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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. I am pleasantly surprised at the rationality of these requests. I approve!


    I however will still be spinning on my rock tank in granite armor, because it's just as hilarious to see him spin as it is to see him do a back flip performing ripper. And it's a riot when he stops spinning to flip and then continues spinning!

  2. 8 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:


    The mission door is in FF, and Kronos Titan will usually spawn there.


    The way to alter its spawn location is for the mission owner (though I suggest the whole team does it to be on the safe side) to use Ouro or Base TP from within the mission that spawns Kronos, then exit into whatever zone you want to spawn it in. Excluding Atlas and Mercy, won't spawn there.


    Used to be a video on Youtube of a Legacy player that spawned it in Steel, then dragged it to the burning building to see if the explosion would kill it.


    This is correct, people also used to grief Hami raids with Kronos spawns. Though some times you can get him to help.

  3. 13 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

    interestingly, even that's not that big of a whole form what I observed as any AoE attack is going to by flagged as "ranged" or "melee" still, so like with s/l softcapped blasters, unless you have (presumably) locational AoEs like burn, rain of arrows, etc. it will still check against the Melee or Ranged portion and be negated than the missing AoE.

    I stand corrected after refreshing my knowledge, all Melee checks melee def, that includes melee cones and pbaoe. Only range single targets check Ranged. And all others are AoE, assuming not auto-hit, including patches, ranged cones, etc, use AoE.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

    it's actually got 'a lot' of holes in it. It only gives a buff to ranged and melee defense, no typed defenses and no AoE. (guess that's why my Titan Weapons guy was never bothered by it. Well, that and being willpower)

    So it's an AoE hole, because only the highest applicable DEF is checked, not multiple defenses. Thus if you have positional you don't need type, and if you have type you don't need positional. However Toxic attacks only check against positional. Also if any attack is dual damage type once again the Highest applicable DEF is checked, thats why Blasters with just capped S/L/E are very tough. Even though they might have lower neg/fire/cold/psi/toxic, many of those attacks are dual damage typed with S/L thus the S/L defense is used against those dual damage attacks.


    So if there is an AoE hole and no type defense, the real hole is AoE.

  5. As much as I would like to see the Jade Spider spawn and run around a pvp zone and have people going in to try and defeat it, potentially stirring up some activity there. My adherence to Lore prevents me from supporting the idea. As it was a "unique" ultimate weapon powered by a living psychic, and was destroyed. Hence why it's only in the Ouro "TF". But I would see merit in adding the Silos TF/SF to the weekly TF/SF rotation, so it can get more publicity.

  6. 55 minutes ago, Vanden said:

    Ice isn't the only set to get its sustain before 20; Energy gets Energize at 16.

    I stand corrected, but it as also a poor substitute for +recovery until you get it perma'd which is normally not done before lvl 20 that's for sure. But you carry a point.

  7. 11 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    Why do they all have to get the power at the exact same lvl?  Some controllers get AE hold at 18.... some at 26.

    Some tanks get their AE quite early.... some quite late.

    What's really wrong with a bit of variety?


    I suspect though, it was a question of what power would you give them earllier, and/or just a question of what the OLD powerset looked like, BEFORE they gave each blasters secondary a +Recovery power. They likely just picked a toggle or click power to grant the effect to, and decided that would cause less disruption, AND require less enforced respecs, than if they actually shifted around what level you get each power at. 

    You mean the "Only" variety... not a bit. Best guess it was probably set to mimic the old days and taking stamina at 20 and then all of a sudden having soooooo much more freedom.


    As to your last paragraph, I direct you to the Darkness Manipulation discussion I attempted to start link in my signature. It needs more love then any other blaster set by far... IMO.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

    Actually, they can't. I am with the OP that nemesis bubble is pretty useless, but rather than remove it I'd rather see it changed into something else, maybe at least make it so it boosts his Recovery and Regen, or better still, have him also summon some Nemesis Jaegers to back him up and attack while he gets breathing space? Hell, it would make more sense for him to have detention field. In general, Fake Nemesis just feel kind of disappointing as enemies, especially since the AV nemesis is exactly the same but with a bigger health bar.

