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Everything posted by Psylenz0511

  1. Ok lets start this, would the Everlasting server be ok?
  2. Let's get one of these teams going. What do you say we first decide on the shard/server and then we will sign up for defender primaries, we don't need 5 Forcefielders or 5 sonics, but short of that let's get some variety and SYNERGY. We can start this weekend at say... level 10-12 fresh out of DFB
  3. Late to the party-- Kleine Teufel and I started an all defender SG on Triumph in the fall of 2004, right after WoW subverted so many CoH players. I have some random comments on the previous posts. Kinetic's buffs are well known, but it's a major debuffer, too. Did you know that siphon power and fulcrum shift can significantly reduce potential incoming damage? Did you know that Siphon Speed is an IRRESISTIBLE debuff after making the accuracy check? Stacking a Dark and a Storm means you have stacked steamy mist and shadow fall, so the group in the overlapping buff zone is essentially invisible. Skipping Traps from your mix of defenders is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. The -regen in traps is formidable. Traps represents well despite some players frustration with placing poison gas trap. Stacking slows with freezing rain, keep the targets in place, tar patch, caltrops, lingering rad, snow storm (from storm or cold), neurotoxic breath - brings them to a screeching <near> halt. If you are playing positional and putting the foes where you want, a few well placed gales or shockwaves can move the bad guys back to the kill zones. Don't forget that Forcefielders can protect from mezzes and endurance drain (remember the carnies, freakshow, malta?) A well-played Force Bubble is a rarity but can keep foes pinned in corners or against walls. Folks, if you are unfamiliar with the debuff machine that is Dark Servant aka Fluffy, check out that Chill of the Night -tohit debuff. Fluffy doesn't use Tar Patch, but he does use Twilight Grasp Additionally, -regen is particularly most useful at the start of boss fight. Howling Twilight, EM Pulse, the thermal debuffs, Nature affinity debuffs plus the usual lingering rad, twighlight grasp, Transfusion, envenom knock down the regen of tough targets FAST. HT and EM P don't need to recharge before the boss/AV is DEAD. Liquefy isn't a stunning debuff, but it is very much underrated. Trick Arrow is arguably a weak set to solo, but in groups the slows, -resistance, -regen, and the shiny Oil Slick complement the other defender's buffs and debuffs well. Disruption arrow is a solid debuff. Poison is challenged to play solo, but it has some amazing single target debuffs. Suggestion: Poison users, lead off with neurotoxic breath for the chance to hold. The new kid in the defender stable, I don't know what the base numbers are on the tier 9 power PbAoE, Venomous Gas. Any new number crunchers have the base numbers for the -resistance, -defense -damage, -tohit? I too, would enjoy joining an all Defender Superteam, with a defender from scratch or with some defenders I already have
  4. It was my understanding that an inventory of rare salvage was 'seeded' in the market by the devs at a market price of 500K. I made some bids on rare salvage for 500k and the order still is outstanding 12 hours later.
  5. how do I bind "Alkaloid" to be cast when I hit the + key on the keypad? How do I bind "Antidote" to be cast when I hit the - key on the keypad? I tried /bind keypad+ power_exec Alkaloid but that didn't work
  6. Are Hero Merits part of the game again? Are they coming back? A player used to be able to do an episode of the Signature Story Arc and receive a hero merit, 2 if it was your first time through.
  7. I am relativley new to the Bio secondary on Sentinels. I do not understand the mechanics of this abillity and how to maximize its usefulness. I hit it when my sentinel's health is low and then it seems just a couple hits from foes interrupt it entirely. Is it merely a glorified rest? I thought it had some aspects of personal forcefield in it in itd operation.
  8. I thought the zone beacons were crafted on the work benches
  9. My base has plenty of control and power, but when I place the work bench, I cannot access it to craft teleportation pieces. I realize there are inactive and active benches. I placed a crafting bench and merit ATM and they both function. What am I missing? (I tried the arcane alternatives too, no luck)
  10. I hit level 50 and have no idea what to do now. I don't what incarnate powers would help. I recently did an ITF and felt worthless. Is FF even viable end game when everyone is softcapping defense?
  11. My search fu is weak. Where do I find a schedule of the weekly task forces?
  12. Hi My global handle is Psylenz. I had heroes on Triumph and villains on Victory. My main - ArticQuark - was a co-founder of the all-defender SG. I cannot remember all the players I teamed with but Kleine Teufel and Hequbis were the early members of the Triumphant Defenders. Kathy, Syberghost, Duncan Storm/Bronze Gaurdian, Accelerator Ray, InNeedofAspirin, SkinEatingBug, Shameless Strumpet Our SG was in a coalition with the Caste of Anubis. I remember Mr. Samoa, too. I wonder how that kid turned out when he grew up.
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