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kelly Rocket

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Everything posted by kelly Rocket

  1. The OP literally linked a gallery of images showing that the larger characters he was proposing do fit inside the existing building maps, albeit with some clipping issues for very small doors.
  2. Oh don't have a spaz. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to play kid characters, and keep in mind that the male model *already* allows you to create very child looking characters, so why shouldn't the female model? But yes, the breast slider needs to be able to go significantly lower, to "completely flat", in fact. And the leg slider damn well needs to have it's minimum level reduced as well.
  3. Just test builds on the beta server you can level to 50 instantly by typing a command and give yourself whatever enhancements you want with another. There's no way to have more than two builds on one character. The poster you were replying to said they tweaked the build every couple months, so these are just different iterations of that one character's build.
  4. Just test builds on the beta server you can level to 50 instantly by typing a command and give yourself whatever enhancements you want with another.
  5. Not so. Farsight hits 100% uptime with just Hasten and Chrono Shift. No IO Sets necessary.
  6. Yeah, Frostwork isn't a heal at all. It's not even a Dull Pain, as far as I know, because from what I've heard--no direct experience so I can't confirm--it doesn't actually increase current HP proportional to the +MaxHP buff it gives you. So it's not terribly useful without someone who can actually heal along. That said, you can absolutely get by without a heal, Force Field manages it fine, and so can Cold. But you do sort of wish you could heal a bit with MMs specifically sometimes. BG Mode makes aura heals very very useful, so people tend to gravitate towards sets with those. And while you can pick up Medicine for Aid Other and Aid Self, there's no way to get an AoE heal from a pool, sadly.
  7. Leadership end drain is pretty minor (0.32 end/second), at least compared to a lot of toggles. Ice Control's Arctic Air for instance eats a full 1.0 end/second, and it's not even the biggest hog I've seen. But yeah, dropping 1 or 2 endurance reductions in them doesn't hurt... Though with /Time honestly you may not need it if you have Perma Chrono Shift because the endurance recovery buff from that is very significant.
  8. I've avoided the Chance for Build Up IO assuming the proc would apply Build Up to me, which would be useless. If it applies to the pet, that'd be great. But yeah, I agree, OP needs at least the Resist aura IOs (Might be able to skip the +Defense auras as Bots/Time will be pretty much soft capped without them)
  9. Did you actually read the first post of the thread? Because I addressed the Cottage Rule in it, and how Time Bomb could be replaced with Shield Drone without actually removing Time Bomb, so those who want to keep using it can, and the massive majority who don't can chuck it and take the much better Shield Drone. Basically make the Devices T8 be a choice beween two powers, which is a thing the game already supports and in fact exists in at least one Sentinel powerset, so we know it can be done. You can pick Time Bomb for that, or you can pick Shield Drone.
  10. I'd heard about those changes, I just felt my suggestions were better (And I haven't actually tried the beta server changes, as I noted in my initial post, so they're all hearsay to me). I feel Targeting Drone is good enough as it is, doesn't need a buff, it's already amazing. And I'd rather see Devices get another drone pet following them around for the absorb shield instead of the +regen on Field Operative. Time Bomb is terrible, so it makes sense to swap that out.
  11. The best Mitigation is near Perma Fortify. As stated above, you need stacks to do it, but you can get 4 stacks pretty quickly into battle...but that means you have taken an Alpha. I am still playing around with it, but I am thinking/hoping there will be a way to make it work consistently. Another side note, when I Speed Boost the pets, on their combat tab it does show they have 50% recharge. I am guessing it is just a UI error, but I will test it out sometime to see if it actually is working. I assume not, but should be pretty easy to test. It has been years since I played a MM, so it is hard to compare to my previous MMs. The only other comparable MM I have now is a 36 Necro/Cold, and I think the Beast/Kin is more survivable. (In a big part due to the heal spam and/or when they are under Fortify) They have the +50% recharge buff, it just doesn't *do* anything, because their powers are all flagged as "Does not benefit from +recharge"
  12. It doesn't go off of base damage or anything else. It's a global bonus, like a set bonus, so it's additive. If you have +300% damage, it changes that to +310% damage. Which is... so tiny a change you won't notice it, yes.