    Someone else chimed in with the results before you... You were late.


    I will settle for nothing less then the Fake summoning in a whole new Fake to takes it's place, thus you still have to burst damage it quickly for the last 1/3rd to 1/4th of it's health like you do right now, lest you be fighting an endless chain of Fakes.... PFF is fine.

  9. 1 hour ago, GastlyGibus said:

    I'm just annoyed that every other mob spawn has me arbitrarily stalling for several seconds twiddling my thumbs unable to do anything but wait for the shield to drop. That's really my issue with it. It doesn't do anything besides make you wait. It'd be like if you were playing any other video game, and every couple minutes I just walked by and paused the game for 20 seconds. You'd get pretty annoyed too eventually and probably ask me to stop.

    Hey Gastly, Ummm don't sit there and twiddle your thumbs, move on to the next group... that boss will come seek you out once the bubble wears off. 


    You claim this power doesnt give Nemi an advantage in battle and I would like to suggest the advantage is it changes how you fight them. I will purposely hold off on my hardest hitting attacks or KD's or what have you until they are close to the amount of health they activate their shield at and then I will try and get them before they can activate. Alternately it also makes them a prime target for any character with a hold, leaving the snipers open to put holes through people, and warhulks free to well hulk things. If the Fakes didn't use PFF you could practically ignore them. You target them BECAUSE they annoy us.


    They also arn't the only mob that has this power what about Crey Juggernaughts? You haven't mentioned now much you absolutely hate them yet? I would think you would seek out every instance of an enemy doing what you don't want them to do... But I guess it's ok that those red enviro suits can make impenetrable bubbles?

  10. Fakes may be able to still be buffed by LTs vengeance while bubbled up, I would have to double check. As frustrating as it is, it's a Nemesis tactic, and adds flair to the villain group. If the fakes didn't have the PFF then they really are unremarkable as bosses. If anything all nemesis troops should be equipped with the same tactic! Imagine how annoying they would become!

  11. 2 minutes ago, SurfD said:

    And this is why you got the reply you did to your initial post.


    There is no way you can expect me to believe that you "already understand all the ramifications" of how a fixed GM ambush spawned by a TF works, and still managed to post the question "Did it prevent the TF's from being completed?" in good faith.  If A is correct, B should never have been a question.  If B is a valid question, A could not possibly be correct.   And if you are going to tell me that it was an honest question because you were completely unaware of how the Synapse Task Force works, then sorry, but I am going to call bullshit.  I find it hard to believe that someone who has been around the game as long as you have would be unaware of why Babbage ends up spawning in Skyway.  Especially when you blow them off by essentially going "boo hoo, you didn't get him in your task force, go kill him in Boomtown", as it that is an acceptable answer.


    Don't try to pass the buck on other people when it appears a good chunk of us immediately interpreted your reply the same way.   As the old adage goes, "if everyone around you appears to be the problem, maybe you're the problem"

    Bugs and glitchs can happen guy! You really really really need to drop your animosity! You love to show up and pick fights and you NEED to stop it!

  12. 1 hour ago, MTeague said:

    The most irksome enddrainers on melee for me aren't the sappers.  they die fast, and often miss, or otherwise get Controlled pretty quick. 


    The most annoying ones for me as the Freak Super Stunners.  Because I'm pretty sure that End-Drain-On-Ressurect they do is 100% auto-hit.  It's nailed my /SR scrapper pretty much every time, until I learned to just back the heck up before finishing them off.  And not just a little, because it has a decent range when it activates.  Carnie packs aren't that that big a deal because either there arent' usuallly so many of them dying at once, OR, their drain may require a to-hit roll that my /SR just dodges.


    I'd still rather have the odd Can-Opener in the game though, that I have to be alert for and handle a bit difference instead of facerolling everything.

