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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. Well crud, I was hoping to find a fix for this, I'm getting pretty tired of it. Happens to me regardless of character and level. I cant discern any pattern that causes it, only that my insp try is normally even with and right next to the upper half of my chat window, and at random when zoning or loading a mission, it will move up about half it's height. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that it doesnt get too much in the way...

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. For a short and brief time at the inception of their character Nezumiko back in the days of Virtue, I had invited them to join my SG. And while they didn't stay long, that little mouse did spread wings and fly. They made more friends then I ever have and I'm sure countless adventures as well. We did remain global friends at least until CoH was shut down, and attended countless cape shows, and had many late night chats about all things random.

    Had I run into them on homecoming, I would have loved to have given them a big in game hug, and caught up with them. 

    May your memory continue to burn brightly in the hearts of those you touched with your bright energy!


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  3. Immature paragon protectors are indeed in part 2 of Doc Buzzsaw in the mission you fight all the crey. They are partly hidden... try clearing the map before clicking the final glowies. You'll find them.

  4. Just now, Glacier Peak said:

    In PvP, bringing additional players will offer more advantages to any given situation. If you intentionally constrained yourself to only relying on the Nullifier fakkolade to inhibit the escape of a flying enemy player, you will likely fail as you stated - but there are other powers to consider and appropriate balance between those powers effects and player resistances to them. For example, assuming a player is PvPing solo, they can purchase 10 uses of the temporary web grenade power from the PvP vendor and use them against flying enemy players. This provides -50% fly speed for 15.00s and 10 fly protection for 15.00s on target (this power recharges in 4 seconds).


    I would suggest you test the changes on Brainstorm that you are arguing against. The feedback your provide would be much more informed.

    I am well aware of the web grenades, and testing a pvp effect with just yourself is kinda hard. Also the Evasive Manuvers is not listing how much flight protection it gave... Also I very much went on brainstorm to test some things. but much like PvP "bringing additional players will offer more advantages" and I am but one. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Captain Powerhouse said:


    Web Grenade is -10 mag fly.

    Evasive Maneuvers is only mag 4 fly protection, on top of mag 1 from fly powers.

    This change will, at this time, only protect from things like a few Air Superiority attacks or weaker -fly attacks.


    Any change from there, for PvP, are up to PvP community agreement.

    Thank you for the acknowledgement, and the actual numbers, which at this moment don't display very well, which brought me to the concern. As long as you are aware of the concern, I'm content enough knowing it's not being over looked.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Glacier Peak said:

    Nullifier (PvP Crey Pistol Fakkolade) does 1.60 fly protection for 15.00s on target in addition to the -30% fly speed for 18.00s on target.

    fair enough, that alone isnt enough to even bring down hover. Now if there is the same recharge on the Fakkolade (I have not bought or used them so I dont know), it is effectively useless on it's own to bring down a foe using -fly protection.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Flambouyant said:

    Right that's why I mentioned potentially developing some type of slotting system designed specifically to travel powers. We probably all would like to 6 slot everything so I'm not begging for that. But for future use, maybe a way to win a travel power slot somehow that would be exclusive to those sets.

    Problem is it may seem like a simple ask, but what you are asking for is likely a complete redesign of a core system in the game. Which would very likely lead to HUGE bugs and potentially topple the Jenga style code. That is why they choose to modify individual powers. if you want more Speed you are very much going to have to pick a different travel, use some enhancement slots, find some set bonus', choose a different alpha, or use some enchantment table buffs. And it will likely be that way for a long long long time.

  8. 1 minute ago, Flambouyant said:

    With all of these changes it would be nice to have some additional enhancement slots thrown in to be able to take advantage of the new benefits. As it stands, I could not think of a single character I have where I can steal a slot from a power in order to get my flying faster. In theory it sounds great but potentially just one more power I will wish I had a couple extra enhancement slots to use on, but will be frustrated that I don't. How about devising a slotting system exclusive to the travel pool sets that would allow us to take advantage of the benefits without stealing slots from our main power pools. I currently have no issues with the travel power pools the way they are right now, but if people have been asking for changes, I will say it's nice that you have listened. For me, I don't really see any changes I will be concerned with either way.

