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Everything posted by Arnabas

  1. I... don't remember. I will have to go check now.
  2. Aside from Penny, there is a young boy in one of the missions, but I forget his name. So there are a couple of kids. In terms of being right-handed, there are plenty of left-handed attacks. I have often remarked that some of my characters must be left handed because of how they hold their weapons.
  3. Honestly, I think the best bet is just to assume it won't happen, or it will be far in the future. That isn't to be negative, but just to avoid getting your expectations too high. We all know what Soon means.... I knew about the private servers a number of years ago and was laughed at (or yelled at) a number of times for suggesting they were real and that we would one day play on them. I did believe it would happen in time, but to avoid being too disappointed, I kept telling myself that it would take at least 10 years. The result was that I could put it out of my mind to a degree, and was pleasantly surprised when it came faster than that. In terms of any sort of potential deals, I am again telling myself it will probably take at least 5 more years so that I don't need to worry about it for now.
  4. Looks cool. That one Freak with the lightbulb in his codpiece, though...
  5. 1. Good point. I tend to always post in general, but should look at other options. 2. Yes, it has some nice soft control with knockdowns, and your other points are valid. I was thinking that with some recharge, the damage will also improve as I fire attacks off quicker.
  6. I had it and respecced it out partly for the aiming issues. I figure that if I add it again. I will just target, hit Follow to line me up automatically, then attack single targets. If it hits more than one, well, bonus.
  7. I don't mind the delay... I kind of like watching the shurikens fly and arc toward the target. My first Dom was Dark/ Dark which feel much more powerful in some ways.
  8. So, I finally got around to making a couple of Dominators. I hadn't really played them prior to now because I kept hearing about how they supposedly need perma-Domination to be viable. Thankfully, I have found that to be untrue. I am actually enjoying the ones I have made so far, but my most recent is Electric Control/ Martial Assault. In many ways, he is pretty fun, but the attacks in Martial Assault seem really underwhelming. I always wanted a thrown weapon power, so I really like the shuriken attacks, but I don't see why they are designed the way they are. By comparison, I have a Dom with Dark Assault. His attacks include 3 Moderate, 3 High, and 2 Superior. He feels very strong. Another character with Psionic Assault has 3 Moderate, 4 High, and 1 Extreme. Even Icy Assault has mostly Moderate, with 1 High and 1 Superior. Martial Assault starts with a Minor attack and is followed by 4 Moderate, another Minor, and ends with Superior and Extreme. (And yes, I know there are other factors than just the damage, such as slows, etc, but I am just giving this as an example). By the time I hit those later powers, I am sure the damage output should be fairly decent, but it seems that compared to other powers, Martial Assault is a little on the weak side. I though Envenomed Blades might compensate, but it doesn't seem to have much of an effect. There are other powers (Radioactive Assault, Savage Assault) that start of pretty light as well, but they seem to have more hard-hitting powers that follow soon after. I am only level 26 or so, so I recognize that I may see things change soon, but thus far, I am not seeing much to balance the power vs others. Can anyone else who has played it chime in? I was thinking that for the level 1 power, since it fires 3 shuriken it might be neat (if possible) to have 3 to-hit rolls, one for each shuriken, so that the damage can still be Minor for each, but if they all hit, maybe it would bump to Moderate.
  9. I'm joining this conversation rather late, but concerning character creator constraints (holy alliteration, Batman!) being "limited" has resulted in some incredibly fun characters for me as I try to put together not only a fun combo, but create a story (always a must for my long-term investment) for that character. Anything else I could say has already been mentioned dozens of times, but I wanted to toss this one into the ring.
  10. I have a Shield/ Street Justice tanker. I like him, aside from the fact that even with one End Red (sometimes 2) in every attack I still blow through endurance quickly. I keep a full tray of blue insp so that I don't have to stop and rest after every fight.
  11. Well, fair enough. I suppose people would still farm it, just not for XP, since they would already be level 50. Personally I (and several people I know) would have been perfectly happy just using it for new content as opposed to leveling up.
  12. First time I made a villain, I couldn't empathize with him because he was a horrid individual. I deleted him and killed him in my head cannon. The trick for me was to ultimately create a stalker that was actually an undercover hero. When sent to "deal with" people, she would defeat them, tell them "I was sent to kill you. As you see, I could have done so. I suggest you run fast and far, and take a new identity." Then she would report them dead.
  13. AE is great for adding new content. I love that there are some very good stories there, and I enjoyed making my own. In my opinion, what could have helped avoid all the headaches is if AE was unlocked on a per-character basis upon reaching level 50. That way there would be no farming, and players who want new content after "completing" the game could have it.
  14. For me, I would just like to see all pools be equally useful. There are some that are fantastic, and some that I almost cry over because they are perfect for my concept, but practically useless. I would also love to be able to customize things more. For example, even if it made no change to the actual stats of the power, I would love to change to animation of Boxing and kick to look like sword strikes so that my AR/ Ninja Blaster would have multiple "sword" attacks. Again-- I don't care about the numbers or damage type, just let it look like I am swinging my sword. I think it could also be cool to let players pick pool powers in any order, without prerequisites, but balance it by making them more effective if they do choose the lower level powers, much the way Cross Punch has synergy with Boxing and Kick. That way you can get what you want, but investing more into it makes it better. Those are my major wishes for power pools. I can live with almost everything else.
  15. True enough, and yes I do realize that we are forced to choose power pools, but much of what I am saying is that it would be nice if we had a selection of equally-viable powers to choose from, rather than some which are extremely useful to most characters, and others that are largely cosmetic.
