heroes miss - plain and simple. A hero that always hits a villain is boring af.
  13. "Having to farm these Badges" .... uhhhhh you don't have to. You feel compelled to, but you are not required. Acceptable gameplay has different meaning to different people.
  14. Uhhh my Amp Up is permanent on my Corruptor, Defender, and Mastermind. Faraday cage has never not been ready for me when we move...if your team is moving THAT fast that you can't re-summon then they obviously don't need it. I absolutely love the static power even with just 2-3 other players. Maybe the issues you are having could be solved with different enhancements or more enhancements.
  15. I had a small update today when I launched Tequila. I haven't played for about 2 weeks...due to being out of town. When the game launched I got this error: Error parsing command line argument 'auth ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````' When I actually logged in the server was: Unnamed. Any ideas what I should do? I re-validated files, but it still does the same thing. a Google search showed me a similar topic.. i fixed it 🙂 Lock/Delete please.
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