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Everything posted by ChairKicker

  1. Put like this, it makes more sense, I guess. I still think SGs are the best way to go to meet folks in the same community. It's not like there can't be at least one LGBT SG by server. It's easier than ever to create one, too, so if you feel it's lacking, why not? And to finally answer the question directly: sorry, never been on Torchbearer, only playing on Reunion, which seems quite LGBT-friendly at first glance, but it being the unofficial EU server, it might come with other issues, namely timezones.
  2. I'm doing a lot of soloing right now because I'm not playing very long at a time, but I'm definitely keeping that in mind for whenever I can group up, thanks for the advice. ;D
  3. I guess the topic got on a slight tangent because asking if there's an unofficial LGBTQ server because, to several people, it makes as much sense as asking if there's an unofficial man server, or an unofficial woman server, or an unofficial old people server?
  4. Past mistakes: not playing live more. Should at least have gotten one character to 50, but never did. (In my defense, I've never reached max level with any character in a MMO. I don't care if admitting it just makes you want even more to throw things at me. I'm standing by it. It's not good or bad, it's just a thing that happens.) Current mistake: as my first character on this server, try out Tanker, and make it Titan Weapon/Ice. It's slow. ... so slow. ... I'm a stubborn idiot, so I'm keeping this character. But so sloooow.
  5. That's fair, but on the one hand, the thing about (gay) bars that doesn't apply to CoX* is that it's a space where it's acknowledged that flirting tends to happen, or people go there to try and start a relationship, so the existence of gay bars makes sense for people who don't want embarrassing misunderstandings or worse. CoX is not that, it's a game. On the other hand, if you're really looking for safe places like that, SGs might be a much better start. Last thing: with virtual safe spaces, you really can't enforce the exclusion of people who don't meet certain criteria (in this case, people who are LGBT). The best bet is still to ensure the larger community is polite and folks don't feel free to act like morons because they think like morons. That's what reporting is for, and from what I understand, the server's managers are not on the intolerant side. * If you use CoX the same way, well, I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, but not only are you going to be severely disappointed, but you also should be made aware of other applications and games that will make your life much easier in that aspect.
  6. You know, now that the game is back, I feel compelled to share the following comics about the saga of a legendary villain: http://machall.com/view.php?date=2006-08-28 http://www.threepanelsoul.com/comic/on-the-inevitable http://www.threepanelsoul.com/comic/on-corruption
  7. A tragedy in 2 sentences only, right there.
  8. I had the great idea of making my Praetorian Resistance character, The Panic, a Blaster with secondary Psy (Dual Pistols as primary, for the record, but that's mostly irrelevant). I'd never played on the Praetorian side before, and went in completely blind. Well, The Panic really, really hates Clockwork and Seers. Damn you, Emperor Cole with your goddamn robots and psychics. God freaking damn you. Also, large groups of enemies, especially Destroyers, but that's a given.
  9. You're wrong. I mean, it's not "your wrong", it's "you're wrong", so, you're wrong. ... ... Captain Pedant awaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
  10. Toutafé! Purée je m'attendais pas à retomber sur des anciens joueurs francophones. ;D
  11. Finally made that Bots/Sonic Mastermind. Her name's HAXXadecimal. She's virus-themed. Two of her bots will be named Melissa and ILOVEYOU. I have no regret. I think I've heard of the legend. (Either that, or there was more than one around this concept, in which case may God have mercy.) I am honoured to meet the mind behind him!
  12. Beezlebud (Poison/Rad Defender) was summoned by a vengeful warlock who didn't quite get the importance of proper pronunciation or spelling. Unlike most of his summoned demonic peers, he's not really a fighter. Instead, his days in the infernal realms are generally spent repeating variations of "have you tried putting your amulet off and on?" and "are you sure your sacrifice was still alive when you killed it?". But he's not going to clear any misunderstanding about his power or identity, as he's really, really not eager to go back to thaumaturgical support, and his looks are impressive enough to support his bluff. Oh, yeah, and don't call him Bud.
