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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. 10 Alignment missions of one type enables Morality missions of that type.  10 Hero Alignment missions = can get Hero Morality.  So do the Hero Morality you've likely gotten dropped to you by now, then do 10 Vigilante Alignment missions, which will enable a Vigilante Morality.  As a note, there is a badge for holding an Alignment for 7 days and thus getting the Alignment power; 1 badge per Alignment.


    I haven't tested this, but if you change morality after changing morality, do you lose the original morality power?

  2. If what you're looking for is what I think you're looking for then limit your search by choosing from the left drop down menus:


    Enhancements ->

        Crafted Enhancements ->



    You can then pick Invention: (what you're looking for). Right now, I show 126 Disorient Duration IO's for sale, level 10.


    I had a hell of a time trying to find them, until a friend told me how. Searches weren't working right for me either.

  3. Yes, Fulcrum Shift is target-centric, so it helps anyone in melee range better of the target. Siphon Power helps ranged since it's caster-centric. Siphon power with a a recharge and siphon speed means I can have 3 stacks on my character and anyone near me.


  4. Like Babbage, I really think there should be TF's that are all around the spawning of a giant monster.




    Lusca could be spawned because you're dealing with the council doing underwater testing of a new weapon and it wakes up something "from the deep."


    Adamaster is easily put into a CoT TF about summoning. Same for Jack In Irons and Enochai in Croatoa with the witches.


    Adamastor is Banished Pantheon, though. And summoning him in Echo: Dark Astoria is pretty easy.


    But otherwise, I agree. More monsters need to be spawnable in a way controlled by players.


    My bad.. I knew he was BP, but my fingers typed CoT :) I didn't know you could summon him.. I thought he was a random.


  5. Like Babbage, I really think there should be TF's that are all around the spawning of a giant monster.




    Lusca could be spawned because you're dealing with the Council doing underwater testing of a new weapon and it wakes up something "from the deep."


    Adamaster is easily put into a BP TF about summoning. Same for Jack In Irons and Enochai in Croatoa with the witches.


    (Edited to fix my mistake on Adamaster  :) )

  6. I've noticed this on several powers, not just the staff and blackwand. The moment you hit the key, the game resolves the hit/miss result and some of the receiving animations are happening before the attack animations are complete.This is why you will often see npcs "duck/dodge" as if they've been hit before the power actually hits them.. then they product the proper reaction animation when it actually does hit.

  7. Like last night, I dropped an embarrassing mistell in the help channel.. everyone there laughed it off.. I am glad I did it on Torchbearer and not on an RP server...


    I assure you, everyone on an RP server has seen a worse mistell. We don't judge. Well we do judge, usually on a scale of 1-10 for how juicy to mistell is. :)


    Oh, I wasn't worried about the MT, I would have been worried about having to RP it off... ;) It was kinda harmless  in the grand scale of things.. I said "That's cause I like to play nekkid!"  (I happen to have a character that looks like he's not wearing pants which someone in the SG chat had said something about.)

  8. Falling for that Lifetime/Annual sub thing in OG pre-sunset, but also having to have done so Before the cutoff point where they'd refund. I think I sunk like $200 in the last year (not counting the PC I'd JUST built).


    My ex-guildmates bought 2 lifetime subscriptions to The Secret World two days before it went F2P.

  9. There is something funky happening with teams that's sporadic. One night I got dropped from two teams in two different scenarios.


    The first I was able to be re-invited.


    The second was on a DIB tf. We were in the TF and I got dropped from the team. I didn't lose my SK and I couldn't be re-invited (naturally). I was able to finish the TF and get the bonuses. But it was weird.

  10. I had an 50 Ill/Kin on live and rebuilt her on Rebirth. She's 50 now. I love her. She's a monster. One acc in the buffs/heal and I rarely miss.


    My main issue with kin is the heal is mob centric and siphon power is caster centric. I love teaming with her, but if I need a heal, I have to get close to the mob and if I want to buff the melee, I have to be close to the mob. (However, after all this time playing with her, I JUST learned that I don't have to be near the mob to buff the melee with Fulcrum Shift.)


    When I am soloing, the heal being mob centric helps heal my Phantasm without having to be close to him.


    I like to confuse a minion and then siphon power from him at a distance, giving my Phantasm and Army a boost before the fight begins.

  11. My first character was an energy/energy blaster.  I figured that if guys were flying all over the place, they couldn't hit me, and kicking them back kept me out of melee range. 


    So I slotted EVERYTHING for knockback.  I got booted from so many teams before I figured out why.  It took way to long to dawn on me that scrappers and tankers might not have wanted enemies pushed back a mile.


    I hear ya.  My first was (and still is) an energy/energy blaster. And while I didn't do anything to increase the natural knockback of several powers, I still managed to piss off the scrappers.


    My first was an Energy/fire blaster here... took me 2 years to get him to 50 because no one wanted to play with him. (plus, I might not have known how to play him properly in the beginning... Just a possibility.....)


  12. Ooh can we have an unofficial old people server? Maybe some place where I don't have to yell at the kids to get of my lawn.


    An unofficial LBGTQAARP - The server for gay people over 50.


    I don't know if this answers the question, but there are quite a few LGBTQ+ SG's on Torchbearer.


    As for why I like to know which is the unofficial LGBTQ+ server, it is because I have a tendency to say things that may shock some people who are not of like mind.


    Like last night, I dropped an embarrassing mistell in the help channel.. everyone there laughed it off.. I am glad I did it on Torchbearer and not on an RP server...


  13. His simple bio read "Finding Emo roams the streets at night fighting villains in the hope that one day they will kill him." Finding Emo is the only one that made it to 50.

    A tragedy in 2 sentences only, right there.


    Oh, I had many other 50's.. he was just the only one of the silly ones :) I just love the irony.

  14. I had 3 on live that I loved:


    One was a little robot fire tank named X-238. His bio read: "X-238 was made from discarded parts in a Weber Grill factory. He roams the streets of Paragon defeating bad guys in the hopes that Statesman will notice him and make him a real boy."


    I also had Shelita Buffett - a very tall full figured blond Ice/Ice blaster. "Shelita gained her powers when brother/husband was trying to fix the air conditioner in their double wide when it exploded. The explosion killed her brother/husband and left her with new found powers. Investigation into the explosion showed that members of the Crey Industries were involved. Shelita decided to take out her anger on all bad guys, but she focused on the Crey."


    The third was a scrapper named Finding Emo. His simple bio read "Finding Emo roams the streets at night fighting villains in the hope that one day they will kill him." Finding Emo is the only one that made it to 50.


    • Haha 1
  15. I'm trying to create a chatbind with begin chat, that contains my global handle. Is there a $<variable> for that? Or should I just include it hardcoded? And I would like to send it to the supergroup channel.


    /bind [key] “beginchat /sg [global handle] ”


    Have to hardcode the global handle, and you want to leave the space at the end so you can just start typing


    THANK YOU!!!


  16. I haven't tried, but is it cancelable from the icon under your status bar?


    What I would love, in the info section, is how much time is remaining on your XP modifier. That way I know if I need to go get more BEFORE I start a task force :)


    Open your |"Powers" menu, and look at it from there, it's under "Temporary powers" this shows how much time is left if you open the Info window that way.


    Thank you!

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