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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. 2 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

    I think it's pretty standard in any game that only 10% of the players ever go to the forums for anything except to get questions answered.

    There is probably a much higher percentage of City of Heroes players that come to the forums, but think it is a pretty accurate guess that it is well less than 25% of the players.

    Saying that, players don't have as much reason to come to the forums to ask questions as the City of Heroes /help channel kicks so much booty.


    So yeah, if the DEVs announce it in the GMOTD some players will catch it that don't come to the forums, but, honestly, I pretty much blow off the GMOTD myself and jump into the action.

    Well if the policy only affects people who have not logged on in over a year they are not going to see a MOTD in game because THEY ARENT PLAYING!
    If they don't want to keep up to date by being on the HC discord or at least visiting the forums to read update news. That's their prerogative.
    If they didn't read the EULA at least once...That their fault!
    If a player wants to remain ignorant that is on them.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, aethereal said:

    I think what I'd really like is some allowance for name duplications, only if a character is retired.  Like, where you could "take" a name that someone else has, only if they meet some metric for inactivity (and I think that all the various metrics for inactivity that people are proposing are all basically fine, and splitting hairs), but when you "take" their name, they don't lose it, you both have it.


    How exactly that would look, I don't know, and it doesn't seem super important because this would almost certainly be a total nightmare to implement and not worth the effort.


    But it would be a nice nod, I think, to how it typically has worked in the comics.

    This would involve reprograming the whole game and how it uses character names.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Because an active player should not be burdened or punished for have inactive characters.  This goes beyond "freeing up names from players that have left, almost certainly never to return" and into the realm of "force everyone to justify their worthiness to a name" (with more than a whiff of "eff the powerlevelers").  It's gone from "freeing up names" and started into "taking vengeance" territory.

    That is unacceptable.

    That's why I'm not pushing any of the more "elegant" solutions that take into character playtime. Even though it's the only metric that should justify name permanence.

    But in all honesty the simplest and fairest solution is as follows:
    Put in the EULA that on whatever date every year, the script will be run with the following ruleset:
    [At the execution of the name cleaning script, any character that has not been logged on to in over 460 days on any account that has not been logged on to for 365 days, will have it's name set to an unreserved status.]

    Provide notifications and reminders leading up to annual cleaning day through forums, and discord, maybe email...


    With this ruleset, you would have to be away from the game for a whole year and even if so there is a basic extra 3 month buffer on the characters. If you can not login to your account at some point every year, the game is probably not important to you. And especially if you hadn't played a character for 3 months prior to you not logging in for a year, then that character was probably less important to you. With this ruleset it would take 2 years of the script running annually to free up all characters names on an inactive account. And if you want to try and tell me that an account that hasnt logged on in 2 years shouldn't be considered inactive, I feel you are probably here just to troll those of us who actually care about this problem.

    And if you are here because you are afraid of loosing your character names... play the game and you wont have any problems. I'm sure if the GM's decide to adopt a name cleaning policy they will very likely adopt an extremely conservative stance to make sure no active player is affected in any way! But this is as it stands a free game right now and anyone can make countless accounts, and many of those accounts will play for a short period and then move on with their lives, and that uses a technically finite resource [names]. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

    It would free up far less names, but it would be a much more fair way to go about it to target unused accounts versus characters rarely played.


    Anyone that really wants to keep names is simply going to log in rotation to beat whatever mechanic is added.


    Imposing this kind of mechanic simply punishes those that don't know about it.

    There is no mechanic! Why are people thinking this will be a constant effect! The they are not going to program in a new function into the game server to do this. It will always be a script that is manually ran, to "clean" the name server. It will be run against the character database, when the map servers are down. ALSO it does not genericize anyone, it simply makes inactive characters names available, if the player returns and no one else claimed the name they then reclaim their name rights, if they return and someone else claimed it the game asks the player to rename their character. That is how the script works and the game reacts to it.

    On top of all this, if the script is planed to be run, the HC devs will announce in advance it will be run, and you will have time to make your characters compliant!

    Why is there so much resistance against wanting people to just logon their characters?

