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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. 1 hour ago, Wavicle said:

    Only if they share it.

    And that is what I came here to do was share my opposing viewpoint for the Homecoming team to consider.


    Also what you are proposing though would not be a hard thing for the HC Team to implement as it is just extra text, it would be a substantial time and effort investment, for a minimal impact, when the info you seek already exists easily available to players. The odds of your suggestion being implemented retroactively on the content is much more unlikely to happen then asking for your change to be considered for implementation on future contacts and content.

  2. 2 hours ago, Wavicle said:

    Just to be explicitly clear, no, I don't really care about your opinion.

    I posted my idea so the DEVS can see it and consider it.  What you think of it is irrelevant.

    So you dont think the Homecoming Team should consider if other people have an opposing viewpoint?

  3. 1 minute ago, Wavicle said:

    Nobody else has given an opinion. Everybody else just said you can already find this elsewhere on the Internet and so it’s not necessary. That’s not an opinion. I realize it’s on the Internet elsewhere, I think it would be a good idea for it to be available in game when you’re choosing a new contact.


    Maybe people are right that it shouldn’t be everywhere you read about the contact, maybe just when you’re making the choice.


    The point is I’ve made an actual argument for why it’s a good idea and the argument in response is just Google it.

    I gave you an argument/reason against your viewpoint look at my first response, IT'S UNDERLINED! This is an MMORPG thus there is a level of immersion. You don't always get ALL the info. Not every Contact is going to give you a military style briefing on other contacts. And they certainly wouldn't necessarily know what the other contact would have you doing.

  4. 16 hours ago, drdread said:

    After a review, I don't think the portals qualify. They have special mechanisms that are pretty balanced.

    those Orenbanga portals give large xp amounts to balance out the summons, since they are non farmable.

    On 5/22/2020 at 8:30 AM, drdread said:

    I forgot to add the Communications officers for the Rikti.

    do not bring back xp from rikti portals, we dont need rikti farms again.


    and for death shamans I just want those pets to con at the proper level not +1

    • Like 1
  5. I'm on the fence with this one. I... well see the current description is a "Present" description of something from the "Past," not a "past description" of something before the "Present."


    Did that make sense? I feel you may be missing the fact that time travel is involved here.

  6. I'm pretty sure this is not done for immersions sake. The blurb you are given is in the fashion of: "If your current contact was telling you about the other contacts."


    As much as I like to know what I'm getting into, I also am playing this game on a computer which I am perfectly capable of looking crap like that up online....

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Darkneblade said:

    Currently they do nothing to help at all aside from Degenerative and Reactive.. Maybe paralytic as well but aside from that rest of them is pretty much useless aside from procs. Well there are ios for that.

    My proposal is simple. Allow control powers to benefit from interfaces as well. Except only on non procs: Spectral has immobilize proc for example but leave out damage component as trade off for control powers (non damage).

    Because most of control powers doesn't have damage component.

    Let's list here.


    Darkness Control : This is fine I guess since there are lots of pets. No damage components are : Possess, Fearsome stare, Shadow Field. Like I said it is fine.
    Earth Control : Quick Sand, Salt Crystals, Earthquake.. 3 powers again this fine I think but there is only 1 pet maybe not so fine.
    Electric Control : Conductive Aura (Toggle) , Static Field, Paralyzing Blast, Synaptic Overload, and 2 pet. Total of 4 non damage control with 1 toggle.
    Heat Control: 2 non damage compenent otherwise it is in good place.
    Gravity Control : Only non damage component is dimension shift. So it is in good place.
    Refrigerator Control : Artkick air (Toggle) Shiver, Ice sling, Glacier. 3 non damage control with 1 toggle.
    Mind Control : Confuse, Mass Hynopsis, Telekinesis, Total Domination, and Mass Confusion. Total of 5 non damage powers with no PET.
    Vegetable Control : Spore burst, Seeds of Doubt, Wines (Toggle) , Spirit Tree. Since there is too many pets it is fine on this set.

    and let see interfaces:


    Cognitive: Chance for confuse (4sec) , Chance for minor psionic damage-over-time.         = Confuse only on non damage control powers (or debuff powers with no damage).
    Degenerative: Chance for Max HP debuff (10sec), Chance for minor Toxic damage-over-time. = No change needed.
    Diamagnetic: Chance for a 5% ToHit debuff (10sec), Chance for a 15% Regeneration debuff (10sec) = To hit debuff only on non damage control powers. (or debuff powers with no damage)
    Gravitic: Chance for a 10% Recharge Rate debuff (10sec) , Chance for a 10% Recovery debuff (10sec) , Chance for a 10% Movement Speed debuff (10sec) , Chance for a 10% debuff on secondary effects from enemy attacks. = Recharge/Movement debuff only on non damage control powers. (Or debuff powers with no damage)
    Paralytic: Chance for a 2.5% Defense debuff (10sec), Chance for a 5% Damage debuff (10sec) = Defense debuff only on non damage control powers (or debuff powers with no damage)
    Preemptive: Chance for draining an enemies Endurance over time , Chance for minor energy damage-over-time. = Endurance drain only on non damage control powers (or debuff powers with no damage)
    Reactive: Chance for a 2.5% Resistance debuff (10sec), Chance for moderate fire damage-over-time . = No change needed.
    Spectral: Chance for immobilize (4sec) , Chance for minor negative damage-over-time. = Chance for immobilize only on non damage control powers. (or debuff powers with no damage)

