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  1. This is great, but how did you get a single room base with such high ceilings and those boundary walls? So many questions!
  2. Is it possible at all to have options for the backgrounds on two screens in the game? Being able to change the account login background and character select screen background to be either City of Heroes, City of Villains, or Going Rogue? Right now the login screen is City of Heroes only (unless you log in game and then back out), the character select screen has the City of Villains background only. I'm not even sure if the red tint is actually a City of Villains background or not, but it makes it seem that way.
  3. I'm surprised to hear this, getting Barracuda killed in the first mission of the Operative Renault Strike Force causes it to fail.
  4. I for one would like to simply be able to combine Robotic Arm 3 with the Cosmic Corsair hooks.
  5. Would anyone be interested in testing Beast Mastery? I'm curious how it stacks up since it's considered "bad" by MM standards.
  6. I like the general concept of this idea, but it seems poorly thought out. The numbers are all over the place. And why not just leave it with taunt? We don't need to overly complicate things.
  7. What would you do with time bomb? I agree it could use some looking into. But I can't think of anything. Maybe having it attach (as in "anchor") to a mob that detonates after some time (like a sticky bomb). That way you can target the boss and it will go off. It still wouldn't do too much AoE damage, but it'd see some use. Then again, I'm not even sure if that's possible.
  8. I'm all for options that expand concept possibilities!
  9. Thank you all for clarifying! So IO Damage Buff bonuses aren't as useful, if you can get to the damage cap consistently.
  10. Ok, so I'll start with what I know (or at least I think is correct). -Damage shown on damage attributes tend to be 100% less than what is seen everywhere (on the forums, on the wiki) but that's because of the 100% base damage. IE, I see that Scrappers have a 500% damage cap, but on the Monitor window, it's capped at 400%. -Enhancements count towards this damage cap. At say 100% damage through enhancements, I'm only 300% damage away from the cap. So my first question is with Enhancements. I usually get my Scrapper up to 400% damage through inspirations and buffs and what have you. Does that mean, that if I have 95% damage through enhancements, once I'm at 305% damage on my Monitor window, any more +dmg is wasted? Secondly, I know that there aren't too many +Dmg IO bonuses, but do those count towards the damage cap as well or are they separate? Theoretically speaking, if on my aforementioned Scrapper, I had +50% damage through set bonuses, would I then be able to actually go 50% above the damage cap?
  11. I don't see the harm in trying a temporary event either.
  12. +1 Inf from me. Thank you for doing this!
  13. Go to Options -> Configuration -> Effects and Math On the right will be a list of suppression effects, one of them is "Attacked". Click it and press OK. All your power effects will be reflected as if though you were in combat. Illusion Control's Phantom Army recharge is not affected by either Spiritual or Agility Alphas on Pines.
  14. No, you need to do 10 Vigilante missions and then you'll get a Vigilante Morality Tip, and then you do that mission so you can switch to Vigilante (if you want to avoid talking to the suspicious gull in Pocket D that can do it instantly for you).
  15. You cannot boost attuned IOs. If you need that Aegis: Resistance/Endurance to give you a few more percentage points of each, you won't be able to do so with the attuned version.
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