    That's the balance of it all, if you want more speed you are gunna need to make a cut somewhere else so you can enhance, otherwise it's just a minor QoL change. If you give people more slots they still wont use them on travel powers they will enhance everything and anything before they enhance the travel power.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, firelightx said:

    These are the new movement speed caps (without Afterburner or anything)


    To achieve the running speed cap, it took

    1 Run speed IO in Swift

    3 Run Speed IOs in Super Speed


    To achieve the flight speed cap, it took:

    1 Flight Speed IO in Flight

    Turning on Evasive Maneuvers (unslotted)


    To achieve the Jump Speed & Jump Height caps, it took:

    1 Jump IO in Hurdle
    2 Jump IOs in Super Jump


    The above seems to also be true if taking Speed of Sound or Mighty Leap

    (Mystic Flight doesn't have Evasive Maneuvers so you'll have to be more creative to hit its speed cap)



    With Afterburner on, the flight speed cap goes up to. This is using the same slotting as mentioned above.



    redo this with boosters, I know 2 run IO's with full boosters gets you in the 119's

  10. 3 minutes ago, Icecomet said:


    Personally, any PvP'er should have multiple builds and their PvP build might include fly as a form of pursuit.  Also, with the additions to defense, they're now more attractive to more people.


    These kinds of arguments about pools are lost on me because they are pool powers, everybody has access to them.  If you don't like fly on your toon, then you've made a choice to not fly, but that can easily be rectified with a respec.



    This is incredibly dismissive toward a balance issue that just because you perceive it as a non-issue does not invalidate it's truth. There are reasons things like PVP web grenade temp powers were added to the game. Flying pvpers get cocky and giving them even more fly protection, when there is already a very large lack of -fly in game is a bad choice. Also flying melee combat is very very hard and flying ranged characters will always have an upper hand.

    So what you are saying is the ground based scrapper should just grow wings and some ranged attacks?

  11. 23 hours ago, Greycat said:

    All right. In seriousness, yeah, Dark Pit kind of shares Clarity's problem of "it'd have been useful earlier." I don't really feel boost range *fits* with everything, but would have to chew on just what to replace it with. (Or not. Sometimes a "just take it" power comes in handy if you want to ignore it and throw the slots in something else afteward.)

     Thanks for the bump and your thoughts. If do happen "chew on it" any more, please come back and let me know what you came up with.

  12. This is legacy design from the original developers. And if you miss it the first time it is possible to go back and redo in Ouro. I don't see this being changed. 
    Guardian of Forever is another one of those "Hard to Find" badges. This is the way Paragon Studios was starting to incorporate badges, not as simple handouts but things you had to find and work for.
    Point is you figured out how to get the badge, and successfully earned them, I don't really see a problem here, just because these badges are hidden or harder to earn.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Coyotedancer said:

    I'm actually not completely opposed to the idea of having to ping 50s occasionally to keep them, even though I did specifically finish leveling a few of my gang on a less-visited server just so I wouldn't have to worry about the issue. I just think it's funny that people STILL get testy, after all these years, over how other players choose to level their characters. 

    I am also not opposed to turning the protected 50 rule back on at some point in the future, but there were just SOOOOO many accounts and characters made when HC was stood up. Some of that needs to be cleaned out especially since most are likely not to return.

    • Like 2
  14. 9 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:


    Oh, I don't know... Those of us who dual-box with our own farmers leveling our own lowbies are still doing the work. Maybe not to your exacting standards, but we're still not exactly wandering off to make coffee while someone else smashes a boatload of goons. 😝

    I also duel box and farm, but I dont powerlevel... Still think all 50's should be required to log in once and a while on an extended schedule.

