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Everything posted by Psylenz0511

  1. No sir, you are correct, it's not annihilation, back to the proc thread to look for something juicy
  2. I have a few comments. First, you only require taking voltaic sentinel if you solo to bounce the chained buffs back on yourself, but I am sure you know that by now. I would be inclined to slot anothe annihilaton resistance debuff in Short Circuit instead of the 6th slot that buffs run speed - you fly right? If you need more fly speed, you could buff swift and slot it with fly.
  3. Ok, I get that there is no love for fallout or choking cloud, but doesn't EM Pulse have a ridonkulous amount of burst -regen for big boss fights? Reddit has a copy of Red Tomax that says EM Pule does -1000% regen for 15 seconds. Stick you envenomed daggers in that!
  4. There are two points I would make on an energy blast defender, and kinetic specifically: KB > KD proc in various energy blast powers make them into a charismatic form of soft control compared to wild random knockback. Force Feedback procs in knockback abilities does increase your recharge time on all your powers, BUT the caveat here is eventually recharge is not the issue but rather how much animation time you have available for the powers that recharge quicker. You will wait for powers to activate rather than waiting for something to recharge.
  5. I have a corruptor on everlasting named Boiler Room Bob. He is Water/Thermal, mostly for the boiler theme. Many players skip hydro because of the longer animation time coupled with the rather low damage. Tidal Forces I see as a must have. Tidal Forces + water jet gives you the double tap opportunity; it fires off once and it is immediately available to use again. Even more potent: tidal forces + geyser is a sweet damaged boosted nuke. I already have a number of characters with water blast, but Water/Radiation or Radiation/water defender sounds fun. I like most of the Radiation emission powers. Accelerated Metabolism is kinetic speed boost Lite(TM). The toggles radiation infection and enervating field are super debuffs even though as teams get more potent, they are usually used on hard targets. Radiation infection stacks -defense with all your water blasts. Some folks slot an achille's heal -resistance proc in whirlpool and that effect stacks with enervating field. Lingering Radiation is your -regen boss killer. I personally like choking cloud but there are many that skip it. Mutation is a rez. Fallout blows up the corpse of a teammate (maybe that Rad/plant blaster ) and EM Pulse is a wonderful basket full of opportunity. Many ?/rads take teleport just for moving corpses around for fallout xD. With hasten, some rads strive for perma-hasten perma-accelerated metabolism. It's a noble quest no matter how close they get. You can put some Forcefeedback in water burst, and I think you can in geyser, too for a chance of +recharge. The Rad/water combo looks to be very strong. You should not lack for teams because of your build.
  6. You have 1000 characters per server - try them all
  7. I love my defenders, but I had a very successful Ice/cold corr on Live. The sets have obvious synergy. The two factors i tried to amplify were slow everything down that you can, so I took snowstorm. I would suggest changing the colors on it, because it does a blinding fx with bright colors. The other thing, and maybe some people think this is solo play, but I tried to hold every nasty bad guy in sight. So I took lots of holds so I could hold bosses, too. Debuffs include the sleet/heat loss thing, very team oriented. Benumb is universally loved. Infrigidate is a subtle ability, but it seems to shine even more the higher the level it is used. Some Ice users are not too enthused about the ice shields at higher levels. Everyone is running leadership, incarnate defenses are pushing the team above soft cap defense. The argument goes: don't need them. I say they are cuckoo for cocoa puffs. I take the defenses. For one thing they are positional defense, the other issue is you get to exempt done for WST's and the lowbies need the defense. I, too, stuck with the hover/fly combo. I personally think the scorpion patron is the way to go, and get the immobilize, shield and hold for more holding goodness. Leadership abilities are another place where defenders shine. Hasten/speed pool seems like an obvious fit for benumb, sleet, heat loss, blizzard and all the other good picks. Myself, I don't usually go the fighting route but I know the majority of squishies do. I balk at taking punch or kick just to get tough/weave but I am aware of the merits.
  8. I had a corruptor in the long long ago on Victory named Vesuvio's Ashlie, Fire/Dark corruptor. It starts out very potent with twilight grasp, fire ball, rain of fire and tar patch . That core of powers will serve you well. Of course I added in the other great fire and dark powers - don't forget howling twilight. It's so much more than a rezz - autohit stun, slow, and regen debuff with a high burst of initial -regen. Work your high recharge magic and you can alternate taking the bite out of alpha strikes with Fearsome Stare and Howling Twilight! Super speed with shadow fall means you can stealth higher level missions in comfort, but beware the Nemesis and RIkti
  9. Given that you are going the fighting pool, leadership pool, with fly and afterburner, it's a very tight squeeze to get spore cloud in there. You are right that spore cloud isn't very useful other than fights with hard targets. The -tohit in boss fights is superceded by the -regen for dispatching the big bads quickly. Has lifegiving spores fallen out of fashion, too? There is also the fact I may be confusing a 'leveling build' with a level 50 maximized build.
