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  1. I would also add that the changes to Teleport were a great boon to Warshades. With Sunless Mire and Black Dwarf Mire being such key powers for a Warshade, Starless Step and Shadow Slip both help a lot. The first being a quick combat TP into a pack, and the later summoning a pack to you.
  2. I don't know what was causing it, or what has fixed it, but this seems to be working now. Sorry.
  3. My friends and I are working on building our first base. When we respawn into the base, we are not spawning in a room with the medical supplies, or with the main entrance. Is there a way to change this? Or, do you always rez in that one designated area of the map?
  4. Caadium

    Pet Names

    For me, pet names are part of the toon theme. I have Bridezilla with the following Demons: Tier 1 - Bridesmaid, Groomsman, Ring Bearer Tier 2 - Maid of Honor, Best Man Tier 3 - Groom Similarly, I have General Mills (Cereal Killers theme with RL friends) that has the following Demons: Tier 1 - Fruit Brute, Boo Berry, Franken Berry Tier 2 - Sonny Cuckoo, Trix Rabbit Tier 3 - Lucky Leprechaun
  5. Thanks for everything. Glad to help.
  6. I mostly played from i7 thru about i13 or 14, and mostly red side, on Infinity. I don't remember the SG is was in. My global was @Caadium and some of the toons I can recall were: Flaming Beetle was SS/Fire Brute Dr Megavolt was Energy/Elec Brute Caesin Kothar was Plant/Psi Dom Necro-6 was Rad/Kin Cor I do not remember the name of my kilt wearing Ice/Rad Cor
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