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Everything posted by Arnabas

  1. As per the title, where do we find the password for our base?
  2. I'll try to respond to multiple questions in one post. In terms of alignment, when I first started thinking about that particular missions, I checked in my Tips for alignment-related stuff, but had none. As I mentioned above, I thought it might be because I had 3 exploration tips and thought that they might be blocking me from getting anything else, so I cleared them, but that was followed by getting more exploration tips. Curious, I started checking my other characters, ranging in level from low 20s to mid-40s, heroes, villains, and vigilantes (no rogues). None of them had alignment/ morality tips and between the time when I started looking for them until now (about a weeks or so, playing at least 1-2 characters daily) I still haven't received even 1. That's why I thought they may have been disabled, thinking perhaps it was related to the fact that people can change alignment at will through Null.
  3. That looks like the one, from what I can remember.
  4. Yes, I understand that, as I have previously done alignment missions by receiving tips... My point is that I no longer get those tips. I only get exploration tips and that includes characters in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. I had thought that it was perhaps due to having too many exploration tips and that I might not have "space" to receive alignment ones, but even if I complete or dismiss the exploration tips, I just get more, without any alignment ones.
  5. I was thinking the other day about how quite some time ago (maybe 2 years?) I did a mission (I think in the low 20s) that was specifically for Vigilante characters. Just a short arc that ended, I think, in Independence Port. I only played it that one time and was interested in replaying it. It was then that I noticed that I had no alignment missions available. On any character. I can't even seem to get them. So, basically, I am wondering if they have been removed from the game, or if for some reason I just can't seem to get them?
  6. I'm not sure how they could hit like a Blaster without a blast-type power... I have looked at that combo, but the concept I have is more the archery/ attack than Trick Arrow would provide.
  7. I know it's not really the best fit because there's no good thematic match for the melee component, but I'm wondering if there might still be a possibility? Even just a few kicks or punches could be thrown in. Or maybe a smack from the bow, reusing Staff animations. I have a concept for a Plant Control/ Archery character, but unfortunately it's not possible at present I could make the concept work with Archery/ Plant Manipulation for Blasters, but the spines in Plant Manipulation are so hideous I'd never use the powerset. Unfortunately, there's no way to remove or adjust them. I'm just curious if it's ever been considered.
  8. I agree. I don't need or want this to be "ZOMG great, " but a little more functionality would be nice.
  9. All that I was trying to say is that I've long wished Triage Beacon could move and follow me. A stationary heal aura is fine for human players but it doesn't help henchmen that much in my experience, at least until after the battle when they're recovering and standing still. As a side note autocorrect just changed that to "triage bacon" and that all I can think of now.
  10. Well, since the official Robotics feedback forum is now closed, I will say here that the Maintenance Drone is the exact thing I have been hoping for.... to replace Triage Beacon....😔 One day? Please?
  11. I'll probably respec out of it soon. It's too bad because conceptually, it seemed a cool power for the character. I don't need it to be a great power, but it would be nice if it did more than drain End with no effect.
  12. Okay so there you go. I guess in the right situation it can be useful. It's just that for me, as someone who has not encountered or used the power before, it seemed kind of useless. And it still seems kind of odd that I can get it at level four or so, but have to wait until Level 50 plus for it to be good.
  13. I didn't even know it was available as an ancillary. I was comparing a primary with two effects to a secondary with one effect.
  14. So, I would humbly suggest that World of Confusion needs a review... A Mag 2 Confuse that last 1.5 seconds? As near as I can tell, it's primary purpose is to drain End but not affect enemies. I have a character with a Slow power which as a side effect may cause confusion and that Slow power is much more effective at causing confusion than this Confuse power. I can't help but feel that something was overlooked, or that some kind of error was made during development. Right now it's only slightly more useful than the snowball temp power.
  15. Thanks for the responses. I somehow always fail to remember that there are specific forums for the ATs and go to the general one.
  16. I feel as though I am missing something here, or maybe this power is just broken, but World of Confusion (in Mental Manipulation) has the following description: " This toggle power allows you to cause psionic damage and cause confusion within a group of foes, creating chaos. The chance of confusing an enemy is lower than then chance of damaging them, and it may take multiple hits to affect stronger opponents. All affected foes within the area will turn and attack each other, ignoring all heroes. You will not receive any Experience Points for foes defeated by Confused enemies." Now, that sounds like a pretty cool power... Foes get close to you, then turn on each other. But the power cases confusion for a whopping 1 second. With enhancements you can get it to about 3 or 4. This isn't even an exaggeration. Foes will get confused, turn to their ally, pull out their gun... then turn and attack me because it's worn off already. At best, it causes them to pause slightly before attacking me. So I am wondering if this has ever been addressed or if this is someone's idea of a useful power?
  17. I have a quick question about Sentinels. I don't usually play them (I have 1 out of my 55 characters) so I am not sure exactly how Opportunity works. Usually when I build up enough opportunity for it to trigger, it ends up being the final hit on an opponent. So if I trigger offensive opportunity just in time to defeat one guy, will it have any effect on the rest of the group I am fighting, or will any bonus vanish immediately with the guy on whom it triggered?
  18. So, I haven't really played much recently due to work and home issues, but I logged in tonight and figured I would do some trick or treating. I don't remember there being any special requirements in the past, but I did notice in the notes for this year that we should go to a "level appropriate zone." I have done so, but every door I click just says "You Cannot Enter." Is there something different this year?
  19. I started an Electrical Blast/ Mental Manipulation Blaster recently and just picked up the World of Confusion power... If anyone else is using it, I am wondering if it gets better? It seemed like a cool idea for a power but at the moment, it rarely causes confusion and when it does, it seems to have a duration of 1 second. Enemies become confused, turn to look at other enemies as if they are going to attack, then snap out of it and attack me. So as best as I can tell, it basically serves just to delay their attack for 1 or 2 seconds.
  20. ... so can someone tell me what it represents when a blue circle appears around the button for Tesla Cage? I can't seem to find an explanation.
  21. Sister Valeria made me wonder about this again last night as I tried the new missions. It's certainly nothing new, but the habit of NPC companions to try and herd the entire map is really frustrating at times. "Ooh, I think I'll attack this guy right beside me... once. Then I'll run into the next room and attack a few guys and bring them back here... Then I'll run away to attack that guy 500 yards away..." Have they ever said if they are looking for a way to fix this, or do I just continue to let these bozos die before starting the mission without their "help?"
  22. Is this a TF, or standard mission that can be played solo?
  23. I thought this was already active. Sigh. I have been logging characters in/ out daily for months for no reason.
  24. So, I was doing a mission with Crow in Praetoria and one objective was to save Widow Dahlia, about whom Crow had said "I think I love this woman..." When we managed to save Dahlia, however, "this woman" was a man. Poor Crow is a bit confused by the addition of male Widows it seems.
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