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Excraft said:

    Define "abandoned".  That's going to vary from one person to the next.  I've no issue with pre-50 names getting released on accounts that haven't been logged into for a year or more.  50s should never be on the table in my opinion.  Seems to me most people here are forgetting this was done on the live servers and hardly any names got released. 

    It's not hard to log onto your 50's once a year... really it not. And I say this purely because there is WAY more powerleveling in HC then there was on live. And I'm willing to bet there are plenty of accounts that have not been logged into in over a year because the player just powerleveled their characters and realized they weren't having fun like they used to back in the day. Probably because they didn't actually play the character this time around, they went on a nostalgia hunt and found that the instant gratification mindset failed to be fullfilling. Now they moved on to other games, and whatever names they had taken will never be seen again.

    Now if you want to say any character with a 1000 hours (example) of play regardless of level is immune to a name freeing script I'll support you to the end of time. Clvl means nothing, too many characters are powerleveled and left on the shelf to collect dust, and there should be no reward for that. Activity should be rewarded, that is what will keep the game and community alive.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, GM Tahquitz said:

    We're straying from the topic here.  Please be civil and discuss the name policy, not which person in the conversation belongs in which pigeonhole.


    Thanks for listening.

    Sorry Tahquitz....
    @Excraft, Issue is still issue. there are abandoned accounts with good names that people want. This is ultimately most unfair to those who are active and playing the game. This isn't about taking names from active players. But making a reasonable request of the actually active player base to "logon your characters" once and a while is not such an imposition as many are making it seem. As much as people want to "own" a name, unless you have taken out a copyright on it, you don't, and it is within reason for the HC staff to "clean house" once and a while. They don't require you to pay them for the service of the game, but making a small request of showing your support by actually being active is a reasonable request.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Excraft said:

    Answer is still no.  50s should never be flagged unless the account owner asks for their account info to be deleted.  You can't know one way or another for sure if someone is away permanently or is just taking a break.  Not everyone's life revolves around this game to the point where they have to be logging in every day to prevent someone else from stealing a name.  If you didn't get the name you wanted, do what everyone else does and use another name or do without.  "Serial name squatters" are a myth like Bigfoot.  There's far more combinations of words in the English language to use than names that would get freed up.

    you just don't want to put in the effort to have to log into your characters at least once a year... sounds like you might be a "serial name squatter"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Tyrannical said:

    @Snowdaze in regards to the safety buffer for lower levels.


    Perhaps just to ensure people cant abuse the system just by farming to 50, the grace period should be 6 days + 1/2 your level (rounded up).


    So a level 1 character would need to log in at least once a week. A level 50 character would have to log in at least once a month.


    Obviously, this is just the for characters that are created and then immediately left aside, the formula will still treat all other characters fairly, and ensure that casual players arent accidentally flagged too.


    This safety buffer should probably come into effect after the formula has done its job, so if you are flagged, you have X amount of time (as above) to go active again or risk losing your name.


    As a side note; I'm not sure how easy it may be to implement, but instead of being instantly generic'd by the system, make it so you keep the name until somebody else tries to use it (either when making a character or changing a name), at which point they get the name and you unfortunately lose it.


    That way you can still retain ownership of any of your names so long as nobody else tries to use it. So for the most part, this should ensure the game isn't flooded by generic'd characters.


    I do feel you are a little over zealous on how much of a revolving door of names you want. Keep in mind any formula is still only used in a single run script. Which mean that yes there should be plenty of warning and if you are active and paying attention you will not be at risk of loosing any names personally. However I do feel erring on the side of caution will save headaches for the GM's in the long run, and giving a wider "buffer" is that way.

    So despite your believe that a lvl 1 should log on once a week and a lvl 50 once a month, they will likely only run the script once....
    I feel the script should be run once a year right before anniversary, and the range should be more like  lvl 1 within the last month up to lvl 50 anytime that year, is much more fair, if one cares about ones name they can find 5 minutes once a year per character its not hard, and also not even remotely encroaching due to fair warning and the event being scheduled annually. If you actively play the game you should be given every chance to maintain any names you already own, this is about inactivity first and foremost.

