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kelly Rocket

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Everything posted by kelly Rocket

  1. Stoney also runs himself out of endurance a lot, and Lifegiving Spores helps with that quite a bit. Yeah, he is pretty unstoppable. One question: Is Lifegiving Spores also giving +end to one self? Because it doesn't show up on Combat Attributes and I cannot tell if I am getting +end too. It gives you endurance if you stand in it, yes. Thanks, so if I slot 1 end red, 2 end mods (3 heals) it should give me more than it uses? How can I tell exactly? It gives you as much as it uses with no enhancements at all, so yes.
  2. Except when my proposal is demonstrably within the abilities of the admins (See Super Reflexes on Sentinels for evidence), and doesn't take anything away from anyone, since the new replacement power would be optional. Whether it's technically possible is irrelevant, and no one said it was impossible. If you change one power solely to enable exploiting of set bonuses you're going against a cornerstone philosophy the game is built on. There is no reason Serum has to be replaced. I think you need your reading comprehension upgraded. No replacement needed. Player can choose Serum still. Either that or you don't actually understand the Cottage Rule.
  3. Stoney also runs himself out of endurance a lot, and Lifegiving Spores helps with that quite a bit. Yeah, he is pretty unstoppable. One question: Is Lifegiving Spores also giving +end to one self? Because it doesn't show up on Combat Attributes and I cannot tell if I am getting +end too. It gives you endurance if you stand in it, yes.
  4. Honestly I think the existence of the Aura IOs pretty much creates a need to change all the MM primaries that don't have an "extra pet" in this power slot. Otherwise Thugs, Demons, and Necro overshadow all the others. If we *must* keep to the Cottage Rule (And frankly I really don't think we need to with powers this bad--and yes, Serum is AWFUL in it's current state) then you just make it a choose-a-power, which the game already supports. Leave Serum for the few people who might actually want it, and put in a proper pet power for the sane people. Whether it be an artillery strike or something else, as long as it takes Pet Sets. Power sets are not balanced around IO sets. And really, Serum is not that bad. It sucks because it has atrocious uptime and a painful crash, and those issues can be easily fixed. Theyre not.... but after *so many years* it is a valid critique. Especially for the MM uniques. But besides that can of worms, I agree that the recharge, uptime and crash make it horrendous. That said I feel that it should be able to be used on multiple mercs and not just the commando, as if it were on just 1 target at a time then why wouldn't it always be him? It's a valid critique of the individual power and the set as a whole, but when petitioning for a change you pretty much have to disregard it. Except when my proposal is demonstrably within the abilities of the admins (See Super Reflexes on Sentinels for evidence), and doesn't take anything away from anyone, since the new replacement power would be optional.
  5. Honestly I want a Tenebrous Tentacles FX option for Living Shadows :D
  6. Honestly I think the existence of the Aura IOs pretty much creates a need to change all the MM primaries that don't have an "extra pet" in this power slot. Otherwise Thugs, Demons, and Necro overshadow all the others. If we *must* keep to the Cottage Rule (And frankly I really don't think we need to with powers this bad--and yes, Serum is AWFUL in it's current state) then you just make it a choose-a-power, which the game already supports. Leave Serum for the few people who might actually want it, and put in a proper pet power for the sane people. Whether it be an artillery strike or something else, as long as it takes Pet Sets.
  7. Well, just make it another place where there's missions and XP, but make sure there's NO extra badges, temp powers, accolades, or other things that you can't get in regular PvE. Then PvErs like myself would only have motivation to experience new content, without feeling "forced" to go into a PvP zone for "kewl loot". Problem solved. PvE'ers still resent being pushed towards PvP zones, no matter how gently. And if they do go there, they inevitably get ganked instantly, and then bitch for years. The only reason this sort of thing gets suggested is that the PvPers want more people to PvP with, but the only people that actually end up being made happy by this sort of thing are the troll ganker PvPers. The PvPers who want actual competition won't enjoy it, and the PvEers certainly won't. The idea of a PvEer being enticed into a PvP zone, deciding it's not so bad, and becoming a PvPer is a pipedream.
  8. Encouraging PvE'ers to go into PvP zones is a bad idea.
  9. Doesn't matter. Not like you're going to take the MM primary attacks anyway.
  10. I personally think serum and other mastermind powers of this bracket need to be replaced with other pet powers like gangwar and the necro ghost. The reason being is having at least 4 pet powers for slotting. It almost feels power sets with 4 pets have a huge advantage over those without it. Yeah, Thugs/Demons/Necro definitely have an advantage from that.
  11. If the Cottage Rule is a big deal on it (Which I don't think it is because frankly no one *takes* Serum on a Mercs MM), you can make it a choose-a-power. Serum or Artillery Strike, your choice :D
  12. Personally, Serum is SO bad I'd say screw the Cottage Rule on it, change it to something else. My personal preference would be to change it to "Call Artillery Strike" You drop a location targeted AoE field that counts down a few seconds and then you have say 15 to 30 seconds worth of moderate to high damage explosions in that area that do knockdown. Think of it as being like Earthquake with damage. Also it'd technically be a summon, so it would accept Pet Sets, and therefore the Aura IOs. Would help with Mercs' crap damage, and give you an extra CC/mitigation tool in the process.