  16. I have Sorcery on two characters. It is just useful enough for me to not respec it out, but just barely. I would actually be interested in seeing a breakdown of which pool powers are being used.
  17. Any chance we can rebalance Power Pools? Once upon a time, I was of the opinion that Power Pools should be weaker than primary/ secondary powers, but these days I am not so sure anymore. By my reasoning, if we are giving up a standard power for the sake of a pool power, we are "paying" a price for it. If the issue is play balance (which, you know, barely exists anyway) then the fact that we are surrendering either a primary or secondary power should be enough. I don't think we need to make pool powers essentially just cosmetic. Now, I admit, I am not a big numbers guy, but I am going by feel. I have one character for whom I picked up the Force of Will powerset because it was thematically a great fit... on paper. In play, there is no point in using it because it is so weak. An attack (Project WIll) that I "pay" for feels weaker even than Brawl. Not only doe s it not really do anything, it is painfully slow. And yet, other pool powers (Leadership pool, Hasten, etc) are useful enough that a number of people consider them essential. Some other powers are possibly more powerful than they should be, like Mystic Flight. I thought that would be useful to me because I have a character who teleports, but has a tendency to take damage when falling out of the sky between jumps (not when travelling in a straight line, but you don't really have time to turn and look around). I figured Mystic Flight would save me from buying Hover, because it has a mix of flight/ teleport. I expected it to be similar to hover but the flight component is pretty fast, and in my mind, makes the teleport component redundant. So, I don't really expect pool powers to get a huge bump, but it would be nice if we could have them all be reasonably useful instead of a mix of essential and pointless. Also: I would love to be able to customize them more. I would love to be able to have Boxing and Kick animate as sword strikes, for example. I wouldn't care about the damage type or anything, but thematically, I would love my DB/ Ninja Training Blaster to have an extra "sword" attack or two.
  18. I have yet to be able to solo any TF (granted I have only tried one or two). On those few attempts I have made, I used my tank, and typically what happens is I blow through everything easily until I reach an AV, at which point we stand there throwing punches, forever, unable to hurt one another. Maybe with a different AT....
  19. Hi. I was altering a character at the Icon surgeon in the Rikti War Zone. Three times in a row, I would alter my height slightly, and hit Next, resulting in a crash each time.
  20. I am glad to see more work being done on pools, but I think there is a ton of potential that is being ignored. But first, let's look back a bit... Originally, the devs were pretty clear on wanting melee types to stay melee, ranged types to stay ranged. But Blasters and Controllers always had access to Fitness, Fighting, and Leadership to boost their survivability and later, the Ancillary pools gave even more options like Temporary Invulnerability, while giving melee types a few options for ranged attacks (Laser Beam Eyes, for example). As time passed, it seemed like we were getting more options to allow archetypes the ability to replicate the powers of other ATs. I don't want to do away with ATs, or specialized roles, but I would love to see the power pools continue in this direction. My Suggestion Create pools that are mini versions of Primary/ Secondary abilities. For example, I have a Dual Pistol/ Ninjitsu blaster who spends a fair amount of time in melee. I can do it by using my 3 sword attacks, Boxing, Kick, Sands of Mu, Flurry, Air Superiority, and more if I choose to, but that is awkward. I would love to have a Katana power pool with some extra sword attacks to fit this concept. It could even be a generic "Sword" power pool. Or an even more generic "Melee Weapon" power pool. Heck, at this point, I would even be happy to re-skin Boxing and Kick to look like sword attacks, even if none of the numbers/ damage type, etc changed from what they are now. What About Balance? Some will complain that it unbalances things. As I mentioned, ranged characters can already do a whole pile of melee attacks if they want, and more ranged powers have already been introduced that melee characters can take. This would just allow players to do something more in keeping with the design of the character. Also, consider the fact that players would have to give up a Primary or Secondary power to take the pool powers, so they are still "paying" for them by giving up something that is likely more powerful. On THAT topic, though, I do think Pool power damage needs a bit of a boost. Maybe not a huge one, but enough to make them more worthwhile. For example, I have a Street Justice/ Super Reflexes scrapper who is mostly just a highly- skilled fighter, but who has one or two superhuman powers. I took the Force of Will pool for Project Will. I didn't expect it to be massively powerful, but I also didn't expect that this "Medium Damage" psionic attack (that needs to be unlocked) would do less than half of the damage that my Tier 1 "Low Damage" punch does. TL;DR I would like to suggest that pool powers be re-balanced where necessary, and that they continue to add some new options, or at least allow us to re-skin some of the powers to match our concepts. Thoughts?
  21. Huh. I use SoM all the time on my melee characters and never felt it was underpowered. Sometimes it is more effective than my "real" attacks.
  22. Well, he was supposed to sort-of come back... Tyrant was going to reform and take up the name Statesman. I don't think he was ever a "fan favourite" though. From what I remember at the time, the majority of people thought he was a dick.
  23. I currently have Cimeroran Core Ally, and decided to create Cimeroran Partial Core Improved Ally. So, I spent the necessary Threads and an Empyrean merit to create the components. When I went to slot it, it wouldn't allow me to do so because the power was recharging from the last use. No big deal for that, except that I now no longer have the Partial Core showing as having been created. It, and the components, are gone.
  24. I use it on virtually all of my characters until well into the higher levels, and agree that it's quite useful on SS characters. I have no problem with it, personally.
  25. That's fine for higher-level stuff, but I would like to do all TFs. If I exemp down to the appropriate level, that doesn't help, unfortunately.
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