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Everything posted by Arnabas

  1. Thanks a lot!
  2. I'm not sure how to add the command switch, but I'll try to look it up. The other stuff I can adjust. Thanks.
  3. So, we picked up a laptop for my son to use for school work and some other tasks and I wanted to see how well it could handle CoH. As it turned out, it couldn't handle it well at all. I didn't fiddle with the advanced settings, but left it on "Recommended". Standing still, everything looked pretty good. Moving? Super laggy and jerky. I turned it down to "Performance," which was only marginally better. FInally put it on minimum and it wasn't bad, but looked like crap. I had read a few reviews before picking it up, a few of which mentioned that the reviewers were using it for gaming. One even mentioned playing RDR2 on it, which seemed highly unlikely to me, but maybe with everything turned all the way down it's possible. Anyhow, i am far from being the most tech-savvy guy, but it seems to me that the game should run better than it did, particularly since it runs reasonably well on an old Asus Transformer Book that was bought about 6 years ago. Maybe I just need to play with the settings? If anyone could take a look and give some thoughts on whether it's worth trying to get it running on this system, I'd appreciate it. Here are the specs: 3.0 GHz Intel Core i3-1115G4 processor 8 GB DDR4 memory 512 GB SSD storage 15.6" FHD screen, 1920 x 1080 resolution Intel UHD Graphics
  4. Not on this character. Other characters have intentionally confused them, which is pretty useful, but this character can't. It just sort of happens on its own, from what I can see.
  5. I have noticed that on a semi-regular basis, I have Sky Raider forcefield generators switching allegiance and deciding to shield me. This certainly isn't a problem for me, but I am wondering if I am somehow causing it to happen without knowing it, or if it's just an odd bug? Id does more than just follow me. It actively shields me.
  6. I was so happy when i read this, thinking finally my character may be playable again. I'm a little disappointed, though. I thought this would be really helpful, but it only seems to fire about once in every 10+ uses, and then it gives me about 20% or so of my End bar.
  7. I would like to see weapons added as Power Pools, so that instead of only having punches and kicks (Fighting Pool), we could have a Melee Pool (your choice of melee weapon) or a Ranged Attack pool (Handgun, Shuriken, whatever). It would help with concept characters and wouldn't require a full powerset to be developed. I have an AR/ Ninja Training Blaster who makes pretty regular use of his katana and I would love for him to have more than 3 relatively slow attacks, in the same way that my Psychic Blast/ Martial Combat Blaster is actually one of my favourite "Scrappers," using melee attacks a good 75% of the time, if not more. In fact, I really think developing power pools is a good way forward, allowing a lot of customization with (presumably) less work due to not being full sets.
  8. I can get behind this.
  9. That's interesting... I never knew it wasn't. Did you find out by discussing with teammates which objects you were summoning?
  10. I don't know if it's just me, but when using super jump, I won't change direction mid-air unless I have a concept to explain it. For example, I have a character who (in my mind) has a device that launches him into the air and then he uses his cape to glide/ direct himself. Other characters can only go in a straight line and will only change direction once they land.
  11. I always have at least the beginnings of a bio when I create the character. For me, the story matters as much as the powers and costume. I need all three for a character to work. If a character reaches level 10 without a bio, I will probably either park them until I have one, or delete them.
  12. I remember when the game launched and we had nipples.... I always thought it would be interesting to be able to use our powers in different ways, other than combat. Let my super strength guy break down a wall that no one else can. Let me fly up and save a cat from a tree. Let me use my psychic powers to calm an angry crowd. Etc.
  13. I always need to play a character as in I need to have a story for them and write up a bio. I tried playing red side when it first came out, but couldn't connect with any character I made, so I would always delete them. What finally allowed me to play was to create a stalker who had been taken as a child and turned into a mind-controlled assassin. She finally broke free, but without those who trained her realizing it. She then continued to go on missions to "remove" targets, but would actually fight her way to them, incapacitating (not killing) everyone along the way. When she would reach her objective, she would help them fake their death and escape to Paragon. So basically, she was now heroic, but undercover as a villain, and that made her fun to play.
