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  1. So i'm not sure exactly where your going with this. Dark control gets heart of darkness at lvl 12 which gives you a mob stun similar to flashfire/stalagmites but requires you to hop into the centre of the mob. Shadow Field is the mob hold not disorient. I think your also ignoring the fact that your secondary is one of the top 3 controller options. Howling twilight is another mob stun available at lvl10. You have a self heal that doubles as a to hit and regen debuff. Tar Patch. Darkest Night. And you have all these by lvl 10. The problem is the cone living shadows. Its never going to hit the mob the way other controller immobs do in that it won't hit the entire mob unless some one has herded them up. That someone should be you. Use darkest night to pull the mob to a corner where you have placed a tar patch. This way they will be tightly packed and living shadows will immob them all. Jump in and use heart of darkness or stand at range and throw howling twilight. Hit them with fearsome stare from range (lvl 8 pick) Then you can take your time killing them. There's so much stacked -to hit debuffs in dark/dark chances are you won't get hit and if you do they are doing less damage due to darkest night and you can heal yourself with twilight grasp. Its the secondary doing most of the work to keep you alive which is what makes /dark so good. There's not many other secondaries that work this well at such a low lvl. The primary is a little irrelevant at this point in terms of your survivability vs +3 mobs. Its entirely down to your secondary.
  2. Testing posted build minus tactics running with envelope and cocoon and slotted for absorb and it seems fine.
  3. Kind of curious how that plays, you have massive downtime on hasten/fade/soul absorb. What do you do when all 3 are down?
  4. FIRE STORM ONLYASANDWICH - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd
  5. My original /marine mm's ran a full reactive set in barrier reef. I was treating it like an ffg from traps and looking for recharge bonuses and defence. After seeing how other players were slotting on other AT's i've been trying different slotting. Luck of the gambler and 5 panacea. Luck of the gambler, 3 shield wall, 2 panacea/ 2 preventetives. I can't really tell if its better slotted with heals for the absorb or slotted with def pieces for the defence. I think it depends on what your running epic wise. With scorp or ice i'd want the small defence bonus as high as i could for the s/l defence. With a resist epic i would rather have the absorb boosted. Maybe. Its going to depend on your own goals when your building and what bonuses/numbers you think will suit your own build best.
  6. Great combo, i'll post mine, built purely for messing about so its not gonna be close to @VertigoIguanapro solo tf build. I think i also slotted gleam for damage i do like red numbers but i'm betting st'wise i'm nowhere near the above build as i went for some defense and slow res, nothing worse than finding yourself standing in a tar patch even when you do have the ability to tp out. ILL PSI - Dominator (Illusion Control - Psionic Assault).mbd
  7. I've been playing this combo a lot lately and enjoying it more than my other fire trollers /dark /kin /rad /poison /time. But its a serious end hog. Hotfeet is the source of all my endurance issues. I was originally running with 45% ranged def and 75% s/l res but it was boring and i never used hurricane, but i did find myself using snowstorm a lot especially during halloween to drop those annoying flyers to the floor and keep mobs tightly bunched when they were trying to run from tornado. But i respecced out of the build to fit sorcery in and make it more fun so both powers went along with leadership. And i still have endurance issues. I've already been to the P2W vendor twice and stocked up to max on recovery serums. Before i made the build i had a look through the forums. I'll toss on the ones i found as i have no idea what pages they were on and a few i made myself (and played) before i moved to the current build which i'm still working on. I went for psi mastery for indom will and rune which let me take musculature and ageless and never have to worry about mez or endurance at 50. My advice while levelling, get sorcery as soon as you can for arcane bolt and enflame, hit the mobs with flashfire-fire cages-freezing rain/bonfire (whichever is up) target the boss with char/enflame/arcane bolt and rely on recovery serums and blue insps. Hot feet will drain you faster than anything else but you want to be standing in the centre of the mob running it. Its one of the laziest toons i ever played (i suspect thats why i love it) I just hit flashfire/cages/a macro for FR/bonfire/psi nado/enflame/tornado/lightning storm and just stand there and watch the mobs evaporate. I have had issues with specific mobs when exempting down for first ward/night ward content where debuffs are hitting me hard, had a few deaths and a few moments of just running away to recover but i suspect thats more down to me running a high rep than the builds. @Nemu and @Argentaeare the only 2 i could remember and i have no idea how old they are. Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd FIRE STORM NEMU - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd FIRE STORM ARGENTAE - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd FIRE STORM - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd FIRE STORM 2 - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd FIRE STORM SORCERY - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd
