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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. 8 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

    So your fun is more important than someone else.  Got it.  The self-centered nature knows no limits.


    When it's against the rules and I am following the rules.. then yeah, I'll be little self centered. I'll also help to protect everyone else who is playing by the rules. The person who is breaking the rules by doing something that can hurt everyone else is just a touch more self centered than I.  
    I have no problems protecting my interests.

  2. 5 hours ago, jubakumbi said:

    Where does this hate for people that like to spend thier time as a known character (cosplay) come from?

    I don't have HATE for people who like to cosplay, whether it is in a game or real life. As an actor, I totally understand the thrill of playing a character. 


    That being said, if their desire to cosplay has the potential of shutting down a game *I LOVE* than you can rest assured I will take action. Right now, copying trademark characters is not a thing to worry about with Homecoming. IF it does become something, then many of us will protect our game. There are enough options that a player can make an homage character and play them in such a way that those who are fans of that character will know they are playing that character. 


  3. 37 minutes ago, plainguy said:

    The great take away as you mentioned and so do others.


    Masterminds are required  to be cognizant of their pets at all times.  


    II wish there was an ability within the AI of the pets that would keep them on a leash and stop the pets from running off.  

    I wish there was an ability to tell the pets Stand here DON'T MOVE.. Just attack this target.. BUT DON'T MOVE no matter what, unless told to do so.




    Pet melee attacks are the bane of any master mind, especially when in a group. Even more so when, I feel, my bots ranged attacks do better damage. I think they should rely on melee when the enemy comes into melee range.. not go up to run, punch, and fire more ranged. 


    There is a "go here" command and they will follow it.. and then promptly ignore it or stand there and do nothing. A "go and fight from this spot" command would be so helpful. Body Guard mode should actually be stay in "aura range" of your master and protect him.


    • Like 1
  4. On 8/14/2019 at 2:48 PM, Yoru-hime said:

     do we need a separate "City of Mortals" track beyond 50?


    Many of us believed the next expansion was going to be City of NPC's. You played a hapless citizen who got xp for being mugged, kidnapped, and trapped in magical spells waiting to be freed by a hero who stumbled into Orenbega. You got bonus xp for following a hero out of the map, not getting lost, and not getting stuck in a corner. You main goal was to become someone who hands out missions to Heroes in PI. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  5. 44 minutes ago, n00baka said:

    While I would love to open up more options regarding the titles, my personal desire is for a "custom" option via a text box to allow us to enter what we'd like. Granted, the UI may not support that at all, but hey, it's nice to dream.


    Custom titles kinda scare me... I know what some of the players are capable of... 😂

  6. I play exclusively on Torchbearer and as much as I can remember, everyone has been great. I haven't seen anything nasty or negative. Yes, maybe I have been in the right channels to not see this, but I even with the main globals, no problems.

    I did a TF once (I can't remember which one.. someone will know it when I describe the situation) where I was given the star because I was the only level 50 in the group. I didn't mind, but I really had NO idea what to do. This TF involved about 15 hunt missions in different hero zones, one right after the other.  (The TF started in FF). One of the of the TF members, who I had never played with before, stepped up and started explaining what needed to be done and assigned every player a zone to go to and where to go next. It was amazing and made something really tedious much easier. I thanked him for doing that and he actually apologized for "taking the team leader role" from me. I told him I was grateful that he did it. I have done other TFs with him because I know he knows his stuff and how to run a TF. 

    Everyone I've teamed with, from pugs to channel members to SG members, have been helpful and polite. I've only had one bad pug and that was because the leader wanted to play at +4 and I wasn't equipped to handle it. I left after our second mission, thanked him for the invite, but told him the group was out my league at the moment. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, justicebeliever said:

    Seriously, for the first time, this morning when I went to use Secondary Mutation, as I always do, in the middle of my mission, I devolved into a monkey...it totally floored me.  I had completely forgotten about that “feature”.  All I could do to those CoT mages was pass gas, and slap them.  I actually recovered my senses  quickly enough to high tail it out of the mission, and had to wait a couple of minutes before I turned back...Good times...

    I posted on FB "How many of you chant "Dontbeamonkey... dontbeamonkey..." when you press "Secondary Mutation"?"  I do it all the time 🙂

    • Like 2
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  8. On 8/2/2019 at 6:51 AM, duane said:

    I quit all the other discords and websites outside of homecoming.  I was tired of reading the trash talking and how the homecoming community will be crushed under the weight of the monthly service fees and blah blah blah.  Good to see the homecoming team supporting this 😉


    I think they're all just jealous. They can't handle the "Fabulosity" that is Homecoming.


    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Justisaur said:

    I remember when I was playing CoH and WoW came out and all my local friends who were playing CoH jumped to WoW.   I had played EQ for 3 years before that and was kind of burned out on fantasy, so didn't go.  Eventually I took a break from CoH, and at some point all my cow-orkers were playing WoW and convinced me to try it.  I managed to keep it up for 3 months, but I kept thinking, Why the hell can't we fly?  Why do I have to go on fetch quests and gather x pieces of grass? 


    I have no interest in WoW.



    Oh the fetch quests annoyed me to NO end... Get 10 wolves paws... and you have to kill 50 because 40 wolves had all 4 paws obliterated??? No. Just. No. 

  10. I've tried WoW twice.. once while CoH was live and I lasted 2 weeks.. and then last year because I didn't have an online game I could play and all my co workers were playing it (during work hours). I got to level 20 with a character and the free trial doesn't go farther. It took about a month and then I dropped it. 


    WoW really doesn't hold much for me. 

  11. I, for one, can't believe how easily I have been sucked into the must-play-CoX-every-night vortex again. If I am home, and awake, I am playing CoX. Just as hooked now as I was when it was live. Will I play other games? Maybe if something comes out that's on the PS/4 and super awesome, but I know it won't get the love and attention CoX is getting from me. 

    • Like 3
  12. I haven't seen a patch in close to 2 months. It's like nobody wants to improve the game or add to it now? Or is a big secret project in development?

    Bruh professional games with large cash flows often go for a few months without major patches.


    Cryptic/Paragon Studios wanted to do 3 to 4 a year.. which would be every 3 or 4 months.. and they had a paid staff... so.. um... yeah.

    • Like 1
  13. They brought this project back from the dead, [...]

    Maybe it's just that the heatwave is getting to me, but damn you are being a whiny, over-entitled, ungrateful little son of a bitch, aren't you?


    [...] are accepting thousands in donations, [...]

    Every penny of which goes towards the game's hardware, hosting, and bandwidth costs ... and not one thin cent goes into any of the dev team's pockets.


    Why run it if you're not going to update it?

    ... because the alternative is NO CITY OF X AT ALL, you insufferable little ingrate.  >:(


    + 1 to you, Pax.


    I dropped my jaw when I read that post.

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