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Everything posted by Zewks

  1. I dislike any group that frequently makes it impossible to hit them. Missing over and over, or not being able to attack at all, is the worst part of the game.
  2. Looking for a thematically classic archery/TA build, and been trying to decide between Defender and Corruptor. Corruptors damage in mids is almost twice as much as the Defenders. Does the extra -reset on some of the TA powers make up for it?
  3. Not monitor resolution... texture resolution. I can load up 4k textures on my 1080p monitor, and they will display fine (and in slightly higher detail than 1080 textures), but they will be immensely larger in file size, The program using them needs to be able to handle their dimensions too. If a game isnt set to handle dimensions that large, they wont work. That was the concern with CoH.
  4. The reasoning I read awhile ago was the concept that upscaled textures mean higher resolutions, which arent compatible with the game. This isnt entirely how things are done with todays "upscaling", so this shouldnt be a roadblock to preventing it. Many methods keep the end result the same resolution after details, aliasing, etc have been improved upon. I really would be neat to see something like this be an option for the game.
  5. I know there might be many, but lets stick with your biggest thing. Its fine if people have duplicate responses. Who knows, maybe it will help the devs see areas where most would like to see improvements. For me it comes down to one primary thing: - Pets being lower level than you.
  6. Looking at Mids, the numbers for the damage between the 2 ATs is pretty significant. Almost double numerically in some cases. Yet, I still see many players saying that the damage for archery on a Defender isnt that much less. Is this just false perception? I mean, here are a couple examples from mids: Defender: Aimed Shot - 46.99 Lethal damage Corruptor: Aimed Shot - 83.42 Lethal damage Defender: Explosive Arrow - 14.1 smashing + 28.19 Lethal = 42.29 damage Corruptor: Explosive Arrow - 12.51 smashing + 62.56 Lethal = 75.07 damage If these numbers are accurate, Im not sure how anyone could claim that the damage felt pretty close to each other.
  7. Bit of a necro, but I think some of the reasoning given as to why this wouldnt happen might be not as much of a roadblock today. Many "AI upscales" today, dont actually have to change the resolution of the images. They simply improve on the detail and the aliasing to eliminate blurry and pixelated ones. This would keep the resolution size issue from being a problem while providing an improvement to detail and quality. There are also processes that do increase the resolution, but then use better, more modern techniques to downscale it back to the original resolution for a better image overall. My question is, similar to the games sound files, are the textures something that we can modify on the client side to test this in the data folder?
  8. So here is the catch 22 im in. All the guides show some great builds to make money. However, those builds cost quite a bit of money to make. I dont have very much money. I do however have the ability to level up a tank or brute to 50 so I can start farming, and to equip a full set of crafted generic level 30 IO's on this character. Every farm build Ive come across makes extremely heavy use of set IOs for all the extra bonuses they grant (makes sense). Many of these bonuses seem absolutely required for efficient money making. Things to soft cap your defenses and resists. To help with ability cooldown and endurance usage/regen. Etc. My question, or rather my ask is this: What would some decent example builds be that would be able to do some sort of money farm without these set IOs? I dont expect to be able to farm +4/8 missions or AE maps, but there has to be a decent and efficient way to start making some money at least, so I could work my way up to the big leagues.
  9. Here is how. 3 different types of Enhancements are confusing to new players. Most dont even know what the difference is between them. Ive seen new players replace a SO enhancement with a DO one, just because they got it as a drop and thought "its got green numbers, instead of yellow". In the end, it makes for a bad experience for the new player. Adding unnecessary confusion and frustration in a system that is already horribly un-user friendly because of its dated nature. Not only that, in my example situation, it would actually make the play experience worse, by lowering that players characters abilities. Experienced players take these things for granted. We come from the original game, with lots of knowledge, or we have been through the trails of scouring the wiki's and guides out there to learn what we should be doing. Both of these things shouldnt be required of a new player. The game shouldnt require extensive amount of research for basic game concepts. When new players find themselves in these situations, many of them just leave the game. I cant stress this enough. We cant just assume that because we understand it, that a new player will as well. What good does it do to recruit thousands of people to the game, if most of them turn around and leave because the game itself isnt very welcoming.
  10. Get rid of training and dual origin enhancements. Reduce the cost of Single Origin enhancements so that a new, casual player can make enough to keep up with the costs of keeping their character geared. Make these available from all merchants (trying to track down the specific one for your origin in each zone can be awful for new players)[ Even without using 2x xp buff, you dont make enough currency to keep your character enhancements updated with SO's, and anything less than SO's feels really awful. Especially missing all the time. Missing is one of the worst feelings in any game. What good is a cool power if you struggle to hit with it. Maybe make the level 6 "tutorial" mission quest reward some decent starting cash. (new players arent going to know about getting the badges to convert to sellable converters for easy starting money) Other than that, the first hour of playing after you make your character can feel pretty rough for new players. Slow and painful combat is not a good experience in a super hero game. Too much of the very early game relies heavily on the P2W vendor for it to be fun. Having 2 powers + brawl is just awful feeling for many new players. Especially when many AT's only get 1 attack out of those first 2-3 powers. Brawl seems pointless and should be reworked to be a real starting power.
