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  1. (Attached) In case someone else searches for an answer to this chat/channel/tab problem; Here is a screen shot from default settings
  2. Logging back on from 2019, I noticed one of my characters had a role playing low pop total mass chat tab containing almost every channel and no other tab.🧐 I brought this character over to Excelsior and this singular chat tab looks like a raging river of texts like the matrix code wall. Looking for a solution... I noticed there was no default all tabs/channels button option. I found a WORK around by screen shotting the default tabs with various channels off of a new character, thankfully. Was just wondering if it were possible that maybe in the future they might add a chat tab/channel default button?
  3. Best way to track hours through steam is using the Steam App ID from the original (App ID 29680). The original (added in 2009 AD) is still in my steam library and should be in yours if you had steam back then... If you were lucky enough to get City of Heroes: Going Rogue on steam during live... It should still track your hours... IIRC all you gotta do is edit the launch parameters to launch the HC Launcher instead of the old NCWest Launcher. Personally I don't have time to try this out, but I bet it'll work!
  4. Did you run out of shard transfer tokens? What exactly happened here?
  5. Dag nabbit. Was hoping this was possible seeing as everyone seemed to move to excelsior. Oh well, let the creativity run wild again. Thanks for post and responses. Hope others find it.
  6. Tried Excelsior in 2019, was too laggy (prime times) so moved to indom, never had a lag until the "official announcement" news wave hit. So good move HC!
  7. @AboveTheChemist Have you ever heard anyone create or have seen any Contact Popmenus before?
  8. My dreams of Hero versions of MM's are coming closer! Angelic MM, Police MM, & semi-customizable MM models.. I feel like HC has endless potential! Can't wait for the future! Thanks for everything!
  9. Yes! Kata! Thank you! It's Kata! Love making all of the MM ninjas do this
  10. @Gulbasaur Any update on your "Goldside Guide" work progress? Huge fan of your other two guides and follow them for lore sake.
  11. Would be super cool if the zones would just lock you in via total contact completion instead of level. That way we can enjoy the content fully as we go. Instead of rushing to ouroboros thus killing the essence of gradual play.
  12. What happened to the training emote? The one where you would make different fighting stances and it would be accompanied by a "Huh!" grunt. I think it used to be in in the "Athletics" pop bubble... **solved** It's called Kata!
  13. Macintosh users! (Mac M1-M3 APUs or intel Chips & others) Can you guys advertise a little more(or more largely) that the homecoming experience works fantastically for Mac. There are a ton of people with iMAC's and MacPros that can run this CPU & now APU intensive engine. I tried it out on a whim with a new iMac M3 & the installation process was flawless and overall gameplay was astounding. *Fullscreen, *Full resolution, *Full access to all settings. I thought I was on windows. I am thoroughly impressed and satisfied with the overall process. That said, can you guys throw up a large Mac symbol on this website anywhere I think it would help a ton to bring in the "generic crowd" There's an official Mac CD cover image out there from NCs. Mac people welcome home: Download the Mac OS X Homecoming Launcher.
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