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Everything posted by Yellowjacket

  1. Missile Man if he is a man of the missile, Missile-Man if he *is* the missile.
  2. Dump of costumes I almost like
  3. Do you know how many times I've tried and failed to create a unique monster head and you come along with this. . . bravo
  4. I figured that was in there to test our reading comprehension, thanks for the update
  5. In general the Earth Mastery set almost entirely sacrifices damage for control so I'm not sure nerfs are necessary even if a couple powers behave very closely to their controller counterparts. Stalagmites desperately needs a buff, not sure what the OG devs were thinking giving it only a 10% stun chance.
  6. Are the Tanker/Brute Earth Mastery changes current? The changes as written seem a bit egregious, but they also don't seem to match what's currently in beta? Stalagmites is a tough one to balance, it's actually undertuned being only a 10% stun chance with low damage and low accuracy. I think whoever is doing the balance pass likely missed that it's only 10% chance (if that proposed end cost isn't a typo [it is a typo]). Put up against Ice Storm, which is pretty much exactly just the blaster power with double recharge and about 1/3 more end cost, Stalagmites is looking pretty weak. Maybe something between photon grenade and how it is now? So like 75% accuracy, 19 end, 32s recharge, mag 3 stun 9.5s 30% chance, halve the damage. What I'd like personally is keep the accuracy at 60%, ~19 end, 64s recharge, mag 2 stun 6s 100% chance, keep the damage the same. But there's not really precedence for reducing the mag of a mezz power to compensate for faster recharge (compared to the original controller power)? Either way I think giving it 100% accuracy is not in the spirit of this type of power, and doesn't really help it become more effective. Quicksand should have the radius decreased or the recharge increased not both imo. I agree it's too much of a copy paste of the controller power. If the radius is decreased increasing the slow closer to controller levels should be considered. It's a bit of a lackluster power to begin with other than being an autohit -def.
  7. Silver Age costume for Black Condor
  8. We've all wanted that from day 1. Most gloves could use a variant where the color is simply split between the hand and forearm.
  9. The way you blended the helmet details tho
  10. Not possible, the samurai detail is only in half helmets and the crystal crown is only in full mask
  11. Refining your ideas : ) The chest logo chain was nicely done Kitchen sink: Streamlined:
  12. Festive Costume for War Priestess
  13. Spooky Season Vampire hunter demon summoner What a horrible night to have a curse. . .
  14. Bravo, wish I'd come up with that head combo
  15. I actually managed to pull this one off without much clipping, pretty happy with how cohesive it turned out. My original design was clip city using the IDF hat before I realized it needed the little wings. But yeah I'm usually a big supporter of using clipping in clever ways. I abuse the heck out of all those detail tabs on half helmets.
  16. Yeah that frustration is why I made this little platform in my base. Even then it took a bit to find an unintrusive skybox.
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