  11. Refraining from making changes out of "Fear of people having issues with it" is not valid reasoning when people ALREADY have issues with things. The key is to find which situation creates the least amount of issues. Right now, players dont have a choice. If they (for example) play a Energy Blaster, they dont get invited to groups, or worse, get kicked from groups. This creates a HORRIBLE experience for that player, and its not based on anything they did wrong. Especially new characters. Especially those that dont have knowledge of the KB->KD IO. While a global switch would still not do away with people refusing to use it and causing issues, it WOULD allow those who ARE willing to use it to not be shunned and kicked from group content. You dont stop sending food to starving countries just because people still end up dying of starvation. If a change can help SOME of the problem its better than helping NONE of the problem.
  12. Playing the way you want to play is only valid up until the point where it affects OTHER players. Its no different in real life. You can do what you want, but as soon as it affects someone else, thats when rules and laws step in and stomp on whatever freedoms you might have originally had. So, to clarify... Playing how YOU want to play fits into the following examples. - Choosing how you personally like to have the powers function when playing the game solo - Choosing to alter said powers to meet the requirements of a group that you CHOOSE to play with If someone in a group said, "im not going to wait for the tank, im going to pull how I want", they would get kicked as well. Every player, when CHOOSING to interact with others, has to either agree to follow guidelines, or deal with the consequences (ie: getting kicked). .... Now.. back to it being an option... Regardless of it affects getting kicked in a group or not, having the option for solo (or private play) is still a 100% positive thing. Its nice to know that the devs have considered a toggle or similar functionality. If a player wanted some powers to have knockback and others to not have knockdown, the toggle could simply ignore the effect granted by an IO. The toggle could be set to ONLY interact with the inherent value of a power. So you would leave the toglle set to knockback (or "off") and just slot the powers you wanted to knockdown, with knock down. The solution isnt rocket science, but coding it might be.
  13. 1. I dont believe the option should cost ANY enhancement slots or currency (ie: you have to acquire the IO, which many new players wont be able to early on) 2. Options are good. Always. They let those who like something, keep that thing. They let those that dont like it, get rid of it. Its a WIN / WIN situation if there is the option to enable or disable as just a global option. 3. Ultimately, having a setting in the options menu for this OPTION would be ideal. 4. A quick fix would be to put an option on the P2W vendor or Null the Gull to swap globally from knockback to knockdown (or vice versa). Again, this should be an option. A option removes ANY debate on if it should be knockback or knockdown. An option allows everyone to pick the way THEY want to play.
  14. No, you are correct. My bad That would explain why the FXAA in the nvidia settings was different than the FSAA in the game lol However That still doesnt explain why FSAA 16x vs FSAA 8x are so dramatically different in game. 16x is doing something with transparency or something as well. Look at the semi distant leaves on trees when you swap between 8x and 16x
  15. So Ive been running some tests with FSAA. Not any real math stuff, just more visual stuff. First off, Ive always been told that the forced FSAA from the Nvidia control panel is better (looks better and performs better) than most in game FSAA. I had been using the in game FSAA 16x setting since the start of Homecoming. So what I did was disable in game FSAA and set the FSAA in the nvidia control panel to 16x. As soon as getting into the game I noticed a huge visual difference. Edges were not completely jaggy, but they were NO WHERE near as smooth as the edges when the in game FSAA 16x was enabled. The games FSAA 16x simply looked immediately noticeably better. So I ran some other tests. Setting the games FSAA to 8x, and then doing another test with the Nvidia set to 8x. Here is were it gets odd. For 2x, 4x, and 8x, there is NO visual difference between the games FSAA and Nvidia's. None.. So whats the deal with the games FSAA 16x setting? Is it truly FSAA? It is something more than that? TSAA? MSAA? It certainly seems to be using a better form of AA than just the standard fsaa for sure. Perhaps this is why so many people complain about it having such a huge performance difference from 8x. FSAA is EXTREMELY cheap to use as far as performance on modern day GPUs, even at 16x (and whats up with 32x? I didnt think there was such a thing - I dont notice any visual or performance difference with this compared to 16x)
  16. Hero name: Robo Penguin Account: Zewks Battle Cry: Dooo beee dooo beee doooo in action
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