  13. Fun fact, the original series was created and written by Louise Simonson, wife of Walt Simonson, author of the Ragnarok storyline, which is the source of much recent MCU stuff. Honestly I feel that the fact that the series was created (And drawn) by females helped with the kids being written so authentically. Not trying to be sexist, but it was the 80s, and women were just around kids more than men were, even if they didn't have kids of their own.
  14. Stoney also runs himself out of endurance a lot, and Lifegiving Spores helps with that quite a bit.
  15. Necro/Dark can actually get away with a resist heavy build, due to how much -ToHit is has.
  16. Nature. Perma Volcanic Gasses + Entangling Aura. Nothing more need be said.
  17. Honestly the -ToHit and -Damage and -Recharge are enough to shut down almost everything below the level you get Farsight at anyway.
  18. There is no primary that Time won't do well with. Time is amazing.
  19. OH GODS YES. I was 12 years old when this first came out (in the early 80s). The very notion of superheroes, who were not someone's "kid sidekick", but were MY OWN AGE was mind-blowingly awesome. FYI, for anyone who doesn't know the series: Alex Powers, Gravity manipulation. 12 years old. "Gee" / "G". Julie Powers, Flight. 10 years old. "Lightspeed". Jack Powers, Mass/density manupilation (self). 8 years old. "Mass Master". Katie Powers, Disintegration and Energy Absorption/Projection. 5 years old. "Energizer". They were awesome, they were (or so I felt at the time) written as believable for their stated ages, and I eagerly skipped lunch for a week at a time to have enough money to buy the latest issue. More than that, even: kids inherently grow as characters; who they are changes over time. Usually not into someone unrecognizable, but still, they change and develop as characters. Mercedes Lackey has written a lot of books, with both adult and adolescent protagonists. She's said that the adolescent characters are often easier to write, because change comes naturally to them, whereas adults resist change. And so, sometimes, she had to fight to get events to go the way the story needed, when the protagonists were adults. And, well, there's this simple truism: Superheroes, and superpowers, are adolescent power fantasies by nature. :) All true. And it wasn't just you thinking that the Power Pack kids were believable for their assigned ages. The original series in the 80s was just truly excellently written. Some of the aesthetic is goofy and childish, but it deals with heavy themes at the same time. It's really great work.
  20. Even back on Live, before Going Rogue, the Redside population was far, far lower than the Blueside population. When they made the "red" ATs available on Blueside, it did cause a drop in Redside players, but only a very small one. People just don't like Redside, with good reason... Even with exclusive ATs to try and tempt people the vast majority will refuse to go to Redside.
  21. Might be better to put the OF kb2kd on soldiers to let all their attacks have a chance to kd and make the medic grenade kd and put the sudden acceleration kb to kd on the commando. OF Proc is "Unique" There is also the Sudden Acceleration set that has the same proc but is not "Unique" - If you go Mercs/Storm you'll want the OF proc for Tornado. Sudden Acceleration isn't the same... It converts all Knockbacks to Knockdowns, yes, but Overwhelming Force adds a chance to Knockdown to any damaging power. On a pet that means that *every* attack they have that does damage has a chance to knockdown. So you basically want that on whichever pet tier is going to be throwing the highest volume of attacks, or hitting the highest volume of targets. I agree, but without the OF Proc on Tornado it makes it much less useful. I suppose it will come down to do you want to use Tornado with or without KB. I agree 100% that the OF Proc in Pets is infinitely more useful and thank you as I had no considered the sheer volume of attacks from the Soldiers being a form of control. I"ll have to reconsider my stance on using OF in Tornado on a Merc / Storm No problem! I wasn't trying to knock your slotting, putting it in Tornado can make sense, just wanted to clarify that they're not the same, and there are good reasons to slot the Unique in the bottom tier pets for some sets. Particularly Ninjas.
  22. Power Pack was awesome. And kid superheroes are just inherently fun because who wants to be superheroes more than little kids?
  23. Might be better to put the OF kb2kd on soldiers to let all their attacks have a chance to kd and make the medic grenade kd and put the sudden acceleration kb to kd on the commando. OF Proc is "Unique" There is also the Sudden Acceleration set that has the same proc but is not "Unique" - If you go Mercs/Storm you'll want the OF proc for Tornado. Sudden Acceleration isn't the same... It converts all Knockbacks to Knockdowns, yes, but Overwhelming Force adds a chance to Knockdown to any damaging power. On a pet that means that *every* attack they have that does damage has a chance to knockdown. So you basically want that on whichever pet tier is going to be throwing the highest volume of attacks, or hitting the highest volume of targets.
  24. More than just Earth and Ice got that suppression change. *Every* set except for Gravity and Elec got it. And Gravity could actually use it, because it would make Propel work better.
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