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Ruin Mage

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Everything posted by Ruin Mage

  1. HC is only really behind in costume-related things because they do not have a dedicated person or persons for it. They also prefer to make sure MOST things can fit on all 3 body types unless its designed for one in particular I think? Plus HC isn't going to just shatter the costume creator on a whim (Which TSpy has done - they've broken the sliders) Power-wise, HC has done more and has the Sentinel AT. HC has created: Symphony Control Seismic Blast Electrical Affinity Arsenal Control Storm Blast Arsenal Assault Sonic Assault ? I feel like I'm missing something HC has also had changes to several powersets, including revamps to Energy Melee & initiated overhauls to Masterminds. Some of these changes have not been well received, but they are changes! Content wise we're the one with the most. Tough end-game content for those that want to give a scaling challenge on 1 of 3 TFs, a new SF overall, the Old School feel as an optional challenge on LRSF, some new Master of badges applied to a few of the Trials (Eden, Sewer, and I forgot the other one), new contacts, and a dabbling of other things. Even a revamped holiday in a new V-Day mission! Rebirth does have cool things like a Kheldian revamp (likely on the table for HC as well, but who knows when) and the Guardian AT. Plus they have a dedicated costume person so they have that going for them too. It should be about the quality not the quantity and that is what HC has (to my knowledge/understanding as an occasional beta tester) operated by. Debatable on the quality of some of these changes if you ask around, but it's what they try to operate under. If I had to recommend another server to check out for slower-paced more Live-like gameplay? Rebirth is what I'd offer to point people to. Good people over there as far as I know/remember. Oops, I'm glazing Homecoming a lot and not getting paid for it.
  2. The changes other servers have made can range from great to "okay but why" and that's fine. That's the same for how people view HC's changes. Let servers try to do things their own way. Let servers try to find their own way to stand out. Easy as pie. Though I will think you have a humiliation fetish if you play Thunderspy given they think the HC playerbase is full of pay pigs and sheep.
  3. Oh boy, where to begin? Players can become Developers, but the process is full of training and getting them acquainted with the processes of Homecoming. Making sure they know the ropes. Making sure they understand and agree to certain things. They then can start working on things, or so I imagine, and then THAT stuff has to wait to be merged in with other things for Closed Beta first. Now, Homecoming will never generally use anything from Rebirth or Thunderspy. Why? Because we're not those servers. Thunderspy also went in and did things that are quantity over quality - HC prefers quality over quantity even if you might disagree with the quality of the changes they do. They have a certain methodology to it that does not fit with a number of changes TSpy did. Rebirth is doing their own things too and HC is not Rebirth. Don't get me wrong: Rebirth has a lot of cool stuff. Thunderspy does too if you look past what I'm about to mention. See there's a big big problem: Thunderspy in particular contributes to this day to a lot of Anti-HC conspiracy theories regarding donations (claims of Cipher pocketing the money for example), spouted baseless claims that HC sent cronies after them (I.e that HC Heads or players have called phone numbers tied to TSpy leadership), and more. They have also had leadership and members of that server try to poach (I use this word loosely) from HC. While also calling people who play on HC sheep. I speak from experience there in dealing with Arde, Inncuous, and Dr. Brain. These people have continuously engaged in insulting HC and its players out of some long held grudge and jealousy that people do not want to be on their cesspit of a server. Case in point. That is them calling people who donate Paypigs. Now, one question that gets asked a lot is why not collaborate? I refer to the above - that TSpy would likely have no interest and that Rebirth may (I am assuming here, I'm no sneak peak mind reader) have no interest in it either. All of the servers are doing their own thing and that is where it should be left at. This is a tried and true topic that will keep happening, but answers may very well remain the same for eternity. Also each server has their own thought process to what power changes / additions seem good and what does not. The philosophy of this is likely going to make collaborations difficult as well. Each team has their own vision for what City of Heroes should be. See you guys in the next 40 threads about this.
  4. curse the department of education!!! look at what they've done to us.
  5. Let's entertain this without the assumption that the OP is buttmad at being generic'd: You are asking volunteer developers to apply the Code of Conduct to the entire game in a narrative sense - to go into files and strip content from the game. A time consuming task AND one that would only open the doors to a whole host of other issues. "Well, you changed the game to remove x y and z because of this 1 poster!!" would snowball into a hell that could not be sealed. That is not even remotely how Codes of Conduct work. Codes of Conduct are for the players and not for the content of the game. In no game what-so-ever has this ever been different. That is why it uses the word conduct and most if not all CoCs refer to PLAYERS and the content THEY produce. This means in-game chat, names, and whatever else they themselves write up. You are confusing Codes of Conduct, in some scenario where you are being serious about this, with something else. You would have had more of a leg to stand on if you tried to leverage the game's ESRB rating. Which, shocker, would have been equally dismantled but at least it would have made a little more sense. To make it absolutely clear once again: CoCs and EULAs apply to the players, not in-game content.