    QFT all of it. Super stunners are the roughest on END, their sleep patch and rez are auto hit! But I'm ok with it, a nice tough boss is good. Plus it re-enforces the mindset of "Don't stand in stupid!"

    • Like 1
  13. Perhaps some refinement on design, but I'm here to say I like the concept of the set, and I support this idea. I would like to see some more blast and control sets.


    I will however point out one "problem" with this powerset. In the flavor of propelling summoned objects, the game doesn't like showing the same object to all players on a team, this would likely have to be worked out for the attacks that have "special items that deal other damage types." Something to think about.

  14. 3 hours ago, Greycat said:

    He *is,* however, part of the task force. He is supposed to come after the task force as an ambush. *Not* having him do that doesn't make the taskforce unable to be completed, no, but it does remove some of the story and rewards (6 fewer merits for a "hard reward," not to mention just standing around waiting for an ambush - which several see as a fun part of the TF, not to mention other people dropping what they're doing to help, only to stand around until its determined Babbage isn't coming for some reason.)

    Really, I didn't need the explanation. I already understand all of the ramifications. just so you know intended or not, this particular paragraph felt pretty condescending. Still staying neutral on this topic. Though I feel your solutions is so far the most elegant. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Greycat said:

    What does it matter? If the argument is "This is immersion breaking," well, more meta-information has *always* been given for quite a few characters. Since, well, before IOs were a thing and SOs were what were sold for most of a character's career.

    It was a joke, kinda, but I'd say SO's themselves are significantly less immersion breaking then IO's.

  16. 4 hours ago, SurfD said:

    No. Your post was completely irrelevant.  His post had absolutely nothing to do with being unable to complete the task force, so your flippant reply had nothing to do with his post.  Therefore irrelevant.


    He was posting about the issue of basically being robbed / cheated out of a reward that is part of the TF by design.  He never once mentioned anything to do with completing the TF.


    And please don't be obtuse.  You know very well that Babbage's spawn is a fixed event triggered specifically by running that TF and has absolutely no possible way of actually affecting the ability to complete the TF, so even suggesting it is disingenuous on your part.

    Stop being such a jerk! I have said nothing in this tread to even remotely suggest I am against the OP's suggestion! SurfD you just dislike me coming into threads and asking questions. Seriously chill out!

    If you want I can start shooting hole in the OP if you'd rather have me do that! 


    I understand the OP is frustrated. Do I view it as as big of an issue as they seem to think? Absolutely not for Babbage, he's in Boomtown ALL THE TIME, no one ever hunts him there.

    If it was a Kronos Titan I'd have more sympathy. But you know what? I didnt come in here and start anything up, nope I just asked a SIMPLE QUESTION. And if the answer had been "Yes, we were unable to finish the TF." (Which I was honestly curious about, I've never not gotten a Babbage, and really haven't ever paid that much attention if it is a requirement for TF completion). I would have fully supported him. He isn't trying to OP anything, he isn't trying to change lore. He's not asking for some complex amount of coding that is likely to break the game. I really don't have any issues with the request, I have some potential concerns, since I consider things from all angles. Which I could gladly share if anyone is curious. But most likely SurfD is going to blow up at me again. So Whatever!

  17. So I just went over all the descriptions, it's not like the descriptions for most have really been changed, just a little bit added really, I'm not really seeing a problem.


    Excepting with "Whisperer on Witchburn Hill" which did loose a sentence but this may be due to a character limit I dont know the logistics.

  18. 1 hour ago, Wavicle said:

    Only if they share it.

    And that is what I came here to do was share my opposing viewpoint for the Homecoming team to consider.


    Also what you are proposing though would not be a hard thing for the HC Team to implement as it is just extra text, it would be a substantial time and effort investment, for a minimal impact, when the info you seek already exists easily available to players. The odds of your suggestion being implemented retroactively on the content is much more unlikely to happen then asking for your change to be considered for implementation on future contacts and content.

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