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  1. they unpack into your email - Character Items
  2. I am on this list, and i dont farm or do AE, i have just been here playing the same toon for 5 years, (Mr. Rabbit Lord). I kinda got hooked on getting all the costumes, still working on it.
  3. My main is 5 years old and i still play him, mostly bcause he is fun, easy to earn inf on, and people know him. I dont really hunt badges or make alot of alts did that back on live. The few alts i have are some weird concepts i brew over weeks and i consider them done when they get fully tier4 incarnates My main need a goal for me to continue playing, for now its Costumes from the vendor gotta catch em all
  4. i like the idea of sg and coalitions earning prestige, and maybe get the sg raids going again, maybe earn some sg buff when teaming with a certain amount of guildies, like small stuff
  5. ATT and Radial barrier for that res into cluster fun experience, just dont hit that button if ya cant take the heat.
  6. never used mids, or builds, i use a few days to think of concept and power sets, then run it to 20-30 level to get a feel for it and scrap/respec, then run to 50. after i got all the incarnate unlocked, i respec for end game stuff. i go mostly by feel, so have to run alot of content to really get it setup.
  7. I have been running with energy torrent(ragnarok set) as my starter for 5 years, it kb pretty often, never got any complains, the trick is to hunt down the stragglers.
  8. well if you have to ask, it is probebly copyrighted.
  9. Do we really need tanks for ordinary mobs anymore? i end up regularly tanking on stalker or dom on normal runs(+4) in my experience tanks are only really needed on starred stuff to take that big 1 shot hit, or can you guys tank a 4star boss baddie on ya ff blaster?
  10. played CO on and off for years, a cool gimmicky thing was the throwing of objects like trucks if your str. was high enough
  11. I mostly run radial for the rez when things get nasty like tank or heal goes down in the thick of it, i have not noticed much of a difference, and people tend to stack barriers anyway. (i have both ofc. i am not a peasant) Mr. Rabbit Lord
  12. next time get a gm to fix it, i tested color codes a while back and totally broke it , found a gm on discord, fixed it in a few mins.
  13. well you just need to do it enough, i enjoy 4* ASF, one of the few things that are challenging anymore, and the rewards are really worth it, you need a good team though as it is one of the few things that can fail unless the team knows what it is doing, cant remember last time i failed anything else exept maybe keyes, when people are killin AM.
  14. Mr. Rabbit Lord - *Makes Rabbit Sounds* Captain Minute Mate - To Fame And free Beer!
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