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Ruin Mage

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Everything posted by Ruin Mage

  1. I don't disagree that a thread explaining it all could be nice, but that's up to those running this whole thing.
  2. Discord is Discord. It just is. Don't like it? Don't use it.
  3. I'd love if it was in the main Discord but the main HC Discord is blooooooated.
  4. Honestly, while I get what you're saying I also don't think we'd have a good Homecoming if there was no Closed Beta where feedback and testing is actually focused. Every time we go to open beta, non-testers (as in people who do not do a lick of testing at ALL) come out from the corners to rip apart any change they dislike. The Defense Changes is a primary example. People thought it was some game-wide super-change but actual testers pointed out otherwise. Yet they'd not hear the end of it. I'm pretty sure the Fly change was like that, or maybe I'm gaslighting myself into thinking it was. Also yes I know the opposite where staunch defenders ride or die for dev changes, but you can't get reactionaries without wild defenders. At the very least, those (or they should at least by now) in Closed Beta understand better than the general populace that hard proof (aka testing and numbers) works way better for development than "This change is shit." or "This feels bad." because neither tells the why or the how. If we didn't have that without fail every Page/Issue? I could see validity in bringing the Gold Standard stuff to the forums. But I'm just a guy, maybe the devs/HC admins feel its already a good idea when they read this thread. Maybe its crossed their mind.
  5. There's one major issue with adopting CO's method: Our global name system doesn't work that way. Something something about tracking global names (or lackthereof in tracking)
  6. Nice idea. I hope the subreddit grows.
  7. Okay, my little jab and shitpost aside it is time to put on my sweatpants of seriousness: Is this a hotly requested thing? No. Can roleplayers move elsewhere? Sure they can! Does either of those invalidate this suggestion? Nope! It's literally putting a contact and a tailor/trainer right next to each other. It is a harmless change that doesn't do anything except weirdly piss off some people. Fighting for your life over a very small QOL change to give roleplayers *more* space is a weird move to make. There's no real good counter to this idea, but one is (of course) free to disagree with the idea of moving a contact over to the left just a smidge. Wravis isn't asking for JMD to be deleted, isn't asking for War Witch to be moved, or isn't killing your dog - so this hardcore fighting against the idea is a bit headscratching. Just say 'I disagree and here's why' and leave it at that. It's that easy.
  8. Rudra's whole "I'm miserable so everyone else must be miserable" schtick aside, this seems like a harmless idea.
  9. Look, I've scratched my head at your posts claiming that GMs were mass-spawning Kronos Titan before - even as it was shut down by a GM. But implying that there's some secret "SCORE Codes." that spawn GMs is just as silly. It's not some giant conspiracy of 'If you're hidden you don't get Kronos spawns' or whatever.
  10. This reads like a tinfoil hat conspiracy post.
  11. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner after P4/P5.
  12. Debuffs help due to the fact that Hard Modes (especially 3-4 star) grant insane stat bonuses to the mobs - including AVs. You need a good mix of team buffs and mob debuff to be able to effectively get through the higher stars. You could, in theory, get away with minimal debuff and maximal team buffs but you won't be completing a 3-4 star in under 2 hours. But for example, relying on proc'd / minimal debuffs from attacks (i.e katana, broadsword, masterminds) versus having something like cold or dark? You won't see an easy time on ASF or ITF. Especially since the ITF HM makes the Surgeons REALLY annoying. You can get away with not-optimal team comps on 1-2 star. 3-4, you need to think about what sets you bring. I had an almost entirely buff based ASF and ITF. It was not easy by any stretch of the imagination.
  13. There's no real proof that someone set this up. The most likely answer is just random super bot invasion. The reason I half-assedly run with the theory that someone is behind this is simply for the funny.
  14. This is my running theory right now. My leading theory rather.
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