  13. I think you mean 1 Siphon Speed, as you can't SB yourself.
  14. So, all the new Blaster secondaries really outperform the old ones. Which is fine because frankly most Blaster secondaries were garbage. I feel like all the old sets need an update, but Devices being close to my heart, I thought I'd make a proposal for updating devices to bring it to par with the i25 secondaries. I've heard there are actually Devices changes in testing on the Beta Server already, but that's just hearsay since I haven't checked for myself. Anyway, my proposal: Leave Targeting Drone as is, because it's the best power in the set already, one that no one in their right mind would skip, so buffing it probably doesn't make sense. Give Field Operative a +recovery buff, since all the new secondaries have this. Throw out Time Bomb entirely and replace it with a Shield Drone. Time Bomb is hot garbage and everyone knows it. Almost no one ever takes it. If we want to respect the Cottage Rule, then just make it a "choose a power" at this level, like the Sentinel version of SR has with Master Brawler vs Practiced Brawler. The shield drone would provide a toggle absorb shield, like 3 or 4 of the i25 secondaries have, with a +recharge buff attached. This would honestly be enough to bring Devices up to par, in my opinion. I would immediately recreate my old Archery/Devices blaster from the old days, instead of continually dithering over whether I should keep him Archery/Devices, or go Archery/TacArrow, which I don't *want* to do, but feel sort of like I'd be gimping myself going with an old set. Also it would make Devices the "drone" set, with two self-buff drones, plus gun drone, and that has a nice cool factor to it, which is something that's important in a superhero game!
  15. Your example is crap, tbh, because even with that slotting, the SS damage would suck. The base numbers are pretty poor.
  16. I believe that you cannot slot both the regular and Superior versions of the Command of the Mastermind ATO +Def enhancement at the same time. Even if you could, those are AoE defense only, so...
  17. Err, super leap is not super jump, it's the power that basically all mobs have so they can get vertical distance and you can't like, stand on top of a building and snipe them with impunity, but it doesn't give them any noticeable *speed* improvement when jumping. Kinetics' super jump granting power does. On the other hand it doesn't really help any because the pets aren't smart enough to start jumping for speed, sooo...
  18. Nobody takes it because you can't use it for this purpose at all and it doesn't function. I'm asking about why the option was completely removed. Why was this abandoned? And yes, it'd be a sacrifice. You take a few mediocre powers and you get to dodge crashes. That way, the power still has a downside. Some powers specified that the crash is avoided by simply training the Unrelenting powers while others mentioned using it. Not 100% sure how this went for Rage, but that's something that can be easily tweaked. I haven't tested whether it works or not, so I'll have to take your word for it. It would have taken far, far too long to get a character built up to a high enough level to test. The powers are more than mediocre. They're literally useless for a Brute or Tanker. You already have Taunt, which is better than Provoke in every way. You ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT a Placate of any sort. You have no use for Fears, especially on a Brute. These are all powers that no Tanker or Brute in their right minds would ever take by choice, ever. And as I noted before, you're also forced to build to +305% global recharge to even use it properly. It was a bad idea.
  19. I recommend Maneuvers and Tactics on all toons, but ESPECIALLY all Masterminds. Even if you have an end hungry secondary, take them anyway. Even if you're not running them most of the time. In the long run you can make any endurance problems go away with sets.
  20. I only suggested changing the immob to AoE, because it's a soft control anyway (To the point that a lot of people consider immobs "useless"), and single target immobs kind of are a bit useless. I don't think changing it to AoE would really make TA into more of a controller than it already is, it just turns Entangling into an attack I might actually want, rather than something I'd absolutely skip if possible.
  21. I'd support this, but the other way around please. Pet at level 1, weapon/attack/whatever at level 2. Also, judging by past changes to powersets... It actually wouldn't do anything at all to existing characters unless/until they respec. Also I believe the game has provision for force-respec-on-login, so you could flag all existing MM characters with that.
  22. Nobody takes it because a THREE power investment in a pool that's otherwise 100% useless to Brutes and Tankers is not fun at all. It's a huge investment and sacrifice, and even then unless you build +recharge in to the absolute recharge cap you can only mitigate *one* crash, the next one will not have Unyielding ready yet.
  23. Issue 24 change, not issue 25 change. So yes, it was on Live (The beta server counts).
  24. The big issue with /Time is that +recharge is a big component of the set and none of your pets can benefit from it. /Dark is one of the best PvE sets in the game. Only thing big it is missing is a -DEF Also Bots / FF is PvE cruise control. It can be a lot of fun. I think we all made one of these back in the day. The fact that /Time can't buff pet recharge is frankly a non-issue. I mean, yeah, it'd be nice if it could, but it's still top tier, neck and neck with /Dark for Masterminds, because it's just that damn good.
  25. The pets will attack anything that attacks you OR them in Defensive mode. But the thing is, there's a deliberate dead zone time when you switch them from any non-bodyguard stance, back to bodyguard mode in which they will not attack *anything*. This is to keep you from switching back and forth rapidly to enjoy the benefits of bodyguard mode while still being able to direct them more offensively. It's something like 5 seconds, I believe. So if you use an attack command, or set them to aggressive, or whatever, and them switch them back to bodyguard mode, there's a 5 second period where they will not respond to attacks. My solution is to just leave them on bodyguard and let them attack whoever they want instead of managing them with attack commands. I only really use Goto, Stay, and Follow commands to change their positioning when needed, all of which keep bodyguard mode on, so they never have the cooldown period where they won't fight.
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