  13. I started playing this game with CoV, so obviously I made a bunch of those before considering heroes, but there were two I properly developed as characters. One was a Dark/Dark Stalker, Musarshttir or something unpronounceable like that. Before ending up on Earth, she was one of the dragons that were eating Yggdrasil's roots along with Niddhog. She was fed up with eating roots, though, and decided to leave her siblings to go look for fresh meat. She met dwarves along the way, which ended up badly for both the dwarves and her, and long story short, she pissed off the kind of people who could throw her all the way to this dimension, where she gained a humanoid shape. She quickly ended up in a SG with other similarly-themed villains around nordic mythology, and only had to be reminded on occasion not to eat specific people. In personality, she was a lot like a placid half-domesticated wolf willing to follow whoever would feed her meat. Not inherently evil, but very incompatible with human society. The other one, I can't remember her name, was a Gravity/Radiation Dominator (IIRC). A more straightforward villain. She was part of a cutting-edge, top secret space program 50 years ago, which went horribly wrong. Several decades later, she landed back on Earth, having turned into a half-zombified, half-cyborg thing with powers I would quantify today as quantum manipulation. Her patience and sanity snapped when she realized the project she was part of was officially erased from all records, and nobody even acknowledged her existence. She therefore turned to villainy out of your good old revenge and sadism and what else. She was very fun to play, I'd like to redo a Dominator along the same lines with the same aesthetics... Nowadays, I've only made one redside character, though I'm planning to make a bunch more once I figure out the concepts. There's Celaenian, a Dark/Ninjitsu Stalker (look, I wanted to try out something other than a dark secondary, don't think too hard about that one) who's an eldritch abomination brought from a parallel plane of existence, fitted with prosthetics so she wouldn't just keel over dead due to the different laws of physics, and unleashed into the Rogue Isles to "show them all". Nobody briefed her on what "show them all" means, though, so she's running around, trying to figure out the laws of this strange world, and starting to develop an identity and personality as she interacts with people. Most of these interactions involve death, that being said. Somewhat inspired by the aforementioned first Stalker, except she's a lot more alien in mindset and less motivated by feeding habits. She just doesn't realize all the implications of death and touching people in a way that they would define as a "violent attack", and she never might, depends on the direction she takes. Other than that, I'm thinking about others. A Mastermind character who's virus-themed, and very much a classic, cackling, flamboyant villain with no excuse. A demon summoned here, except that back home he was more like an accountant or tech support than a warrior or warlock, but he'd rather not clear that misunderstanding. And then, there's also that Resistance agent in Nova Praetoria, The Panic, who believes she has very good intentions but can be considered at best a antihero, at worst a deluded villain depending on who you ask... I'm just more drawn towards villains overall. When I was a kid, I was so interested in Batman: TAS with its loads of villains with very different motivations, most of them understandable, some even justified. While I do have a soft spot for the unrepentant, moustache-twirling classic villain, I also like having characters with some degree of ambiguity or reasoning behind them. Even now I'm making blueside characters, they tend to not be nice, rational, or pleasant people...
  14. Still got to make screenshots... Celaenian is a Stalker who's a dark humanoid mass of snake-like tentacles and eyes. Brought from a parallel plane of existence into the Rogue Isles, fitted with some prosthetics to improve its survivability (mechanical arms and lower jaw, that it normally doesn't have, and probably something that can pass off as blood), and set loose to "show them all!". Thing is, she(?) is actually a lot less about indiscriminate slaughter, and more about trying to figure out the rules of this world. Oh, yeah, doesn't understand human language yet either, so doesn't have the slightest idea what "show them all" means, or even that she's expected to obey her "makers" to begin with. Hard to predict when someone is going to die, who, and how. Over time, she's going to develop a personality and identity depending on the interactions that happen, though it's not going to be necessarily a very understandable kind of personality... Still only at low level for the time being.
  15. I've got a Dual Pistols/Mind Blaster, The Panic. Her schtick is to go find scumbags in positions of authority, and use fear (either through direct psychological manipulation or through the time-honoured tradition of waving guns around menacingly) to make them cough up their misdeeds in public. That's the plan, anyway. And she's got a vague definition of "scumbags". She uses a lot of mass confusion (as soon as I get the power anyway), so the mooks might end up being more confused and scared than their boss. Her catchphrase is "you may now panic".
  16. ... "Capitan Tchuktchuk", ça ravive des vagues souvenirs... J'avais une Stalker dark/dark inspirée de la mythologie nordique, mais honte à moi, j'ai complètement oublié son nom. J'ai pas oublié par contre qu'il fallait parfois lui rappeler de pas dévorer des gens. (Ou pas. C'était du c�des villains, après tout...) EDIT: Musarshttir, je crois qu'elle s'appelait!
  17. Closest I have to a pun name is The Panic (dual pistols/mind blaster). Her catchphrase is "you may now panic". This is going to work better with mass confusion, I swear. Other than that, I'm working on a Mastermind character who's virus-themed (as in the malware), but while I know the name should be painfully puntastic, I don't know what name to settle on...
  18. Look, I stopped playing back before Nova Praetoria was even a thing. I've had time to learn enough English to hold a decent conversation, and forget tons of other stuff I've learnt in the meanwhile. Actually, it's downright miraculous I remember how to play Stalker. Or that I played CoX in the first place.
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