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  1. I don't know if anyone knows a dev, but how hard do you think it would be to make defense missions? What if you had an ambush mission just like the Kings Row mission where when you click the object in the last room you begin to get ambushed by wave after wave and you have to make it to the entrance of a base, but it would be one of the players bases. Of course, you couldn't have a one room base, so the base would have to qualify for it maybe. Or it could be a base that the devs create and you have a limited time to set up defenses to help with the invasion of it. You could set up turrets traps and other things, but make it have a twist where your team has to be split to make it happen or just make it easier. This would have to be a hard mission to make the split necessary. Maybe, you have to keep certain things from getting destroyed or you fail. The defend points could be random, it could scale with level, or it could increase with the difficulty setting you have for the team. Of course, the base would have to be something new and amazing, but I think it could work. What do you guys think?
  2. Hey all, I'm about to suggest one of my wacky ideas again. Ok, here it goes. I love the fact that they are adding new things into the game and don't want to stop their aspirations, but I feel that improving the base game would also make the game fresh. What if they made Origins more important than they are? What if access to new upgrades to epic pool powers were only available to certain archetypes? We can't take away something that everyone already has access to because that will feel bad, but what if they began creating a new Origins epic pool. For instance, Mutation could add a type of damage to attacks. I really don't know how it would work, but what do you guys think? Maybe it could work along my previous post about Weapon Mastery Pools that you get access to if you're a certain Origin.
  3. Yep, that would be amazing...
  4. Yea, I know right. Imagine trying to make deadpool. You would need guns and swords, but deadpool wouldn't have the weak temporary gun thing and he's tougher than a blaster lol. He would be like a katana scrapper with regen or wp and have like the pistols Weapon mastery.
  5. The batman thing is a great example of what i'm talking about. We would be able to do so much more with Weapon mastery pool powers. Imagine giving an actual MA toon Shurikens.
  6. Morning all... I've been thinking about something that I don't really know if they could do or want to do, but just hear me out. What if they added epic pools for all the weapons in the game? Just like our regular epic pools that open up at lvl 34 or 35. They could make it where you had to complete a taskforce that maybe made sense to why you're getting access to the weapons and then boom, you have soooo much character customization that we'd all have migraines. Just like the regular epic pools, every class wouldn't have the same version. I don't know if melee toons would get access to melee weapon masteries or ranged toons would get access to ranged weapon masteries, but they would each get the opposites access. I think support characters would get access to both ranged and melee. Does that sound horrible? Could it be done?
  7. As cliche' as this sounds "everything". It was my first MMO I ever played. It helped me while I was in the military during and after deployments to Iraq.
  8. I may have a great Idea; make storm blast a melee range set like dp basically is. Rename storm front to eye of the storm and make it an toggle aura centered on the player. You have to make it larger though.
  9. Hello all, I want to make some sort of dp character, but I am torn between the two. Is it worth it to do DP on a corruptor or should I just forget about it and just go blaster? Thanks!
  10. Just curious, as an inexperienced tanker that wants to make one. For tankers... How would you guys rank the secondaries? or does the secondary primarily depend on your primary? Thanks...
  11. Thanks and no, I don’t care about capping defenses. I just want to be a very tough blaster.
  12. Yea and besides I have a concept that I play and teammates always ask about my build when they see me handling things they struggle against. I’m lvl 39 now and have only had my butt whipped once by a lone carnival boss that kept holding me back 2 back. Other than that instance, this blaster destroys on +2/8
  13. So how viable would it be to have 57 S/L and 40 energy res with 30+ S/L, ranged and energy defense at end game?
  14. Why the hell did i not think of stealth for my stealth build….??? I think it’s because i hate the travel power and just blocked out the whole set.
  15. I just can’t seem to find a lot of smash/lethal i’ll have to look again, but i kind of out of nowhere had melee high.
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