    Honestly I doubt people using other interfaces other then Degenerative and Reactive. Since so many builds have Reactive or Degenerative in it.

    People obsessed with damage for some reason. But that discussion for some other time.

    Anyway thoughts? I'm not asking for interface change anyway. Just allow control powers and debuff powers with no damage component to benefit from as well in a way.


    I'm sorry I have to "not agree" with pretty much any of this post. And actually take a little offence as I feel like you are being completely dismissive. I personally use Gravitic, and it is a common choice on pvp builds. And also interface procs are designed to stack, thus even a controller has enough powers and to activate them as well as anyone else. As in spamming your quickest single target attach that practically every AT has works just fine. And Lastly I can not stress this enough: CONTROLLERS ARE ALREADY DOING WHAT MOST INTERFACE SLOTS ALREADY DO TO A MUCH GREATER EFFECT!


    I feel the current status quo is plenty effective.

  8. 25 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    There's SO much power creep in the game already.

    I can't get behind adding Even More incarnate abilities until there's ALSO content that requires those abilties.

    Even that I don't know I'd support this idea. 


    This isn't WoW and I wouldn't expect to be playing just a few "Main's" in a constant chase for "Progression". 


    • Like 1
  9. I posted on the discord as well but in case those mentioned missed it:


    Time for me to throw in the towel, I've definitely done more then I should. I fear my electric bill this month, and my office is roasting! Congrats to Ura_Hero, Malohin, Super_Sloth, MChemManiac, and Some_Girl. Who will officially knock me out of the top 10 before the end of the month. Congrats to all top 10 Winners this month. And thank you for taking my baton from me in this Relay!


  10. 59 minutes ago, Brutal Justice said:

    You could switch to running tip missions.  I can’t confirm they will spawn in King’s Row but when I run tips on my toons I generally always run them in Atlas Park regardless of my current level.  They don’t drop until lvl 20 so you might have to make a cameo in another hero’s city to cover the lvl range gap if there is one.  

    44 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Tips will frequently (but not always) spawn in the zone you're in.

    Tips will drop from greys and if accepted in a zone, there are a few that are hard coded to load elsewhere but most will spawn a mission in the zone you're in. This is probably your best option.



  11. The Radio mission system seems very very much tied into a players current level, I would be willing to bet that trying to remove the level restriction on the system would most likely break a lot of things. And re designing the whole thing bottom up probably isnt going to happen, it was such a huge system to implement it was pretty much a whole Issue. I'm gunna venture out on a limb and venture a guess that the Homecoming team is most likely going to focus on new content which is much easier to implement then redesign a whole system of the game that was designed as supplemental random content for filler between contacts.


    Magic 8-ball says: "Outlook not so good."

    My condolences. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, Troyusrex said:

    I tried it with a large number of all three types of packs and it worked great! By combining that with the AutoHotKey automatic clicking I save a LOT of time. Of course, super packs are still a tremendous amount of work to see a reasonable profit. And I'm very happy to be a market supplier. In fact, I have billions of reason to be happy to do it. 

    Billions? There is either a Donald Trump joke in there or a Carl Sagan joke in there... your pick. Maybe McDonalds if the first two dont work for you.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 58 minutes ago, Golden Azrael said:

    Or if a 'Sentinel' only player who tries a Blaster or Domi and wonders why you can't just zoom into a mob without getting a fat lip....  Fun to watch...but one has to experience the pain of a Domi 1st hand to enjoy the heady divinity that comes later...

    I honestly has the opposite problem when I played a Sentinel, it just seems so foreign and underwhelming. Things charge right up to you and you don't have any power to just one shot them away, like I can on a blaster or scrapper. People call Dom's a pain, but Sentinels made my eyes bleed from boredom and lack of any kind of being Super, except for maybe Super boring! I love the fight of the Dom though always keeps you on your toes until you have to power to look at a room and lock it down, and then blink and make it fall over!

  14. 3 hours ago, Golden Azrael said:

    There is a pain barrier to go through with them.  Other ATs may offer easier, low hanging fruit.  ie.  I've seen Sentinel players expect to go into a mob and not drop like a ton of bricks.  And drop with the glass jaw and wonder what happened.  That's inexperience of ATs.  As I moved through the ATs, I favour the ones that have less damage throughput but offer more 'fun' or 'tactical' challenge or more 'power' which isn't necessarily the highest in damage throughput.


