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Everything posted by Ankylosaur

  1. Was putting the bobby-like Drudges on this misty street map the whole reason I wrote this arc?
  2. Do you mean the industrial ones? They are unique maps that were originally used in the portal missions. I think Citadel was the platform one, and the other one is used with the Eagle/Falcon/hawk or something guy who sells enhancements in PI. It's his one mission. I think it may also be in a portal corp mission. I used them in All That Glitters 2.3 to represent Terra Volta locations, though at the time I searched Terra Volta to see if they were really there, and they are not. They could possibly be in Crey's Folly, but I don't think they are - I think I looked for them but it was ages ago. As AE maps they don't have the toxic smog nor the murky waters. On the other hand the "ruined city" map is actually the upper corner of Boomtown. (Used that in boom Times in Boomtown.) Also the "flooded ruin" I had heard is the upper levels of Boomtown flooded but never bothered to really check. It is reskinned/used for the Praetorian "Last Bastion" but otherwise shows up in a few portal corp missions I think. Makes me wish they would use the spawn points from the original and give us the reskinned version too. The king's-row-esque ones are unique too, as are the steel-canyon-esque ones. The Council Outdoor map uses the style of the Riki War zone, so I placed it there but outside the war walls in my ATG mission set there - but it too was an originally a portal map. (Started as a 5th Column map until they were removed from the game for awhile and for a short period of time, it lingered with the old 5th column art - would be nice to have both versions 🙂 )
  3. I think you can find your persons in the character "My Characters" tab to convert them
  4. Based on the popularity of this, working on something else... I had a whole multi-arc series about the coming storm planned - built out the mobs, anchored it in the pvp zones - leveling up through the zone levels - featured a bit of herts of darkness vs shining stars as pvp anchors - felt like I had some neat ideas coming together - some twists, some turns - but - after ages of hammering away at ATG, based on the numbers playing it, another series is not what people are looking for. 🙂 So yeah - something else... #analytics #readtheroom 😉
  5. Wait - are they talking about me - am I trapped in my Wonderland arc? Can't say it doesn't feel like I am trapped in AE 🙂
  6. So interestingly, spectres are part of the Midnight Squad mob. Are they ghosts of the dead?
  7. I was also thinking in terms of them being rescues, so they can be in their own group that never is used in a position where they would fight, or bring them in as allies. As a rescue or ally - just choose non combat. For extra measure, you can right-click them in the group list and turn on "Don't autos-spawn" - or make them AVs as they never autospawn (as long as there are non AVs in the group).
  8. I gave up on using persons ages ago because of this. I just make non-combat bosses if I need a person.
  9. What cranebump said, plus it can be good say something in the mission pop up to direct them. “Fred bolted into the first room. Why does he always charge ahead?” Or some such conceit.
  10. Previously on All That Glimmers, you defeated the 3 D plots of Death, Drowning and Destruction, only to find that Mu'Vorkhan was somehow involved, and that he wanted them all to fail. He had some big aspirations that he would help make possible by increasing the ambient magic potential through all those summoning attempts... But you killed him ending that. But who was he communicating with? Let the shunting commence with Archmage Hellewise! Wondering if I should include a "Previously On" into clue from time to time or maybe some Architect Souvenirs. I did include a souvenir at the end of 1.3 that better explains the four paths that fork off of it - but that's probably enough and all I have for now.
  11. Spycraft & Spidermen on Twitch at about 20 mins in!. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1743627208 So great to see! Thanks again for exploring AE on SundAEs (the AE seems to also mean Aeon on Sundays 🙂 )
  12. Not sure I can take any credit for it - it's all @LordRassilon 🙂
  13. It's fascinating watching a group play your arc - it's like a user test - and users always approach things differently than you might expect. For example, I tend to reveal a lot through dialog, but in the playthroughs I've watched, dialog often goes unnoticed. I had the Hamidon speaking through people he controlled as part of the hive mind and the way to signal that was through ALL CAPS but not sure that was noticed. Also, other more minor things go unnoticed, like DJ Magman reciting "She Blinded me with Science" lines - I mean the whole conceit of the ally being Penny Sakamoto and the event being a "Flaming Man" concert is just to set up a character like DJ Magman to say "Good heavens Miss Sakamoto, you're beautiful!" A long way round for a joke that went unnoticed 🙂 ) On the other hand - in this playthrough's case - the bios of characters are often read, leading the player to get to more detailed info that I usually presume goes unread. You have to go a bit out of your way to get to it. But the players really got more of the story through that. Great to watch and learn.
  14. No - I think it was @cranebump who had a thing. 🙂 And I recognize now one of my things is bombarding with clues. Oh and errant typos.
  15. Just to connect some dots - If @LordRassilon. who posted above is Valeyard, the author of this arc, well, Valeyard is also MollyMauk76 on Twitch... And you can watch the color updates in the lastest SundAE https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1736854952 I enjoyed it too - a fun run - looking forward to the rest!
  16. MollyMauk76 on Twitch is running AE arcs on Sundays (or SundAEs.) on Everlasting. Last night, my Genesis and Geneticists of the Coming Hammiggedon and @Darmian's Dark Deeds in Galaxy City part 1 & 2 were on... Give it a looksee. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1736854952
  17. Return to Faultline on Twitch at about the 3-hour minute mark. Unfortunately, Trivia was going on at the same time, so many of the nuances were lost - but it's still fun for an author to watch. You'll see he is doing several AE arcs. SundAE is a regular theme. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1722829694
  18. Robolution on Twitch! Many thanks to MollyMauk76 for continuing to explore AE stories on Sundays. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1729820890
  19. Wow! I'm glad you found some pain relief! The tech support use case I've heard (Where rather than trying to look across an entire knowledge library for the right document, it can find the answers) but have not heard of medical advice. Pretty amazing!
  20. I'm counting on it! 🙂 And maybe I can take solace knowing that my occasional typo is a clue to players that it was done by a human.
  21. He's a bit of an anchor character in reclaiming Astoria for the First Warder's new home. 🙂
  22. I think I understand why you're confused - I'll tidy up the description Receipt - In Freddy's Pawn Shop you found a receipt from when Freddy had bought the hammer from a Rularularian originally. Missing Hammer - You also found a weapon rack where it should have been but was missing, taken when the Rulu-shin attacked. But here the description had you thinking it was the eye of the hammer that was missing - not the hammer itself - that's what needs cleaning up. As you look at the rack, Freddy says, "Good eye, $name. I had a cool hammer with a Rularuu eye beast in it that is missing. One of the only things that's missing. It didn't work though. Those things are bound to their owners." Hammer found - And now you found the Hammer - and presumably the one who took it.
  23. Yeah - Rularularian and the Hammiggedon arc (with the Gaians in Glitters) are both origin stories for mobs I reused in here. 🙂 After Glimmers though, the next parallel forks are "only" 3 arcs each. They will breeze by. 🙂 And @cranebump per @Zhym's TV Guide - I'm looking forward to the Mobius grand finale up next!
  24. No - Crazy Freddy and his pals were not supposed to be violent. Fixed! Sorry about that, and thanks for asking!
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