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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. There's a bit of stuff that's saved server side that has always been said to be local. For example I've had confirmed instances where character specific UI settings (adjusted for a smaller screen) made their way back to my main machine later.


    As for your defogging, did you Happen to recently download/update your Vidiots maps? I vaguely recall doing so resetting the FoW in the past.


    No, I actually just did that today.. so we'll see what happens in the next few days.

  2. I remember learning how to window hop in King's Row because I didn't have Fly/Hover, and I had no easier way to get to the roofs to take out the Circle of Thorns that I needed for my mission to be complete.


    Anyone else remember the "art" of window hopping? Before we got all sorts of cheap and easy free travel powers from like level 1?


    Fire escapes suck as much as window hopping!


  3. Every time I open up the salvage tab, it seems that I have to re-select my sort order (I honestly can't remember if it stays sorted for that play session of if it's just a need between logging the character off/on). Is there anyway to save the sort order preference so that it will stay in the order I prefer?

  4. Interesting... but when I play on a different computer, it thought remembered what I had unfogged from playing on the original computer.  There has to be something server side that saves a character's information.

    For instance, last night on my home computer, I added a chat tab to one of my characters. This morning, on my work computer, I brought up the character and the new tab was there. I was able to save it with /chatsave and load it to all my other characters.


  5. I remember when origin enhancement stores weren't on maps, when it wasn't documented that selling enhancements at the relevant store actually got more inf, and when you had to unlike the level 30+ origin stores by doing a mission for each. I forget how many were in Brickstown and how many were in Founder's Falls, but I vividly recall having to go to FF to update my SOs more than once.


    At least on Peregrine Island, the SO store was right near where you arrived, although it still required a mission.


    I also remember that enhancements in origin stores were strictly given their weird names and not identified by function. You had to check to be sure, remember the color schemes, or over time remember the names.


    I was so annoyed when you had to run a mission to unlock a store.. But, I hated that the upper levels didn't always contain all the stores even more. 

  6. Has anyone noticed that the maps are re-fogging? I have seen, on several of my alts, that the city maps I have cleared had re-fogged.

    I used to use the fog to see where I have badge hunted, but when the map is re-fogged, I don't know what I've found.


    Has this happened to anyone else?




    All of this is on top of the continuing problem of everything I type in the chat line gets dumped into "Local" instead of whatever it says at the beginning of the chat line (except for Super Group, that works properly).




    I forgot this one too... at the bottom of the chat box, there are a bunch of little bubbles that signify which channel you want to talk in. Clicking on one of them (I think it's "A" for auto) will make you always talk in the channel that is the default for the text box you're in.



    Lol I love this. It makes me imagine a load of elderly heroes bumbling around like Dad’s Army going ‘Don’t panic! It’ll come back to me in a minute!’




    I’m one of those Dirty Vets and I absolutely LOVE that I’ve forgotten so much. The other day I was dozing off to sleep and I suddenly remembered Striga. “STRIGA!” I thought, “omg giant mech in a volcano base!”


    Ir’s Almost better than it was the first time because I can remember the sense of how awesome the content was, but he details are still awaiting me to experience all over again :)




    Sorry this thread has gone off track and keeping it with the track before I continue the off shoot:


    Being a vet is pride in knowing we played the game when it was in it's heyday and we should be helpful to those who are learning that a glorious experience has come back!


    Now, to the above quote.. I am REALLY enjoying remembering how much I have forgotten. I KNEW there was a giant robot in a TF somewhere... but totally forgot about Striga.. totally forgot about Ancient Rome even though I spend SO much time there doing ITFs.. I forgot how to get to PI!!! Also, when I stepped back into Pretoria, I was amazed at how sterile the city looked.


    There is joy in discovering what you loved all over again.

  9. I prefer scrappers because I can't play the Brute AT properly. I always get in the mindset that if I don't move on to the next group, I am going to not be able to do damage.. at which point I neglect my health and endurance and end up dying. I much prefer Scrapperlock to Brutelock. My damage as a scrapper doesn't go down if I stop to regain health/end.

  10. Here's a description of them...you can even toggle through them all




    /bind w "+forward"


    /bind w "+forward$$em flypose1"  (1 to 4)


    /bind w "+forward$$em flypose1$$e flypose2$$e flypose3$$e flypose4"


    flypose1 - Superman style. Arms Forward

    flypose2 - Alternate Superman style. Right arm forward. Left Arm curled back. . Right leg bent.

    flypose3 - back straight. Arms angle forward and slightly up.

    flypose4 - Bach arched up. Arms curled to the side.)


    One thing I noticed about this bind (and I use it on all my flying characters), the pose doesn't take effect until you release the W key... so, I either press it twice or I press R and let autofly take over. I thought it didn't work with Mystic Flight, but it does.


  11. Worst builds are the teammates who p/l'd their way to 50 and has no friggin' clue on how to play their character. The Tank that can't manage aggro, the blaster that doesn't understand AOE's pull everyone, etc...  :)

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  12. I think that advertising for "real hero organizations" is a great idea. I do love the ingame billboards and I get a chuckle out of them.


    I am still looking for the billboard advertising "The Clanket" which is a Cape/Blanket combo take off on the Snuggie.

  13. It's funny because I always "complained" about not having a travel power at low levels. Now that I can get it, I realized I really don't want it that early because you (I) really need the attacks and secondary powers at that point. I don't pick up a travel power until around 10.

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