  6. I'll get a screencap for you later, but Everlasting just pushed to 1460 tonight.
  7. I released Moment.
  8. I'll try to do that afterwards, yeah! A reminder, folks, that this is THIS week. 18th at 6pm Central for Villains/Rogues and 20th at 6PM Central for Heroes/Vigilantes!! ROLEPLAY-32140 is the base code!
  9. We are returning October 18th and October 20th! 18th is for Villains/Rogues 20th is for Heroes/Vigilantes I forgot to post in this thread till now, so my apologies!
  10. Thank you for everything, Veracor.
  11. Rather than do a forum guide yet, I figured I'd make a Labyrinth of Fog thread for people to talk about it. I love it. Completed all badges & the aether costume in a single night. I hope to do a lot more runs personally.
  12. Ah yes, another temnix idea. Another "jesse, what in the fuck are you talking about." thread.
  13. Never? They aren't exactly scrambling to put some random forum person's ideas into the game.
  14. Probably never. They don't implement everything suggested here, genius.
  15. I got quoted 3 times by 3 different people. That's a new record for me I think. Look, I'll just agree to disagree at this point so we don't end up circular about this. The kind of game I'm asking for/desiring is not for everyone nor will I get it 100% the way I want it. Which is fine by me.
  16. I know you did a parenthesis thing below it, but I too hate this line because: Every superhero faces challenges. All sorts. I can list of a whole host of villains that beat their #1 enemy superhero in a variety of different ways. Being challenged at 50 is a good thing. There is always -1/x8 difficulty settings if you want to mow over mobs.
  17. yeah i've spoken to devs (voices inside my head) and they say we're porting to unreal engine in 2027. (real, not clickbait)
  18. As someone who forum PVP'd in the past and has been one of the most cringe defenders on the forums, allow me! The reality is that it's not the only feedback. The perception you're proposing is only given off because of people trying to (and they shouldn't) shout down dislike of a change. Now, mind you? There have not been great experiences with feedback. This is evident if you look back at the Defense Type Changes of a fair few pages ago. People tend to skip over the fact that the best feedback is data feedback. This is not the only valid feedback and I'll elaborate. Does it feel terrible to play? Does the change affect a massive swathe of the game? Is there something unquestionably broken about a change? These are questions I know people don't ask themselves. Now, people reacting based off patch notes and providing some sort of good feeling feedback without testing can work. Maybe someone can see the math aint mathing right when they read the patch notes. Maybe a certain way something was worded feels...off or confusing. That stuff seems, to my view at least, quite alright. What isn't okay (to me and I think a dev or two has posted on this before? I might be wrong) is "feedback" that goes like "This change is shit." or gutter-level stinky whinging about how the developers only listen to a select few (They don't. Trust me, as one of the many closed beta tester, they absolutely do not.) The thing is that ardent defenders (unironic ones) tend to be one of the three problematic poster types during Open Betas. One other being the "This shit sucks." type posters. The third type is mysterious and malleable to my opinion. Balance for me is loose and malleable as needed. One way I see it is that the balance of the game needs to be tackled. 40-50 needs to not be a breeze pre-Incarnate/IOs. There shouldn't be a mindless beat-em-up farm-4-easy xp group (see: pre-patched Council Radios) after you reach level 40. This is something people disagree with vehemently, but that's the fun of opinions. Everyone has one.
  19. To each their own, but I should very much clarify my stance. I kept my reply brief because I thought I'd try to keep this thread at a distance after people did the usual whinging about the usual Anti-Beta bullshit. I do not believe that HC's changes have been all good - at least looking at them from the outside. There's been some really sketchy changes that don't affect me, but certainly affect others. One change that I personally didn't like was the change to Master of Badges. I definitely think it might have done a little more damage than intended, but it's done and put in. There's people who don't like power changes. Sonic for example. There were some weird diehard fans of Beanbag. However, I do not believe that the process and method that changes go through should change. A Closed Beta (with an open invite, last I checked, discord) that sees experimental phases and many reiterations is the first step. Then it goes to Open Beta where it usually is in its last stages. As in all thats left is number tweaking or some moderate adjustments. However, Open Beta can also see changes entirely re-done or scrapped. The AE changes went back and forth until we got what we got now. Dark Melee had a change for Soul Consumption pulled back. It doesn't happen all the time and it shouldn't. I don't think the direction is bad outright, but there's certainly been some headscratching changes. Some that haven't seen the daylight of Open Beta (Yet?) but I know that the way things work are...how they are. I'm not going to howl and screech about how things need to change. This isn't my server to dictate such - something that I think some folk who do go on and on about certain things forget. I'm just here for the fun and sometimes I get something cool out of that fun. Like the Labyrinth or Hard Modes.
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