    But I can see how you may think a Domi or a Blaster is 'awful' if you haven't had the experience to understand the context of just how 'great' a Domi is at 1st glance because you're playing a scrapper which can eat mobs with impunity or a brute....or doesn't do the damage of say, a blaster.


    But part of gaining CoH mastery?  Play a dominator.


    Play a domi to L8, L16, L22, L32, L38, L50.  Each one of those will give a different picture.  But the picture does become more complete.  From Hate.  To frustration.  ('Why did I roll one of these back on live?) To love.


    The Domi AT is an art form.


    Damage throughput or Power?  That said.  Some domi's get to have both...



    Not sure why you quoted me on this, maybe for truth. Your Statement also rings true. I happen to love my doms, Control AND a great Damage multiplier! My Dark/Savage eats whole groups for a light snack. My Electric/Martial (ranged focus) however, is great thematically, but does somewhat feel lack luster at it's current level once it's finished though I'm sure it'll just walk around and nuke things.

  15. 6 hours ago, Troyusrex said:

    @Snowdaze: This works GREAT for spam opening packs. And I've verified that it will open them as fast as I can click without loss or issue. I've used them with both of the $10M types without issue (even when I have both in inventory).  I've used this to open hundreds at a time. This is a HUGE help. Thank you! 

    You're welcome, glad It's worked out for you, thanks for being a Market Supplier, I know the super pack life isn't for everyone.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Naraka said:

    But if we're talking more pie-in-the-sky here, why do the tier 9s have to function the same for each AT?  Why can't 1 of the ATs (such as Tankers) get a much more milder buff (like shaved down to 10% of the buff they get now) but also apply that buff to teammates?  Making them a semi-team support....while Brutes get a more offensively fueled toggle that eats away at their fury?


    I guess, to me, these blanket suggestions, while somewhat "easier" to grasp and apply, only goes in so far as to be easy to implement but extremely difficult to balance.  It'd be easier to just re-asses the power from the ground up, to include the AT and their role on a team.

    Gunna have to go for comment of the day on this one, our focus might have been to narrow. Ultimately these T9's are infrequently being used. No one really looks forward to them, they are just there. Maybe going the individual AT route and have them something exciting and something people want to get is the way to go. Sure some of them could stay as survivability buffs, but not all the armor sets are focused on survivability and some of them even have great themes to play off of: Elec, Fire (I know it's a res, but it's also infrequently  taken), SR, etc... they are are different and fantastic. We all acknowledge the issue, but what we really lack is coherence on a course of action. But we all know what we DON'T like about these things: Crash that will kill you, redundancy.

    28 minutes ago, Naraka said:

    Or maybe our philosophies don't line up.  I feel, in the realm of a game, a system like the one that exists from HunterXHunter is more a demonstration of balance as you can put more limiting conditions on your own Nen to make your Nen much more powerful.  Concepts like postmortem Nen are some of the most powerful abilities in that system and usually require the user to be dying or dead.  That introduces a *truly* dynamic system with a large spectrum.  A toggle that you just have to turn off is less dynamic than the current iteration of tier 9s.

    This seems a vague concept, I got the just of it, but due to it's terminology, it made it difficult. Not everyone, my self as an example, has watched HunterXHunter, and thus not sure what Nen is exactly.

  17. 9 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    One angle I think that is factoring into this.  


    To the very best of my knowledge, then IH was changed from Toggle to Click-With-Long-Downtime, it was a Scrapper Only power. 

    Niether Stalkers nor Brutes even existed yet, and it wasn't available for them. 


    Now for a SCRAPPER to have such incredibly good regen that they could out-tank-tanks, was, at that point in time, considered Unacceptable.

    Should it still be considered unacceptable today, in the land of Incarnates and IO set bonuses and more?  Debatable. 


    But generally groups are not expecting a Scrapper or Stalker to soak the alpha for a full team, one alpha after another after another after another. 

    They DEFINITELY expect that of Brutes, and I think most people would say it should be a thing that Brutes are capable of. 


    So this may require some AT-specific finessing.

    I like where your head is. I agree Brutes totally dont fit the mold, they should be tougher but regen is does not reflect that in them. A toggle on brutes with a perhaps a toned down regen AND a SOFT shell of absorb (not to the levels of rad or bio, that crap is way overpowered) would be much more conducive to a brute style at the cost of having to be more mindful then a scrapper or stalker. 


    Scrapper and stalkers are still able to go in and out of combat much more efficiently then a brute. And the more powerful click version fits their play style better.

