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Everything posted by Avoca

  1. Hi, I made this mission which uses the "FrostFire" mission interior. I have: Two Archvillain Allies that help until something triggers them to turn on the team. Two other Archvillains that trigger ambushes when fighting. I made 15 minions/13 lieutenants/14 bosses for the custom mob type. Also has other variety of mobs in the form of Patrols. It's a defeat all mission. Make sure you clear everything as you go along. As once or twice I had a team go back a level to clear a spot we missed. I would say it's pretty hard difficulty as there's some blind that renders tank taunt more difficult to grasp. I think it's from Smoke Grenade as I placed every custom mob as Extreme difficulty. Well anyways I ran this mission with a few teams. Sometimes I had to play as +0 or +1, only one time was I able to play as +4. If you try it then be prepared for ambushes. Be ready for confusion/blind. For the moment I think i'll leave it as a singular mission until I play around some more with making another singular mission on a separate arc. If I can come back later and tune this arc 39992 some more and republish with changes that'd be great. As you can tell by the name V3-WIP, Version 3 and work in Progress. Thanks
  2. I'm currently mobile. So I have to use discord to communicate. Or it's easier than a forum anyway. I had a question about this and the team was nice enough to respond. I think these pictures are worth sharing just incase anyone has the same questions Thanks
  3. I am moderately or minorly confused. Edit: Nevermind, nice! woohoo! I did something.
  4. Ouch! This hurts! Recently, i've been in love with my Thugs/Thermal! I created it back in August. A few weeks ago I hit 50 with it. Since then I've been binging for incarnates. I wanted thugs for Gang War. It's because of Gang War that I have Burnout and Hasten. I can get 2 Gang Wars out at once with a fast 3 slot recharge combined with hasten and incarnates for even faster recharge. [Ageless Core Epiphany] (Lore) + The Alpha + The IO Set Bonus for Rech. My goal is to keep as many Gang War out as possible. The reason I chose Thermal because I already had an Emp (which is phenomenal with Beast Mastery btw). I chose Thermal over Cold because at least Thermal has a heal! but even better is has two heals! Granted the heal numbers aren't that great. It's tolerable with IO bonus. Even the Alpha Incarnate helps heals. I like the shields that give good /decent 23% res buff. I like the cheap verison of fortitude that is Forge. The rez I use alot at 3 slot rech. I don't think "Melt Armor" is that effective, it has slow rech, can miss.. Heat Exhaustion is whatever. So yeah, Thug/Thermal aint bad. Pets have semi support to stay alive and teammates also get a buff or two out of it.
  5. On more than average occasion, I find difficulty to be really easy. A team has higher odds to daydream and be fine. Which gets dull. Some sort of challenge is required to be requiring more focus, teamwork,collaboration. Globally. For every team and on all enemies in every encounter.
  6. Avoca

    Name Release

    Nice to meet you, Keith!
  7. Hi, I'm making this thread to share my love for Rad/Rad tank. I have a level 50 with this build. My first time playing this primary and secondary back in April when the servers came online. I love it. If used correctly, it's easy to hop from one mob to the next. Granted there may be a little squishy aspects and a learning curve with it. There's a nice balance given back with the recharge bonus, regen bonus, enemy debuffs. These great traits come at the cost of having to rely on a quite a bit of healing. I think the de-buffs are very powerful for a team that has no support. Just recently a team of us were only able to take down Infernal because our levels were all mixed up and we were all playing for fun. The combination of radiation debuffs from this melee tank build was all that was necessary to get the team from not doing any dent in a health bar to fully being able to take the sucker out. the +recharge and +regen are worth bumping with the correct enhancement set bonuses, incarnate abilities. I think there's a rush that comes in almost dying and having to use the +recharge and +health/regen to keep the debuffs going until the enemies are no longer a threat. Just thought i'd share, sorry if there's a specific Rad/Rad tank thread. Here's a new one! Thanks
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  8. Hi, For Peregrine Island, Is it okay to pull a monster from "Tempest Quay" into "Mera Heights"? Yay or Nay? [Screenshots Redacted] Thanks.
  9. Here I was thinking how hard it is to get 8 MMs on 1 team... WTF? LOL nice video!
  10. Avoca

    Name Release

    I'm keeping the name "Kyle" forever. Mwhaha!
  11. Do you have a screen shot or gameplay footage of these weird hybrids in action for us to brainstorm which works and doesn't work? When I say work and don't work, I'm talking gameplay and balance and feel.
  12. Pretty sure I saw 5th column in a mission the other day.
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