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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. I have a water/atomic and I love him! The two AoE's are awesome. The minor heal isn't that bad either. The special that gives a boost to 4 of the powers can really help in a pinch, especially when used with Gyser - your final power.

  2. The bigger problem, is people getting kicked at the end of a TF, and being replaced by a friend.


    The TF could have a "merit bank" for each team member.. as you progress through the TF a percentage of the final merits awarded are put on hold for your character. If you get kicked from the TF, you get however many merits are in the bank. If someone else comes in at the end, they only get the percentage of merits left for the remaining mission(s). This would also work if you got disconnected and the TF ended without you being able to finish it.. when you log back on, you get what you had in your "bank."


    If you finish the whole TF, you could get a bonus for total completion (+ the badge).


    Using simple math, a 5 door/hunt mission TF is worth 50 merits. Each mission could be worth 8 merits and the full completion bonus is 10 merits (+ the badge), giving you 50 merits.


    Anyone coming in at the last mission would only get 8 merits.


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  3. I can't let this post go by without saying something.... This game didn't DIE.. it was shut down by NCSoft. The game was still making money and still popular. It did NOT die, just because you didn't understand something doesn't mean the original dev team was lazy and your misunderstanding is why this game was shut down.


    I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but the red side AT's (MM, Corr, Stalker, Brute, & Dom) were originally designed for players with more experience from blue side. Original heroes who had characters with pets knew that enhancements did not affect the pets in the same way that they affected the player's character calling the pet. My first 50 villain was a Bots/FF MM. So the AT did not BREAK the game, was not poorly designed, and there was no need for outrage from the player base. In fact, during beta testing of City of Villains, of which I was a part, the player base helped improve the AT and gave very good feedback about all the classes.


  4. I get the frustration at everything and everyone, but the takeaway ought to be there's no point doing anything in a video game if you're not having fun. Grinding for hypothetical future enjoyment is a recipe for disaster if you don't like the grind at all.




    It's also the reason that the recharge reduction does not affect the pet's powers, but the recharge of the power CALLING the pets.


  5. I use my numpad for firing off all my powers, so I have the following binds:


    . is bound to the nearest enemy

    + is the next enemy

    -  is the previous enemy.


    It's easier for me to do that and keep my fingers on the WASD keys for moving.

  6. Chuckers here and when live! My one character that got some publicity was called "Capt Colorblind" and he had the most nauseating costume. My most used character was Kellie - a 7 y.o. Ill/Kin controller :)

  7. Also how do you have 4b INF on one toon when the cap is 2b INF?

    OP mentioned dead bids. So huge bids on level 53 Hami-os would be my guess.

    That's what I do. I favor putting a bid for 10 HOs at 100million each, it stores 1billion in a single slot and is easy to manage.


    Excuse me if I don't understand this... if you put a bid in for 10 HO's and someone sells one, won't you automatically buy it? Or are HO's no longer being produced yet you can still bid on them?

  8. I am definitely NOT a numbers person, so I can't tell about the balance of this AT, but I will say it looks like it could be a lot of fun to play. I love my mastermind, but sometimes 6 pets are a lot to handle (I micromanage my bots big time). I think this would be much more to my liking!




  9. Since I work all my powers from the number pad, using ctl and alt to access the extra trays, I have a macro made for each bot that has them attacking my target. I will assign each bot a target and got to town.. switching targets as necessary. I also have a "go to" macro to gather my bots in a single space. It makes them stay there until I either change there stance, make them attack something, or move far enough away it triggers a respawn.

    During large fights, I'll be doing a lot of micro-managing of my bots and their targets.


  10. Well, I know many of us have asked for a "package slider" for the male characters for a while.. and that's never coming... Male heroes don't have genitalia.. They're muscled Ken dolls.


    That's not really directly comparable. What people are asking for here is the ability to reduce the size of the female character's rather sizable honkers, because even at the lowest setting, the female model has some unusually big badonkers.


    I was making a joke and pointing out that changes to character body creation don't really happen. It is comparable in the fact that comic book characters are drawn a certain way. Men don't have a flat groin and women have big boobs. So, that's the way the character creator works.



    When I play villains it is almost always RPed in my head that I'm undercover or possessed/cursed (Scirocco). Because being evil just isn't fun for me. But I doubt I'll have more than one character Red Side. It just ain't me.


    I don't find most of the red side to be truly evil... most of it is just mean and you're beating up other Villain factions. Doc Buzzsaw is evil and there's one contact in Grandville that, after doing his arc, I wanted to take a Silkwood shower to get the evil feeling off me. But that's really the only "evil" arcs I remember.

  12. But don't Brutes also have an actual taunt effect in their auras, while Scrappers don't?  So Brute AAO should beat Scrapper AAO.


    Correct. Good luck to a scrapper thinking they can pull a credible amount of aggro from my Spines/elec brute.


    But I don't want my scrapper to pull aggro from your brute or a tank. I want you to hold the boss/av's attention while I quickly kill it.

  13. I could never emotionally justify rolling a Heroic Corruptor... as much as I might be tempted to... it would feel... wrong.


    For some reason, the original CoV archtypes need to start on the red side for me.. and same for CoH archtypes on blue. I don't have a problem if they switch sides, but I just have to have them start in their "proper" zones.

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