  8. Yup the previous 30+ that have been posted all work.
  9. You have PFF on, turn it off. You have no damage. No recovery. No defence. No resists. Worst of all you have no recharge. And no accuracy. And you skipped Blind. 6 slotted spectral/dark blast/engulfing bonuses do nothing for your build. Gloom and Midnight Grasp are your 2 heavy hitters and you have them slotted for everything except damage (and no accuracy in midnight grasp). Flash has no accuracy. You have 8 luck of the gambler slotted, only 5 will count. Soulbound chance for Build Up should be in Phantom Army. Most powers look like they were slotted at random with pieces with no aim in mind, Superior Invis, Gloom, Spectral Terror, Life Drain , Phantasm, Midnight Grasp. Phantasm does knockback and that just makes it take longer to defeat mobs so you'd want an overwhelming kb/kd or sudden acc kb/kd in it. With ill domi (and troller) you want to aim for as close to perma Phantom Army as you can or enough control from gleam and flash to cover the downtime. With any domi you want to aim for as much recharge as you can (i forget the exact number its math and i don't really do math) so you'll have perma domination. If you aim for perma hasten you'll have perma dom. I usually just do that and it saves me number crunching. Click Totals (below the powersets) . Look at your recovery, look at your end drain, even at perma domination your going to have serious endurance issues. I'm assuming you tossed in scorp epics for the luck of the gamblers rather than theme or for the smashing and lethal and energy defence. Or for the panic button of PFF. If you check the other build for ill domi's on the forums you'll see they aimed for specific targets/goals in their builds and by clicking Totals you'll be able to see what they are and why they slotted the way they did. Just as an example here's something with /ice epic and perma hasten and some hp bonuses and a panic button in hibernoob. And sleet is a great debuff. PA isn't perma and defence isn't softcapped without gather shadows but it's not going to get 1 shotted if the controls miss. ILL DARK ICE - Dominator (Illusion Control - Dark Assault).mbd
  10. I pretty much use an identical template for all my /rad sents. Swap combat jumping for hover. Swap superspeed for flight. Same enhances.
  11. I do hate flyers so mace gets used a lot for web envelope and cocoon, fitting in cocoon and keeping group fly means sacrificing tactics and i'm not sure its worth it, i'd probably keep tactics with a couple rectified in and a cyto and move the extra slots to brine with 4 nictus pieces. That would get you to about 44.3% s/l defence. Edited to add the reactive scaling piece i forgot to slot. BOTS MARIN - Mastermind (Robotics - Marine Affinity).mbd
  12. Turn off Meltdown. I'll chuck a couple of mine on, there's not a lot of difference between them res wise. I didn't go for softcapping anything. I don't take blazing blast as it repels but it does mean they don't exempt very well. Its not difficult to simply swap out epics. I do like rain of fire when i have fire cages but i don't have it on a current build and i wrote over the mids, its suprising how much damage RoF does on sents when they can immob stuff. Maybe these will give you some ideas. Slot for damage. Slot ground zero as a nuke. FIRE RAD - Sentinel (Fire Blast - Radiation Armor).mbd FIRE RAD ELEC - Sentinel (Fire Blast - Radiation Armor).mbd
  13. Illusion trollers were always my favourite AT's alongside mm's, having it on domi's with the ability to put out all the extra damage from a secondary just makes them even better for me. I've always loved assault rifle and have a ton of toons using it, Rad/rifle is one of my fav fender's, rifle/nrg one of my fav blasters and when i run mercs mm's i almost always try to fit in burst and m30 nade, something about the animations and the soft control that appeals to me. Pretty much cycling unleash potential/hoarfrost/barrier/demonic aura to stay alive although a lot of the time its been unnecessary, gleam and flash do so much of the heavy lifting. I have spectral on the build running /dark epic more a themed thing than anything else as i rarely use it and when i do i don't see it making a lot of difference. I'd never skip it on a troller but i couldn't fit it in with /ice on this domi build. As to the no FF procs it hurts leaving them out but as you can see its not built with procs/damage in mind, it was just slotted for recharge to get PA up/near perma. I hate knockback in any form on any AT and when i toss the FF's in i lose the recharge bonuses if i also slot the sudden acc's kb/kd. Having tried it in buckshot and trip mine i decided i preferred the pure recharge. If it wasn't illusion primary i'd slot differently, i do have an arse/arse domi that relies on force feedback procs and i find they are only reliable on mobs, when your fighting single targets your relying on sniper rifle/elbow strike and that means dropping a chance for damage piece. Its bad enough that i want to slot sniper rifle with a sudden acc too, thats how much i hate kb. Its a pretty lazy build, there's not a of of times i'm going into melee, i know burst is rubbish dps but i just like it too much and its lazy from the point of view that i don't have to rely on specific attacks firing off specific procs to get the recharge up for PA. I don't have to do much more that hop in for flash and trip mine and the rest of the time i can hide behind teammates. When i run with the melee attacks its a lot more active and constant repositioning, dps is way higher but i don't mind being a bit slow, some days its just relaxing to play a build like this.
  14. One of my favourite combos. I'm onto my 2nd one, one on torch, one on excel. Tried a lot of different builds, i do love running it with /dark for tar patch and darkest night. Trying it with /ice now. ILL ARSE ICE - Dominator (Illusion Control - Arsenal Assault).mbd
  15. I dunno if it'll make much difference but a teeny bit of slot shuffling gets you 75% smashing, reslotting shockwave-1 force feedback gets perma hasten, 50% slow res. Loquacious - Blaster (Sonic Attack - Sonic Manipulation) More procs less ranged def.mbd
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