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  1. I've used it for Dark Armor. Helps cut down the already big damn cost of the heal.
  2. Leadership. You can always get more Accuracy from set bonuses.
  3. Such as? So I can potentially try remembering this in case something buggers up and I have a potential reason as to why?
  4. My OG computer might as well be that. The graphics card in it is from 2009. Seriously though, anyone have any problem with them interacting?
  5. It kind of came with the PC....so.
  6. My old PC I've had for near 8 year I was using Windows 7 on. I figure ask more knowledgable people than I. Hence I come here.
  7. It's so nice having a PC that boots fully in barely 30 seconds. And having a GFX card that runs at like 25 C! So, will COH work fine with Windows 11 or am I about to be very unhappy?
  8. First Regen character I ever properly played was a Regen Sent. Fairly survivable. But again, I'm at mid-range as compared to melee range, or blaster long range.
  9. Atlas Park as of May 2019. Prove me wrong.
  10. It's very simple: You take a break. I've done a couple times since I came back in May 2019 and proceeded to tear up at hearing the Atlas Park music. Play for a few months, take a month-six weeks break, go back, etc, etc. Simple as that.
  11. I remember a time when I played with a Korean team. I think one person would occasionally type something in English for my benefit.
  12. I spent about 200 mill+ on getting stuff that put my char's defenses past the softcap. That plus the Katana parry.... If you have a melee character, you tend to work on boosting their defenses.
  13. I used to have the novel.
  14. There have been times I've been on teams where I've never even had to CONSIDER popping a insp. That's what happens when everyone drops 1/3 of a bill minimum on their chars. Hell, one of my Stalkers I had someone ask me if he was part tank because NOTHING hit him.
  15. Excelsior is as good as it probably will get for you. Probably the most populated as well.
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