  9. 47 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    I've seen it described as running out of names more than once, yes, not everyone here believes that, but it's not absent from the conversation going on.  If the live game could run for years with real sub numbers, I think we can obviously get along fine without enacting the unlocking policy.  I don't really care if they do or don't - the more updates to the old game the better! - but I've been led to believe it's not an easy thing?  Maybe I'm wrong on that. 


    The hyperbole of it all is what I was reacting to.

    name freeing script would not actually be a modification to the game code at all, it would be a script run against the character database only which is a separate server then the game code and program.

  10. Some people are complaining about notification...
    If there is a forum post, a discord @everyone, and a popup server notification the one you have to click 'ok' a couple times before it happens... You've been warned. If none of these catch your attention either:
    a) you never read anything and it's your own fault if you loose a name 
    b) you are an idle account.
    c) extenuating circumstances (could be handled on a case by case basis which applicable evidence to support your case)

    If you have a problem with logging on your characters at least once every X days [example 90] to maintain a character name, you:
    a) have a problem and have far too many characters, and you should probably get some help
    b) you are a dragon, name squatting on countless names and you don't feel like you should ever have to invest any of your time to maintaining your stash of names

    c) you don't actually play any of your characters, and you just like to watch the world burn

    • Haha 1
  11. On 12/12/2020 at 3:28 PM, Tyrannical said:

    Following on from my earlier comment, I might have something of a raw ballpark formula that we could work from, taking the following into consideration;


    • Account inactivity
    • Character inactivity
    • Character level
    • Playtime (in hours)


    Account Inactivity + Character Inactivity = Total Inactivity

    (Character Level x Playtime) - Character Inactivity = Character Career

    Total Inactivity - Character Career = Inactivity Value

    When your Inactivity Value is a positive figure, you are flagged and your name may be taken.

    I like where you are going with this, BUT I think there should be some initial give to account for fresh accounts AND people squatting on lvl one names that are actively at least logging the character on to hold the name. If they want to put forth the effort to maintain 70 lvl 1 name holder then what ever they are paying their dues. Right now your math will basically flag low playtime lvl 1's. But this could be as simple as adding a buffer -90 (3 months I'm being generous) to log in any character. If and thus ANY character if logged on in the last 90 days is always safe as well.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Greycat said:

    That activity tracker is .... not accurate. It can be thrown off.


    Example I tend to give, from back on live - Three of my friends and I set up a "shield squad." We played together, coordinated the time, etc. Didn't really play if the others weren't there (we did have alts, after all.) Yes, I'd log on and do some buying/selling, etc. but not, say, run task forces, MSRs, etc. without the others.


    For them, the "patrol time" at 50 was ~80 hours - maybe 5 hours of variation between them.

    I had 300-some hours. And definitely was *not* on that character that much more.

    I don't feel this is a reason to shoot down the idea. But a focus group set to identify bugs in the system to allow for improvement and utilization.

  13. I too want certain names being held by inactive players. But I do think any name policy truly needs to fit a dynamic to protect anyone who has basically gotten to the point of "owning a name."

    Now as much as I want to protect all lvl 50's the amount of powerleveling of characters to 50 in less then 8 hours and have them forgotten by a player is disgusting to me on a personal level.


    I do however know that the game tracks the number of hours a character has actually been played, go talk to any civilian with a name starting with "M".
    Thus I think ANY character that has over X number hours of Patrol time (play) should be protected if at all possible, and I do this mainly because if anyone has been with their character for (as an example) 200 hours regardless of getting to lvl 50 or not, they probably have an emotional attachment to that character. I know of plenty of RPers on Everlasting that for whatever their own reasons just aren't lvl 50 but I see them on their said character ALL the time.


    Now with that being said if a new system for name reservation was designed I feel a balance could be achieved using metrics of account activity, character level, character activity, and total play time of character, with the ultimate way of making a character yours forever if you actually have the character reach a certain length of Patrol Time. 

    Now I recognize that there are loopholes to all things, and a character idling in a base for a week could easily rack up 168 hours of "patrol time." But lets be honest if they are idling in a base at least they are in the game and not inactive from an account standpoint, also if you are idling a character for that length of time just to achieve name protection is must obviously mean something to you.

    Now the best thing we can all do is try and come to an accord of what the community deems fair as a name policy else odds are someway there just wont be any names left that don't have a number after them...

