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Thank you @Frazier I posted some pictures, including in her Arachnos cape, in the other thread. The kids (adults!) and I will always miss her.
Thank you. She had a lot of friends in the original City (mostly on Liberty, but we proliferated some when COV was separate still). We still keep in touch with many of them after the shutdown, even IRL. (I know, who plays *that* game?) She got on to chat a few times after the Homecoming servers came up with some of the others, and I'm glad she had the chance. In one sense, we traded the Lung Transplants for at least the breathing parts of Cystic Fibrosis, but the CF was always there under the hood. Breathing Is Fundamental - so often that was the main focus. The CF-related liver and diabetes disorders - which were not even an actual diagnosis when we first got married, because CF patients didn't usually live that long - are what crept in and led toward her final end. She was in a race between the donor lungs having rejection, liver failure from CF, and then her kidneys failed while in ICU. Just too much, no matter how much Willpower she kicked in. I hope your friend is able to take some of the new CF treatments they have come up with like Trikafta. As expensive as they may be, its a game-changer to finally have a CF-specific medication that fixes the broken gene's effects. The kids today who take the new drugs may never get to the stage of needing a lung transplant at all, or at least they can push it further out. It's like when they found a way for diabetics to be able to take insulin in some ways. Just not something we got to leverage in the end, but I hope others do.
@MTeague, that's one reason RoseV and I shared her story back on the original COH Forums. Thank you for being a Donor. The life you might save someday will be a stranger, but I can promise they will be beyond grateful for the extra time. Literally half of our 25-year marriage existed because of our two donors (and their families for agreeing to it). RoseV's first transplant literally came on her 34th birthday. I was never able to come up with a good birthday gift after that. I can't pay our donors back, but I can pay their gift forward by getting other people to sign up, and by talking about the transplant experience. If you're reading this and you're in the US and you want to sign up, you can register right now at https://registerme.org/ and it will redirect to your state registry. If you do sign up, tell your family and friends! They need to know your wishes because if the time ever comes, you won't be there to tell them. In-game, RoseV always hated the Vahzilok most of all, she would pick Science origin for new toons just so she could go after them again as the antithesis of organ donation. We started plotting out an AE arc once on Live about her toons going after Dr. Vahz. Someday I may sit down and construct it. Kalkin
Thank you, @Frazier, @Da1syDiesel and @Luminara (and also the rest of you who commented or read this thread or participated in RoseVortex's Sisterhood memorial). This is 24 hours after @RoseVortex's 2nd transplant in 2016. Walking the halls of the hospital after her 1st transplant in 2008, rocking the Arachnos Cape sent by the Paragon Devs (specifically WarWitch, but a bunch of them signed a poster and art book). This is her main Transplant #1 Hospital PT outfit in 2008, with the same Arachnos cape. Also the hero she created 'Hospital Marauder' - BS/WP scrapper from that outfit. 2015 and 2013. She started doing the purple hair (and it became her signature with all the folks we encountered) because she liked how it looked on her Hospital Marauder toon. I haven't tried to even launch the game in about a year, because she was so frustrated trying to play with her hand-tremors and coordination impacts from all the medications. I felt like I shouldn't be playing if she couldn't. The City was our place to Go Out And Do Some Stuff before her first transplant in 2008. She was excited to see the rebirth, and Annoyed With Death Ray Laser Eyes that her body wouldn't let her enjoy playing the game again. Go be heroes and villains and all in-between. You might see me around again on Excelsior. Kalkin
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Kalkin started following Liberty - represent
@Kalkin here - been playing on Excelsior off and on since the Homecoming relaunch. Was part of the 'Sisterhood Friends' channel and shared the nickname "Kal" with @Kallor (he had it longer than I did). 🙂 My main back on Live Liberty was ArcherBot, a TA/A Defender....and a pile of alts. Now playing a scrapperish DP/MA blaster.....and a new pile of alts (one of whom is a new ArcherBot). Been away for the last couple of months (that darn Work/Life Game keeps taking up so much time), just logged in again today for the first time in a while and am catching up on the forums. My wife @RoseVortex received her first double-lung transplant in September 2008 (on her birthday), with support from a lot of the Sisterhood folks. WarWitch the Dev sent us an awesome care package including an Arachnos Cape which RoseV wore around the hospital during recovery. RoseV had a second double-lung transplant in January 2016, and she wore her cape around the hospital again. Rose has now been breathing with someone else's lungs for over 11 years now. A Willpower Scrapper IRL. Our organ donors are heroes, and I can't thank them enough for helping RoseV get the time to get back to her city. She kept the original install folder (through 2 laptop upgrades) just in case. She has played a little bit on Excelsior, and I will try and drag her into more as her health permits. See you around Paragon.
That seems to be correct. I six-slotted Sudden Acceleration (with the KB>KD proc) into Hail of Bullets and I couldn't figure out why nothing was falling down (I usually run/ran Cryo). I died, and so went back to default, and suddenly they all started hitting the ground. Looking at the Detailed Powers list that actually makes sense now, it calls that KB level out. I've actually slotted for Knockdown in Martial Combat (I'm mostly doing DP as a Blaster) as well (Overwhelming Force proc in Burst of Speed, etc.) so I spend a lot of time knocking the mobs to the ground with both Primary and Secondary.
Sadly he passed away a few years ago. His memorial NPC is in Steel Canyon on the other side of the statue from Positron. By the phone booth. He's a combat NPC. I make it a habit to pull a few mobs to him everytime I run through that area, just so he gets to keep on saving the city. There are few other memorial NPCs that were placed around the City by the SCORE folks.
I was guessing soon probably means "in the next week or so" in this case.
A City Scrapbook... Because Screenshots
Kalkin replied to Coyotedancer's topic in General Discussion
He's a combat NPC. I make a point to pull some baddies to him everytime I go by, just so he can pound them. -
Tip: If you have Echo: <map> teleporters in your base, you can go to the tram station inside Echo: Galaxy City or Echo: Atlas Park and travel directly to Ouroboros. Once there, claim the badge on the top of the Ouroboros building and it will unlock Ouroboros for that character ("Entrusted With The Secret" badge awarded).
Nice. Thank you. I *use* perl but I am not a coder. I can kitbash scripts together through The Power Of Google but this is a great starting point. It wouldn't be hard to leverage for a few other things too (random costume select, random flight pose select, even random emote select from a list). Appreciate it.
If you still have that, I wouldn't mind seeing it.
This conceptually is Sick. Evil. Wrong. Horribly, I just realized I *will* have to run Dr. Q at least one more time to get the badge....once I pick a badge toon. Thanks so much for making that show up in future nightmares! <shakes fist at Shinobu>
This may help figure out what changed and when. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,2044.0.html