  14. Thanks for the info!
  15. Back on live, I experimented very briefly with a PB, but not enough to really get a feel for them, other than to know how deadly Voids and Quantums were (at the time). Now I would like to level up a PB and would like a bit of advice, partly to have a clearer view of the "purpose" of each form, and also in general. I am starting to form some assumptions based on the little bit that I have played and if I am wrong, would like to be pointed in the right direction. What I know (or think I know) right now as a level 12 or so PB is this: Nova form is dishing out damage (Blaster-style) and Dwarf for is enduring damage (Tanker-style). Human form seems to be in the middle. Having played pure human up until my last power choice, I have been splitting my enhancements between offence and defence. Having just picked my Nova form, I am thinking I should respec to take the (offence) enhancements out of the human-only powers and put them into the Nova-only powers to improve its attacks. I had assumed that I would have to do the same later with the Dwarf form, as I was thinking it would add a number of defence powers, but reading up a bit, I see that like the Nova, it only gets new attacks. Does this mean that the Dwarf form keeps the Defence abilities that I am currently using in my human form (Shining Shield, Thermal Shield, etc), which turn off in Nova? Once I have both the Nova and Dwarf forms available, does human form continue to have any particular use? Right now, it seems to offer better Defence than Nova, but when the Dwarf comes along, the Dwarf will take that role. Any info you guys can share, would be great. Or even point to a simple but fairly comprehensive guide. In the meantime, i will keep looking for info myself. Thanks
  16. I don't know... I agree with the first part here, but I don't think it's theme-destroying. I mean, the idea is to replicate Hulk-like characters who will Rage, do bonus damage, and then calm down and recuperate after everything has been smashed. Or like a berserker who kills everything in sight then passes out exhausted. So I don't see it as theme-destroying, but theme-enforcing (a theme that many may not want to play). It's kind of interesting to me, though. Rage (along with certain other powers in other powersets, some of which have been drastically changed since inception) was built as a concept power suitable for people who like a little RP in their MMORPG. My first character was an Inv/ SS tanker who had Rage, but almost never used it. She only activated it when it seemed thematically appropriate, such as when she was injured and close to being overwhelmed, or facing a major villain. I still tend to play her that way much of the time. Over the years, we moved away from things that added "flavour" to the game in an effort to pursue pure utility. I personally like to have some concept powers, but it seems few others feel the same.
  17. Well, since people are including their bios, I'll toss up a few.
  18. Virtually all of my characters have bios. Some of my characters from live have numerous stories written about them, including two novellas. I might have about 4-5 characters without a bio written yet, but that just means I am hammering out the details before writing them up, or sometimes trying to condense it enough to fit in the allotted space.
  19. Interesting. The character I tried it with had the power pre-patch. I played earlier today (not with this character) and logged out completely, only returning this evening, when I experienced the issue. I was thinking I might need to respec. It's the self-teleport, so I am targeting a location.
  20. I don't know if this is a known issue, or if it's somehow just me, but when I use Teleport, my character goes through the animation, only to drop back to the ground without moving so much as an inch.
  21. No, the one I was thinking of used different armour and the eyes were visible, but these are pretty cool too!
  22. Back on live, there was someone who shared pics of his Ape character and it looked amazing. I wish I still had an image. I don't have access to the game right now and can't remember the costume part names, but he used the alien face (with the big dark eyes) and sideburns for the head and the big, fat robotic gloves for the hands to help emphasize the larger upper body (he was an armoured ape). I tried recreating the look at one point but couldn't quite get it to look right.
  23. Whenever I think of the Battalion, I envision them as being similar to the Cabal in Destiny. Not sure why. Might just be the name. I'm honestly not sure if I want to see the story play out. Part of me definitely does, but I don't think they have the time and resources to do it properly. Maybe they could have a Task Force that centres around delaying it indefinitely. Just keep repeating the TF and they will never arrive. I disagree with this. I mean, they've been rebuilding some zones for 20 years now.... I think seeing some progress is fair.
  24. My Dark/ Dark Dominator is great and I am currently obsessing over how fun my Fire/ Dark Controller is.
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