    • Like 1
  18. When it comes to IH, I feel people are perceiving a flaw or a design over sight, when they are really looking at a built in weakness for the sake of balance. It used to be a toggle, it was decided it was too strong so instead of lowing it's potency it was made to have down time! Now yes I agree it doesnt go as far as it used to with many of the new threats since the creation of the game, however I feel IO's go a long way to closing that increased risk. Perhaps the set isn't made to run on +4x8, soloing at that level was never the original dev's intention anyway! this is supposed to be a teaming game with solo capability! It's an MMO, that means people to play with!


    I have already agreed that a little more -regen resist would be helpful. But we dont need people running around who can only be hurt by Boss level or higher groups!

  19. 2 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    All depends on your primary and playstyle.  My Fire/FireFire sentinel lives in melee.  I treat him like a Fire Scrapper who doensn't use Fire Swords, but who does throw fire a short range to catch runners.. 

    true, and we are talking about /regen again, not /fire...

    7 minutes ago, Zepp said:

    Until IH drops because it can't be made perma... (My 1-incarnate slot build for my Spines/Regen scrapper has it at 153.9s, It would be hard to do much better without sacrificing a lot to get it.) In other words, Regen works well if you can dip out of the fight from time to time when your powers stop working, but the Sentinels version (which would have to be upped for Scrappers anyway) matches the current pacing of gameplay better because of its consistency.

    I covered my opinion on that in a previous post

    18 hours ago, Snowdaze said:

    so here is my take on that: any given power if you make a build for recharge, you can normally get most powers down to somewhere between 1/5th or 1/4th of there normal recharge with the powers that you care less about recharge falling in around 1/3rd to a half. And this is on an average build, you can probably squeeze more out, but I'm gunna air on lazy just for my argument.



    Now say you REALLY want that MoG on a fast recharge (and theses are rough numbers) that brings MoG somewhere in the 50~60 second range. MoG has an uptime of 15 seconds, that if you are fastidious about it's use and activation thats around a quarter of the time it's up. Seems to me that more then a moment. Now I just find the new MoG to be to brief to us for my purposes so I skip it on my regen scrappers, I can see how it would be more useful on a regen stalker, but I dont have any of those.  For being a T9 that you can Pop once every minute and be effectively an Armored Achillies for the next 15 seconds, it seams like it really doesnt need to push that envelope any further. Mind you you get out of it what you put in, but it certainly doesnt need any help in the Def or Res department, most people are gunna slot it for recharge and call it good. I'm still gunna skip it and save my slots, until they bring back Old MoG which is probably never ever going to happen.


    Now IH, fantastic power, paired with Dull Pain you regen more then an AV! Weighs in at a nearly 11 minute recharge (650 seconds) thats pretty significant! But lets lay this one down, at worst you are going to cut this in half, but more then likely you will fall somewhere between the 1/3rd (3m36s ) and 1/4th mark (2m 42s, it actaully take a LOT of pushing to hit this mark due to ED) now it has an up time of 90s a minute and a half. So it is in general falling in around 50% uptime more or less given what you want. I think ~50% is super fair for this powerful power.


    Now mind you I treat IH as my real T9, and I effectively try never to use it. Some times I need it and it's there for me, because it's only got ~minute and a half left to recharge when it's effect wears off.


    I suggest the reconstruction with a slightly lower recharge because as someone else said this is Heal armor it really is, and where you might be able to just ignore the little guy and outclass the medium guy, the big guy might take a giant bite out of you and what is the first thing you do when you get hit hard on regen? You pop that reconstruction every time! Since there is very little built in resist, you are never going to have super fantastic resist numbers, unless you make large consessions (that on you), But what you can to to Overwhelmingly improve Regen is let us use Reconstruction more often, it certainly wont help you if you bite off more then you can chew... 4-5 Freakshow tanks all focused on you are very likely to squish you if they time their attacks correctly. And I say add some -regen resist to it, just to make the rest happy, and if you loose your regen you are likely going to need to hit that reconstruction a few times, and putting the resist in there will help you get your regen back a little quicker, while not making you all the time impervious to -regen, thus you will actively have to fight -regen.


  20. 14 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    To be honest, no I have not.  I have not really played my Sentinel and I have not rolled any new Regen character as the set is too weak for my liking.

    IH in Sentinals has been replaced by instant regeneration, which is a absorb toggle. I wont lie, it's nifty, and great in normal combat, but in more extreme situations IH provides a much stronger buff IMO.

    Also Sentinals dont get Resilience until 28, but with their run and gun I guess they really dont need it as much as a melee character. Also the Instant Regeneration is good on a sentinel because being at range they dont take as big of hits as often so it does help them shrug off the littler ones more quickly.


    @Zepp But I'm willing to put money on if you had a Sent and a scrapper go head first into the middle of a mob solo, a scrapper with IH running is going to be able to outlast a Sent with their toggle designed for a range character.

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