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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. Somebody mentioned training with BaB... is he still in the NW corner of things?


    Yup, he's there.. I had totally forgotten about him until I ran into him while doing a mission. The problem with BaB is that everyone is coming out of DFBs and he's too far to train and run back.  What many people don't realize is that as long as everyone is in the same zone, you can go into a DFB from anywhere in the zone. You don't have to be in the sewers.


  2. I haven't played a character with Radiant Emissions in, well, 6+ years, so I can't remember if this "bug" was around then or not. It seems that when I use a toggle (Radiation Infection/Lingering Radiation) on an enemy, it stays running after the enemy dies. It seems that the toggle will still be running until the enemy fades out of the scene. Is this on purpose and, if so, is it still infecting those around the dead enemy?



  3. Today, I got dropped from two different teams.. I wasn't kicked and I didn't quit the team. The system just dropped me from the team. The first time it wasn't a problem, I was just re-invited. However, the second time was REALLY odd. I was in the Drowning in Blood TF. The leader couldn't re-invite me, but oddly enough, I was still in the league. I was able to finish the TF and get all the badges, I just couldn't see my teammates.. which is not good when you're a healer. I was 5 levels below the team leader and I still stayed with the level of the team.


    Has this happened to anyone else? I am playing on Everlasting.

  4. Turkeys should be the tier 1 pets because they're kinda stupid and nasty and would make good melee pets.. Canadian Geese should be the tier 2 pets because they're really nasty and can fly. Bald Eagles should be the tier 3 pets, just because they're friggin awesome. There needs to be a "Bombs Away" power where all the birds poop on enemies... It would be an aoe.

  5. There's really no "upvoting" for posts. Which I consider a good thing. I would hate for good ideas to be dismissed or buried because they weren't popular enough to stay visible.


    But you can "give influence" (located under the user icon to the left of their post) as a way of showing appreciation. It's a bette system in my opinion. Which is just about as valid/invalid as any other.


    Thanks, I can use the give inf. I just wanted a way to show appreciation for a post. Not "upvote" in the sense of making it better than other posts for visibility.

  6. I have a beam/something sentinel... have you take account the special proc they get on levels 1 and 2 powers? I don't really understand them because, right now, the target usually dies before the special proc can show any use. To tell the truth, I don't even understand what the proc power actually does. I know it's different depending on which power you use, but ???

  7. Watch your npc chatter, they will announce something like "Freeze Villain" and that means they're coming after you. They spawn when you pass specific spots on the map. So, if you zip to the bank, you'll have every spawn you pass coming after you, including the bank door spawn. I watch for the message, then wait for their arrival and take them down before moving on. Once you've defogged part of the map, they won't spawn again in the defogged areas.


    When you solo a mayhem, you get 2 longbow per spawn. However, when you add teammates, you get more for each member. They will follow you in and out of doors.


    One thing I like to do, I have my npc chatter in my main chat window, is after I get a "Freeze Villain" I will spam my battle cry. That way there's a marker between each spawn message.


    You will also get a longbow spawn each time you enter a side mission and the bank. So, I wait at the door to take them out so they're not added to mix inside. When you break the vault, you get a spawn of police, longbow with hero, and then more police after you defeat the hero on your way out.


  8. I like the name policy. I currently have 9 characters and none of them have over 3 days off line. Not that I play them all regularly, and I play every night, I just log them in to move them around to a new day job. Or check if they've sold anything on the auction house. With the not having to go back to queue if you log out to the character select screen, cycling through my characters takes no time at all.

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