    • Like 1
  14. I came here to report this as well. If Time wall is going to do damage in line with other blaster secondary T1's then it should also be able to be slotted like other Blaster secondary T1's. Please allow for Universal damage, Blaster Origin enhancements, and Ranged damage set. Thank you.

  15. 23 minutes ago, AsbestosBill said:

    I'm counting 110 WOs (@~8m ea, 880m), 85 rare salvage worth of brainstorms (@.4m ea, 34m), 2700 converters (after converting merits to converters)(@.07m ea,, 189m), plus 40 boosters and catalysts at 1 mill a piece... and thats a sloppy under count with I hope under estimated prices.


    Looks like 1.2 billion liquidated and not even counting unslotters, whatever candy canes are worth and all the rest. Not bad.

    wow, you did that much quicker then I could have, you got a spread sheet for itemizing things?

  16. so I chat logged what I got on my first 100 packs... all 500 line!
    (edited: used some csv file format and some excel magiks for a cleaner list)

    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Brain Storm Ideas, Common,20
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Candy Canes, Common,5
    Endurance Imbuement, Common,1
    Endurance Imbuement, Common,1
    Endurance Imbuement, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Converter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Enhancement Unslotter, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Experienced, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Focused Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Free Tailor Session, Common,1
    Free Tailor Session, Common,1
    Free Tailor Session, Common,1
    Free Tailor Session, Common,1
    Free Tailor Session, Common,1
    Free Tailor Session, Common,1
    Good Luck Imbuement, Common,1
    Good Luck Imbuement, Common,1
    Good Luck Imbuement, Common,1
    Greater Endurance Imbuement, Common,1
    Greater Endurance Imbuement, Common,1
    Greater Endurance Imbuement, Common,1
    Greater Health Imbuement, Common,1
    Greater Health Imbuement, Common,1
    Greater Protection Imbuement, Common,1
    Guarded, Common,1
    Guarding Imbuement, Common,1
    Guarding Imbuement, Common,1
    Guarding Imbuement, Common,1
    Health Imbuement, Common,1
    Health Imbuement, Common,1
    Health Imbuement, Common,1
    Health Imbuement, Common,1
    Insight Imbuement, Common,1
    Invigorate, Common,1
    Invigorate, Common,1
    Invigorate, Common,1
    Invigorate, Common,1
    Invigorating Imbuement, Common,1
    Invigorating Imbuement, Common,1
    Keen Insight Imbuement, Common,1
    Keen Insight Imbuement, Common,1
    Keen Insight Imbuement, Common,1
    Keen Insight Imbuement, Common,1
    Keen Insight Imbuement, Common,1
    Keen Insight Imbuement, Common,1
    Luck Imbuement, Common,1
    Luck Imbuement, Common,1
    Luck Imbuement, Common,1
    Precise, Common,1
    Precise, Common,1
    Precise, Common,1
    Precise, Common,1
    Precise, Common,1
    Precise Imbuement, Common,1
    Precise Imbuement, Common,1
    Precise Imbuement, Common,1
    Precise Imbuement, Common,1
    Precise Imbuement, Common,1
    Protected, Common,1
    Protected, Common,1
    Protected, Common,1
    Protected, Common,1
    Protected, Common,1
    Protecting Imbuement, Common,1
    Protecting Imbuement, Common,1
    Protecting Imbuement, Common,1
    Protecting Imbuement, Common,1
    Protection Imbuement, Common,1
    Protection Imbuement, Common,1
    Protection Imbuement, Common,1
    Protection Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rage Imbuement, Common,1
    Rejuvenating Imbuement, Common,1
    Rejuvenating Imbuement, Common,1
    Rejuvenating Imbuement, Common,1
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Reward Merits, Common,25
    Rugged Imbuement, Common,1
    Rugged Imbuement, Common,1
    Rugged Imbuement, Common,1
    Rugged Imbuement, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Snow Beast, Common,1
    Sturdy Imbuement, Common,1
    Tactical, Common,1
    Tactical, Common,1
    Tactical, Common,1
    Tactical, Common,1
    Tactical Imbuement, Common,1
    Tactical Imbuement, Common,1
    Tactical Imbuement, Common,1
    Tactical Imbuement, Common,1