    44 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

    How wonderfully convenient that you think the privilege should only be given to people that share your playstyle. You seem like a swell guy.

    Nope, all players should have to log in there 50's powerleveled or not. No discriminations, no preferences. Thank you for your personal attack, I hope it made you feel big and important.

    43 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    Zero reason to use this as an excuse for a vendetta against others who play differently.  You can get to 50 easily outside of AE with free XP boosts and just running TFs.

    Also misunderstanding, I don't think any 50 should be immune at this time, because of the amount of inactive accounts at this time. And yes while I will vocally be against powerleveling because an "idle clicker" game achieves the same effect in the brain. I recognize that you have chosen this as your place of recreation, and as long as you are ('active' might not be the most apt word) at least logging on to play and socialize or what have you. So while I might not share your method of past time, I do recognize your right to it.

    But the simple neurochemical fact remains, a player is going to me much less attached and invested in a powerleveled character that just dinged 50, then a player that has already spend 40 hours taking the long way up to just ding 50.


    I'm not saying you are wrong for choosing powerleveling, I'm saying the player who doesn't powerlevel has more invested (measurably in time at the very least)

    You all should just log in an play your characters once a year... it's not a big ask, stop pretending like its the end of the world!
    **I am SOOOOOOOO trying to be on my best behavior here, there are sooooo many political analogies I am not posting!**

    • Like 2
  15. On 6/30/2020 at 12:53 PM, Bopper said:

    Correct, it would. Since Siren's Song would not be intended to deafen you to sleep, it would not gain the Echo. Excellent idea.

    Or you could add a sleep echo mag, allowing it to potentially sleep harder targets after a short delay, or strategically hitting them with an aoe to have the echo come back and knock them out again. 
    Sleeps outside of electric controls are notoriously skipped, but a reapplying sleep is a very effective tool for damage mitigation.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Llewellyn Blackwell said:

    I am going to say some things...{remainder of post cut out to save electrons}

    Llewellyn, Thank you for this. I understand and respect this point of view. However I feel at this point there is a precedent at this point, that just stopping the process now does equal parts harm and good. Either way this goes, enact a policy or don't enact a policy, it's a lose lose. You will always have a vocal presence that feels the other should have happened. 

    But I go back to the fact that CoH has not 1, not 2, but the often forgot 3rd name release. And its really that third name release that did the most damage and messed the whole thing up. That 3rd release being the fact the original character DB was not legally able to be incorporated into HC. Now I do understand that if it had not been a legal issue, it still would have been a monumental undertaking getting everyone's accounts back to the rightful owners. So I'm not upset that I (I wont speak for everyone) had to start from scratch... it's been fun.

    But because there was a 7 year downtime of the game, when it did come back there was a huge influx of players, many people did not get previous names back. Honestly I couldn't even remember all my old characters. Now however the game population has re-stabilized, many of the first wave have gotten their nostalgia fix said their goodbyes and moved on finally. Others just realized it wasn't them anymore. Some first time players stayed some decided it just wasn't for them.

    IF this had been the original Name Database, I would be squarely in the corner of your posts viewpoint. But I feel due to past events it doesn't quite apply, like a square peg in a rectangular peg hole, it may fit but there are gaps in it...

    I under normal circumstances would even be for protecting 50s, but like I said the last year and a half was a honeymoon period for players and accounts. And the party left a lot of trash that could be picked up. I really like the originally posted policy, I think it's mostly fair and checks all the right boxes, but right at the top the very top that permanence purely for 50's seems like a giant loop hole that caters to powerleveling in AE, something that was specifically fought against back in the days of live. Fought against not eliminated, but definitely frowned upon. And I understand that the farming community has become an integral part of the HC community at large, they provide a large portion of AH goods. I still don't feel like doorsitting for a couple hours warrants the privilege to have your name be immune from a name release.

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