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About Izuela

  • Birthday December 24

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  1. It's a desktop computer with separate speakers. And like I said, not having static noise playing videos, or the game Enshrouded. This might possibly be what I am talking about when I say it may be a graphics card driver causing the problem. https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/adrenalin-22-2-3-or-22-x-x-driver-audio-stuttering-in-games-with/m-p/516063#M153722 Or it could be something else completely. Or even just a coincidence it started happening after I updated my drivers. One other suggestion said turn off AMD Audio CoProcessor in device manager, but I can't find any such process, so <shrug> I'm gonna try and see if vsynch OFF or enhanced sync ON is causing it. Once I locate those settings, either in game or in AMD Adrenalin settings. Since it doesn't make static noise all the time it can be hard to tell. Aaaand I can only stand doing so much trouble shooting. If I find a solution I will report back.
  2. I have a Radeon RX 590. NOT over clocked. I recently started getting some crackling sound distortion when playing CoH. Worse in groups but some occasional crackling while solo, too. It may have started happening after I updated my GPU drivers, about a month ago, but not sure. I am NOT having any sound problems on youtube, amazon video's or the other game I am playing, Enshrouded, as far as I have noticed. In fact the reason I updated my drivers was because Enshrouded asked for it. As I prefer to leave things as they are as long as everything works. Googling the issue "distorted sounds after AMD driver update" it seems to not be a too uncommon occurrence with AMD graphics cards the last couple of years. Some blame graphics drivers, some blame Microsoft updates. Is it a known issue for City of Heroes and are there any recommended fixes for it? With all the settings you can have for each game I was hoping there like one thing I can turn off and all will be fine again. So far I tried doing a clean install but was still some static noises.
  3. This is because I didn't join that Terra Volta trial, isn't it?
  4. Something easy, inspired by the holiday rocketpack and the recent effort to put the sprints in the costume creator to be customizable. SOUND EFFECT toggles! Nothing too loud. A toggle or three, that has no other effect except for maybe some idle animations. Cost no endurance and does not turn off when held. That can be customized from a list of choices. Like: Jinglebells when moving. Loud footsteps when moving. Heavy, high heel taps, metallic, etc. Werewolf sniffles, howls and roars when idle. Other idle animal noises because why not. Chicken, cow, sheep. Cat mews, purrs and coos... infrequent Clock ticks (like clockwork) that's always on. Dripping noise. Fire crackle. Random giggle, laughter and chuckle noises, when idle. Several different choices. Mad, cute, jolly, male, female, etc. Random mild startle and humming noises, when idle. Hmm? huh? eh? Infrequent.
  5. Better LEG SLIDER for the costume creator. I want to be able to have short legs! ARM SLIDER. I get that we probably wont be able to get itty bitty T-Rex or long orangutan arms, but let us stretch or shrink them a little bit. Glove/hand costume options, one elongated fingers and one with long nails. Something more noticeable then the current monstrous hands. Maybe not quite Freddie Krueger length nails but close. 3 and 4 fingered alien/mutant hands with matching feet. A proper Tarzan loin cloth, with different patterns. Both under belt and skirt selection. Belt is just so it can be worn with monstrous legs. Would be nice to have a matching shirt top to go with it, as well. A ballerina Tutu. Again, under both belt and skirt options. Ballerina slippers, with or without stockings, to go with it. Puddle movement aura.
  6. I am having problems with some bank mission maps. Sometimes they don't line up, not even close. Not all of them. Seems to mostly happen on higher level ones (Founders Falls and maybe IP). Doesn't even seem to every time happen on the same map. Not sure if it's related to vidiot maps, but I am using both the base and the upgrade. Is it a know issue with banks? Any way to fix it? Example: See the character marker on the map. That is not where she located. She is really up in the upper right corner near the badge (1).
  7. I would like an arm slider, for the costume creator, please. So I can make longer (or shorter) arms to match my freakishly long legs. Speaking of freakishly long legs, even on the SHORTEST setting they are still TOO LONG! Especially if you have monstrous legs. Giraffe legs, the lot of them. Could we please get a slider that goes even lower? By a lot! I would like to be able to have legs half as short as the current minimum, at least. Possibly even shorter. Just look at this poor sheep! Her legs are suppose to be short and stubby, like the rest of her. Even at the shortest setting she got these long gangly calf legs.
  8. I can't do borderless. I keep accidentally grabbing the edge.
  9. And they have the mission? They must be well hidden if that is the case. I ran all over city hall, looking for alternate level 1 contact and only the 5 regular Atlas Park Contacts would speak to me. Any idea where they are located? I would prefer an Oroboros or echo related flashback anyway, since that would make them available at any level. *Edit* Looks like Caitlin Murray-Davies WAS the one to give the mission. She no longer gives missions at any level, so original suggestion stands. I would prefer some kind of a flashback, anyway, so that you are not limited to doing these quests before level 5!
  10. The contacts I'm talking about were the level 1-5 ones. For tech, I think, you would find and empty skull on the last mission for that contact. I have no idea if they having given the empty skull quest to Paula. It not a story arc or badge quest, so blink and you miss it.
  11. I miss the old Galaxy City newbie missions. Especially the Clockwork King origin one. Think it was probably for tech heroes. Is there any way we can get those back? In Galaxy City or in Oroboros?
  12. I would like to see some new models for base storage. For enhancements, inspirations, salvage etc. Obvious stuff like, different shelves, piles of burlap sacks, coffers and crates. But also some oddball stuff like a magical well, portals (floor, ceiling or wall attached), or just a dug hole in the ground. Some of these exist in the game already, like a magic well is in a 20-25 blue CoT story arc, so I'm hoping turning them into base storage is not something too difficult.
  13. Windows key trick does not work for me. CoH pops back on top as soon as I let go. I also don't have any crashing problems from alt tabbing.
  14. It lets me do the next one, Harken is just dead. I've completed the mission before, months ago. I recall the exit as being being one floor, or less, away. Not running across several burning floors all the way back to where the fire started. I also used to have no problem finding it. The mission marker leading me the wrong way is something new.
  15. Contact: Roy Cooling (Talos) Mission: Find Lawrence Harken In the past when I've done this mission, the exit wouldn't be far away after I rescued Lawrence. Can't recall if it was on the same floor or not but it wasn't very far. The last 2 times I've done the mission, within the last 2 weeks, the exit marker leads me back, the SAME PATH that I came, after I locate him. All the way up through the burning building. At some point the marker leads me to a non working elevator. Might have been the same location that I fought the first Mr Boss and the building caught fire, but not positive. All burning elevators look the same. I can't exit and time is about up and I fail the mission. TLDR: Mission Exit marker leads the wrong way (possibly to first boss) causing mission failure.
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