    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Brain Storm Ideas, Uncommon,40
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Candy Canes, Uncommon,10
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Converter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon,5
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Experienced, Uncommon,1
    Free Tailor Session, Uncommon,1
    Free Tailor Session, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1
    Snow Beast, Uncommon,1

    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Rare,1
    Brain Storm Ideas, Rare,60
    Brain Storm Ideas, Rare,60
    Brain Storm Ideas, Rare,60
    Brain Storm Ideas, Rare,60
    Character Respec, Rare,1
    Character Respec, Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Rare,1
    Enhancement Catalyst, Rare,1
    Enhancement Catalyst, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Entomb, Rare,1
    Experienced, Rare,1
    Experienced, Rare,1
    Experienced, Rare,1
    Frosty Aegis, Rare,1
    Frosty Aegis, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Rare,1
    Reward Merits, Rare,75
    Reward Merits, Rare,75
    Reward Merits, Rare,75
    Reward Merits, Rare,75
    Reward Merits, Rare,75
    Windfall, Rare,1
    Windfall, Rare,1
    Windfall, Rare,1
    Windfall, Rare,1
    Winter Ward, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Avalanche, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Blistering Cold, Very Rare,1
    Brain Storm Ideas, Very Rare,80
    Brain Storm Ideas, Very Rare,80
    Brain Storm Ideas, Very Rare,80
    Brain Storm Ideas, Very Rare,80
    Brain Storm Ideas, Very Rare,80
    Character Respec, Very Rare,1
    Enhancement Booster, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Booster, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Booster, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Booster, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Booster, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare,3
    Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare,3
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Entomb, Very Rare,1
    Experienced, Very Rare,1
    Experienced, Very Rare,1
    Experienced, Very Rare,1
    Experienced, Very Rare,1
    Experienced, Very Rare,1
    Experienced, Very Rare,1
    Experienced, Very Rare,1
    Frost Bite, Very Rare,1
    Frost Bite, Very Rare,1
    Frosty Aegis, Very Rare,1
    Frosty Aegis, Very Rare,1
    Frosty Aegis, Very Rare,1
    Frosty Aegis, Very Rare,1
    Frosty Aegis, Very Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Very Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Very Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Very Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Very Rare,1
    Frozen Blast, Very Rare,1
    Reward Merits, Very Rare,100
    Windfall, Very Rare,1
    Windfall, Very Rare,1
    Winter Ward, Very Rare,1
    Winter Ward, Very Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Very Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Very Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Very Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Very Rare,1
    Winter's Bite, Very Rare,1

  17. It's that time of year, so I thought I'd repost this so everyone doesn't have to go find and dig this up:

    /macro opacks "salvage_open S_HVSuperPackSalvage$$salvage_open S_RVSuperPackSalvage$$salvage_open S_WinterPackSalvage"

    have fun
    stock the market



    • Thanks 1
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  18. I'm not sure about all the "pets" in the game but I have recently noticed that the Gremlins from Electric control have absolutely no travel assist (fly/hover/leap/etc). Due to this if you travel in a way they can not, their pathing will go absolutely nuts and they might path halfway across a zone and back just to get to you. The request is to give them the same leap that other pets have so they don't go off and do dumb things on their own trying to keep up.

    • Like 2
  19. 1 minute ago, Eva Destruction said:

    Single target required is a non-issue, the fact that a target is required at all kind of is.  Force of Thunder can be activated without a target, and it would be nice if the Dark Manip sustain could be too.  But it shouldn't be in Death Shroud.

    Never said it should be in death shroud, I favor a Kuji-In Toh clone, you want to ditch the resists and pop in a Fear burst? Whatever... But yes my biggest hugest issue is that it is target dependent to even activate.

  20. Just now, Vanden said:

    The duration is doubled and you’re now guaranteed to get the buff, even if you use it on an intangible target. I agree converting Death Shroud would be a lot easier to manage but you don’t have to be a Veruca Salt about it.

    It's the only single target required to activate sustainment buff. If they can move the sustainment in Electrical Manip, they can move it in Dark. Skips off singing "Volcano Girls"!

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