  10. I feel the same groaning when a Peacebringer joins a team. Did he slot the Sudden Acceleration procs?
  11. You slot your EB attack with Force Feedback +Recharge AND and Sudden Acceleration KB-KD, it doesn't maximize your EB for dmg but your primary (as a defender of course) the recharge is huge for your slow recharge Buff/Debuff/attack primary skills. Storm benefits because lightning storm and tornado (also slotted for the Sudden Acceleration proc) and the chaos level grows apace. Did I miss the point of this thread?
  12. Everlasting Defenders host all defender content on the Everlasting server at 3PM EST. Join the global channel "Buffed Up" or get in touch with @psylenz through global friends. Next week we are tackling two WST hopefully in less than 2 hours - Market Crash and Moonfire. See you in the City.
  13. Ice/cold is a classic corruptor build. It has so many tools. The two things I would emphasize is that stacking holds stop bosses cold (cough). The other thing is snowstorm is so useful. It's an every fight kind of soft control. Snowstorm does more than slow like tar patch does more than slow. The overlooked thing as you level is all the opportunity to interrupt enemies from doing their least desirable actions. Snowstorm interrupts embalmed abominations and energy mages from self destruction. Snowstorm interrupts skyraider engineers and Rikti communication officers from their summoning. Snowstorm grounds fliers, and this is a key benefit in taking out those pesky flying paragon protectors. Enjoy your chill corruptor
  14. I will be watching this thread. The proposed build should have a ton of -regen
  15. Looking at this again, yeah there is scary endurance usage running both leadership toggles and fighting toggles. It would be hard to balance your endurance management without a pocket kinetic/cold (for heat loss)/ or electric affinity running with you. Beside dehydrate and steam spray, another ability to consider is gale slotted with KB > KD and a Force feedback -recharge proc. You gain the soft control knockdown (which functions like a short hold since the enemy can't attack while getting up) and another recharge boost. Remember on tactics, you have a sweet -defense / -resist in freezing rain and a nice -defense in your water blasts including whirlpool. In short, I would pare back on a couple leaderships, pick up some other low endurance use clickies and as noted shore up endurance usage in health and stamina.
  16. Alpha Cardiac Incarnate slot should fix your endurance trouble. I cannot imagine having a stormy without snow storm. Interesting that you skipped Dehydrate. It's a decent source of self-heal. You can slot some for increased recovery and +end before incarnate levels with procs in heal and stamina that would make a significant effect. Your toggles are not slotted enough for endurance. Freezing Rain should come up enough it should have 35-50% endurance cost reduction to cast. I wouldn't skip Steam Spray. It's a nice damaging cone. Slot some range and profit. Slotting some force feedback +rech procs in Water Burst and Geyser would be advisable as well. I may edit more in later.
  17. Sudden Acceleration KB > KD fixes the knockback inconvenience.
  18. Necro/thermal is an awesome combo that Dr. Vahzilok only dreamed of. Demons/thermal I wouldn't give up on , just keep tweaking the color options on thermal abilities.
  19. I think you could get the advantage of +def to your target and the +recharge for yourself if you slotted Grant Invisibility instead of Steatlh
  20. I am curious what levels of team members you had. Did you have many incarnates? Did you run +4? Inquiring all defender team minds need to know.
  21. Of the water blast set, I would avoid hydro blast. It has a longish animation time for a single target attack and it looks goofy. I would take all the electric affinity abilities, but the most skippable would probably be the Tier 9 - Amp Up. Just a reminder, Faraday Cage is game changing. Live inside that thing.
  22. What kind of trouble are you having with your trapper? Traps has historically been considered a set with very high survivability. The one caveat is you do NOT want to outrun the forcefield generator to set up the acid mortar and poison traps.
  23. It should be pointed out that Howling Twilight is AUTOHIT and recharge is debuffed as well
  24. Of course you play your MM how you like but -- wild growth, wild bastion, tough, weave, frozen armor, hoarfrost all sound like you COULD if you wanted to be in the tankermind business when you get to the level 40s, not something you would aspire to between level 18-21 for sure, but eventually. Boldly plant that mushroom on Nemesis head and let the zombies go to work.
  25. Robots can definitely use the KB>KB proc in the tier 1 and tier 3 especially. My robots masterminds also took the Scorpion epic pool for the AoE immobilize and the defense shield to add to the tankermind toughness. I mentioned in another thread my first villain was a Bots/poison mastermind, and I because accustomed to lining up foes for knockback into walls and such so that the burn patches have the best effect. The KB>KD is a godsend. Good kb users know that foes should not be knocked out of tarpatch, freezing rain, faraday cage, sleet, ... and on.
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